Ramen Noodle


Hi :)

Does anyone like them? I and my grandkids love em, minus the salt packet to much sodium. I eat them most of the time with broccoli. I cook mines in the microwave add a little garlic powder various seasoning and a vegetable of choice, usually broccoli. Don't you just wish that they made a Wheat Ramen Noodle. This is one of my favorite cheat foods.

Okay, for my dinner today, I’m having 3 grilled Chicken Tenderloin strips w/broccoli and tomato. I am thinking about skipping the chicken (sick of eating) all together and mix broccoli, cut tomatoe & noodle, slice of cheese, for me an 8 point meal (WW):p :9 Just thought I share, can you tell that I'm bored. Have a great day.

I eat them, I think I am sorta hooked on them. I eat about a half a bowl for lunch with the packet. I fix the whole package but only eat half, son feeds the other half to his dog:7

I also eat beef jerky 3 days a week, a whole package.....

I know I need to find something else, to put in the place of both of these, but......

i have had my fill of them,living off them most of my teen years, now i can't stomach them. my daughter loves them but only pork flavored, and dh eats them alot with veggies and usually any left over meat from dinner(he is sometimes never home for dinner). sometimes he will mix the ramen soup with another kind of canned soup. always something weird but hey its his stomach LOL


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
I just cleaned out my pantry and have 8 packages of these noodles! I was going to throw them away since we don't eat them, although I LOVE THEM! Good ol' college days memories! LOL

You'v given me a few NEW ideas, so I may put them back in the pantry!

Charlotte :)

I really enjoy looking at your pictures, OMG, woman the push-ups pic, the whole office heard me laughing that's funny :) :eek: Keep up the good work.

Your swimsuit is hot }(


LOL! The pushup picture really turned out weird looking, huh? I am alittle bit of a nut anyhow so glad you enjoyed it!

I used to eat them a LOT as a grad student. Can't stand them much now.

Most of them are VERY high sodium, and have white noodles to boot.

There probably is a whole wheat version available (don't go by "wheat," since white flour is also "wheat" flour), but I have so little interest in them that I've never checked it out.
Well, being Asian, I grew up on the stuff. And, there are all sorts of flavors/types available (Have you ever had it fresh? Some Japanese restaurants make them fresh.)

Your rendition sounds healthier. I think I'll try it on my kids on those days when I just don't feel like cooking.

But, I try really hard to limit myself because the noodles are bad for you.

I once read the "20 worst foods" or something and "Cup 'o noodles" was in the top 3. :(
OK. After seeing this thread all day long,I got a hankering for some Ramen. I haven't eaten these in so long so I stopped at the grocery store to buy some. They have a spicy kind now! I was definitely not missing much, though. Very salty.:eek:
LOL...I used to eat them...haven't had it in years though. I don't want to try it again for fear of still liking them! :p

We actually have a couple of pkgs in the back of the cabinet...DH bought some one time...I WILL NOT EAT THEM...I WILL NOT EAT THEM!;)
Morning Ladies,

If ever you can find the Tomatoes Ramen Noodle, OMG to died for :9 :9 I can’t always find them, but when I do I load up on em they sale fast. Sprinkle a tiny tiny bit on noodles if you use the entire packet WAY TO SALTY x( x( Over and Out!

I love these!!! But i don't eat them b/c of the sodium content. The fat gms are high too. I switched to Thai Noodles (rice noodles with a season packet) and they aren't as bad, but i still only have them once in a while.


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