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  1. H

    Hi, I'm new

    Hi and Welcome! I have three lovely labrador girls - two yellows and a chocolate - I love them to pieces! I must admit, when I take all three for a walk at one time, I have a HANDFUL of dog :7 These forums are great! There are so many knowledgeable people and they are so kind and...
  2. H

    I had to go for it...

    Hi! I just ordered all three Jari Love DVDs from a place called Deep Discount DVD. There were like $8 apiece and free shipping. I got all three for $24 and some change! I haven't received them yet, but I am excited to try them!
  3. H

    Help for flat hamstrings

    Thanks SO much Cathe! Yes, I do have a stability ball and it looks like I will be acquiring PLB;-) ....and Gym Style Legs as well. Do you think adding the stability ball exercises three times a week would be about right? Thanks again!
  4. H

    Help for flat hamstrings

    Thanks all, I do in fact have a stability ball and ankle weights, but I do not have Pyramid Lower Body, so will have to acquire it. I don't have Gym Style Legs either...Well, crap, guess I need that one too! :7 Will try all your suggestions! Thanks!
  5. H

    Help for flat hamstrings

    Hi All! I posted this question on "Ask Cathe" too, but I know she is busy and you all have tons of knowledge and great advice! My problem is my flat-as-pancakes hamstrings. I want those beautiful, sexy curves to the back of my leg. I have been doing two leg workouts a week with the...
  6. H

    Help for flat hamstrings

    Hi Cathe, First, let me say I am thrilled that your recovery is going so great! Second, could you give some advice on how to obtain that beautiful curve to the hamstrings? Seems no matter what I do, the back of my legs are flatx( I do understand that deadlifts are awesome for hamstrings...
  7. H

    Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest

    Johnny Depp cleaning a toilet...hmmmmm...yes indeed...I too would watch that!!!! Could he be in the buff?}( ;-)
  8. H

    Pirates of the Caribbean - Dead Man's Chest

    HERE, HERE!!! Depp is indeed sexy....( flash}( )
  9. H

    Considering Joining a Gym - Long

    Hi! I belonged to a gym for many years and did like it when my time permitted. Since, my work has changed and resulted in long work days (10-12 hour days) and I found I never got to the gym any more. By the time I drove to the gym, changed clothes, worked out, showered and changed clothes...
  10. H

    EBay - P90X ?scam

    Hi all, Since I have become interested in the P90X series, I have been popping onto EBay now and then. I have noticed a seller that goes by tom cruz 75 that has had SEVERAL for sale. Don't know if he's legit or not, but maybe be careful if you are looking...
  11. H

    OT for Dog Lovers

    I'd most definately be a labrador: --->LOVE to eat!:9 --->Happy ALL the time:D --->Looks good in short hair...wet OR dry:7 --->Not a care in the world except for "when's dinner" & "what we gonna do now for fun?" --->Always game for ANYTHING...walks, swims, naps, chasing tennis balls...
  12. H

    P90X ??

    Hi All! OK, I had never heard of P90X until I started reading the forums. Do those of you that have tried it, like it? And if so, is it harder or how does it compare to Cathe workouts? I found a website that offers a 30-day free trial of like 12 workouts, nutritional plan, etc...
  13. H

    Weights first?

    Don't know if it's a wive's tale or not, but I have heard this too. I know that for me, if I do intense cardio before weights, I'm often too burned out to lift very heavy or effectively.
  14. H

    A Book for Lab/Dog Lovers

    I live with three too! Two yellow girls, Chelsie and Shasta; and one chocolate girl, Desirae. There were spots in this book I laughed SO hard! DOGS ROCK!!!
  15. H

    Who is the breadwinner in your house?

    I make more $$ than my SO. I work in the medical profession as a Nuclear Medicine technologist and he is a law enforcement officer. He has absolutely no problems with me making more, except that he wishes it were a LOT more so he wouldn't have to work!:7
  16. H

    A Book for Lab/Dog Lovers

    I just finished a wonderfully funny, tear-jerking book about life with a big, rambunctious yellow lab named Marley: Marley & Me by John Grogan. Its a wonderful book for all dog owners - you will laugh, you will cry, but SO worth the read!
  17. H

    Question: Chest work

    Hi All, I have been trying to be very conscientious of my form during chest work, i.e. making sure to try to keep the weight from creeping up too much towards my neck. However, I really only feel anything in my shoulders, not "firing" in my chest, as Cathe puts it! I get the same feeling...
  18. H

    Advice on learning to love working legs

    I don't have any of the Gym Styles yet, but hopefully before too long. How does Gym Style legs compare to Legs & Glutes? Tougher?
  19. H

    Advice on learning to love working legs

    Too funny!:7 Well, I am gonna need some "leg day love" today, because my goal is to do Pure Strength lower body tonite after work!
  20. H

    Advice on learning to love working legs

    Thanks! I'm still pretty new to this website, but I am SO impressed with everyone here! You are all so helpful!:-) Seems I need to work on my brainwashing technique... I love to work legs... My legs will look great... I love to work legs... This hurts SO good... }(