Motivation is fading...


Ugh. Tired of counting points, tired of fighting my weight, bored with exercise, sick that eating is such a big freakin' unending issue. Push-ups never get any easier, crunches aren't flattening anything, and I want to eat whatever I want without consequence.

I feel kind of aimless with my exercise regime.

It's 8:30 p.m. and I've haven't exercised yet. I did do some vaccuming and dusting, and I'm just about finished with the laundry.

Thanks for letting me whine! Haha!

I'm sure tomorrow will be a better day.

Susan L.G.
Hey, we all have times likes this. Maybe a little break is a good thing. Don't sweat it. You'll get back into it in no time :)


It's not denial. I'm just selective about the reality I accept.
-Calvin & Hobbes
Been there many times over the years and I expect I'll be there again... I think sometimes you just have to take the times like this and either just take a break from it all for a few days/weeks... and before "resuming" really think about whats most important to you at this time in your life OR totally change your focus regarding food/exercise/priorities etc....
There are times I am willing to do all the work it takes to look like a "body builder in training":D and times I could care less if I fit in my small jeans-
times when I want to eat for health and vitality & times I just want to eat for pleasure-
For me its always about my ultimate goal- If I REALLY wanted to look like a competitor I would be happy to make the necessary sacrifices- truth is I dont want it that bad....

Maybe you can step away from all of it and decide what YOU want out of the process and really listen to YOURSELF not magazines, not other fitness people not tv or friends....
Personally I have found that ANYTHING in life I have ever TRULY wanted did not feel like a huge sacrifice- the journey was part of the high.... Thats how I FINALLY identified that being Ms Hardbody wasnt REALLY my goal-
When I stopped working towards a goal that really wasnt MY goal then life/food/exercise becomes a joyful part of life - NOW the only times I feel the way you are describing is when I have been over training or my food plan is high in refined sugars & low in veggies.
Just my thoughts- big {{{hugs}}} - :7
I love posts like this. It's like looking into a mirror. But you're right, tomorrow WILL be a better day. Just wake up and resolve to eat a healthy breakfast, take your B-complex (couldn't survive without it), and try a workout you haven't done in awhile.
Thanks that was a great article for putting things in perspective. All I can add to this is that I go for a walk. It helps relieve stress, gives you some exercise and gets you out of the house.
You guys are the best!...*!sniff!*

I do feel better today and I might even do a little extra w/o today to makeup for yesterday.

Susan L.G.

In 1248 the Cologne Cathedral was started (Germany). It was not finished until 1880, 632 years later.

You are working to your goals, it will take some time. I'm sure a few people "called in sick" over those 632 years.
Thanks, that was a great article. I am going to print this out!!

I have alot of days like this, I could of written your post!!

Hang In their :)

"Today is a Gift, Have Fun"


You are definitely not alone!!!! I think we all feel like this at some point. I do know though that when I have "given up" and have decided to not "think" about my diet, exercise less or not at all, I just feel so much worse!!!!!! Yes, I am enjoying my food while it's going down, but that's just about it. Eventually, I feel more out of control than ever.
Maybe you should take just one week off from working out!!! Eat what you want, don't count points.....get it out of your system. But, then, get back on track by making some changes. Maybe you need to put more "fun" into your workouts or take your workouts outside by riding a bike, or whatever.
I know for me that I have to work out first thing in the morning, or else it won't happen. And there have been plenty of mornings when I just don't feel like it!!!! And I say the same things you do "What difference does it make, I still don't have the legs I want" "I still have a jiggly this or that"
So, I just force myself to put on my sneakers first thing and "Just do it" as the commercial says.
Good Luck!!!!
This mornings topic fit me to a tee right now.

Thanks for helping even when you didn't know I was in the same "place".

Hi Susan,
I do not post here anymore, but visit every once in awhile and wanted to say hi to you. I went from this board to another one. I lack motivation and my body tires easily. My body and mind still recovering from the Hell it has been thru this past year. I need to eat better too. I look at this board with envy now, but one day I will get back to what I used to enjoy.

I wish you the best with everything.

Right back 'atcha, Tia. Don't give up! I envy the uberfit women here too, and worry that my lack of ability and progress in certain exercises is because I'm just not trying hard enough, but I think in the end, the fact that I'm trying *is* enough. :)

You take care, OK?

Susan L.G.

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