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  1. L

    Urgent Prayer Request

    I am sorry to hear. I know the devastation of cancer. I just wanted to post that since they are removing so many lymph nodes, it would put her at risk for Lymphedema. Make sure the doctors tell her what precautions she needs to take. is a website for more info. I hope and...
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    Motivation is fading...

    Hi Susan, I do not post here anymore, but visit every once in awhile and wanted to say hi to you. I went from this board to another one. I lack motivation and my body tires easily. My body and mind still recovering from the Hell it has been thru this past year. I need to eat better too. I...
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    Turning 40

    Forty is not old. Celebrate. Every B-day for me from now on is a milestone because I had to ponder the idea that my last B-day might be my last. It is hard to eat clean all the time. Tia
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    Health Insurance Rant

    Can you save the receipts and use it as a tax deductible?:-(
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    cathe after br ca

    Susan, Subcantaneous masec. is when you keep the skin and nipple. I have 3 drains. Two on the ca side. I have contacted ACS re: a reach to recovery volunteer. I wanted to talk to someone who has a history of breast ca in the family. I am only at the beginning, and I am already worrying...
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    cathe after br ca

    I had breast cancer surgery with sentinel node biopsy. I also did a subcantaneous masecectomy on the right. It was positive, so he removed all. He can tell me how many he took out tomorrow. I feel the sweat dripping under the skin. I do not see any sweat dripping down my side. Under bad...
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    cathe after br ca

    The LT. side with the nodes removed make me feel like I am sweating under my arms, but in the inside. It is uncomfortable and smells like I am not wearing deodorant. It has been a week since the surgery.
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    cathe after br ca

    Did you modify how many sets you do? Cathe does several sets until muscle fatigue.
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    cathe after br ca

    This question is for those who have lost lymph nodes in their fight with breast cancer. How many sets can one safely do strength training with one of her videos? October is breast cancer awareness month. Treat all lumps as if their cancerous until proven otherwise. If the lump does not...
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    A mouse in the house!

    Try putting snakes in the vacant lot.
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    Where did everyone go to college?

    University of California, Riverside
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    Inflammatory Breast Cancer - Important Info (graphic)

    RE: Inflammatory Breast Cancer - Important Info (graphi... Mammos are Not always good for young women. I am speaking this from experience. This is information that I have read too. I have a family history. The mammo missed the mass altogether. It was the ultrasound that picked it up...
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    Inflammatory Breast Cancer - Important Info (graphic)

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    OT - Home Microdermabrasion

    I like loreal's microdermabrasion kit. It cost about $20 at walmart or target.
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    removal of lymph nodes

    Can one still use weight on the arm that lymph nodes were taken out? I know lymphadema is side effect when they are removed. Tia
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    Jackie Guerra had some skin removed following gastric bypass. To get ready for the skin removal surgery, she was told to excercise. She was execising up to 2hrs. a day. Exercising helps getting more oxygen to the tissue. A cancer survivor on the show Starting Over is having her rt breast...
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    Grocery list suggestions

    salmon Tia
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    Does Your State Still Do 8th Grade Graduation?

    I live in Calif. It is up to the school district. My school district no longer do 8th grade graduations. Parents went all out one year. Tia
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    Ramen Noodle

    I like to eat them with the water drained out. I will have to limit how much I eat them. Tia
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    Sinus Infections

    Ask the doctor to order x-rays. I had 3 sinus surguries. If the treatment with your regular does not work, you need to see a specialist called an Ear, Nose, and Throat doctor. Tia