OT for Dog Lovers


Barb - one of the Cheetah Check-in's, got me to thinking about this on the Cheetah thread, so I thought it may be a fun topic to start.

If you were a dog - what breed would you be and why?

I think I'd be a Australian Shepherd because they are big old goofs, who are fairly intelligent (but can hide it well) and energetic, but listen pretty well (except when there are squirrels around), and love nothing more than family, friends and good food. Hikes are good, too! :)
I used to have a bulldog, and would not want to be one because they're always huffing and puffing, and don't respond well to exercise! Now we've got a mixed breed, and I'm thinking that's what I'd be... unpredictable, cute but not pretty, scrappy, curious, and loves to move!
I'd be a golden retriever too:) My golden sure lives the life of luxury;) and he's smart, gorgeous, loving, lovable, and incredibly resiliant. He had shoulder surgery two weeks ago and you'd never know it from him...only from the great big whole in my wallet!!!

Someone posted a link here once about a site where you can take a 'test' to see what kind of dog you are. I ended up being some breed I can't even remember.

Anyone else remember that?
I'd want to be a dachshund because:

1. they ALWAYS get their own way...ALWAYS
2. they've got tons of personality
3. they're lively and have a zest for life
4. they have tons of energy
5. they're just so friggin cute!!
What a great thread!!!

I'd be what my dog is:

Border Collie/Black Lab.

1. Very active
2. Very Smart}(
3. Loveable
4. Love the water(although my dog doesn't)???
fun thread.

I don't know enough about dogs, but I'm thinking I'd be a Golden Retreiver & Mutt
1. social
2. Tall for a dog but I'm not scary
3. I don't get along well with poodles.
4. I listen pretty well except when my buddies are around and then I just want to play.


I'd most definately be a labrador:

--->LOVE to eat!:9
--->Happy ALL the time:D
--->Looks good in short hair...wet OR dry:7
--->Not a care in the world except for "when's dinner" & "what we gonna do now for fun?"
--->Always game for ANYTHING...walks, swims, naps, chasing tennis balls, sticks, frisbee...you name it!:7
--->So cute, can seem to get away with murder}(
I would be just like my dog, Speck.

(1) She loves to tease Stinky. I love to tease

(2) She likes her space and so do I

(3) She comes first and so do I (LOL)

(4) She is small and so am I

(5) She never sits still and neither do I

(6) She doesn't like drinking out of the same dish Stinky drinks out of. I don't like to drink from anyone else

(7) She doesn't like wearing clothes and neither do I, but I have to. (LOL)

(8) She likes the wind in her fur as she hangs out the window and I like the wind in my hair

(9) She barks too much and I talk too much

(10) She likes certain people and so do I and if she doesn't like you you will know it...same with me.


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