Help for flat hamstrings


Active Member
Hi Cathe,

First, let me say I am thrilled that your recovery is going so great!

Second, could you give some advice on how to obtain that beautiful curve to the hamstrings? Seems no matter what I do, the back of my legs are flatx( I do understand that deadlifts are awesome for hamstrings, I just find I have a hard time performing them without strain to my low back. I have legs & glutes, PS legs, and the new Butts & Guts on pre-order! }( I have been trying to work legs twice a week with one workout being a full leg workout such as the above, and the second workout being a leg section from one of your other workouts like MIS, Power Hour, or Muscle Endurance. My quads seem to respond quite well, but hamstrings just suck (sorry...frustrated).

I know you are busy. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! I do love you and your workouts!;-) Thank you, thank you!
Thank you for your well wishes Kim!

Have you ever used a stability ball. The stability ball has some excellent exercises for isolating and challenging the hamstrings. We do a couple of these in my Pyramid Lower body workout.

Good Luck!
Thanks SO much Cathe! Yes, I do have a stability ball and it looks like I will be acquiring PLB;-) ....and Gym Style Legs as well. Do you think adding the stability ball exercises three times a week would be about right? Thanks again!
I have exactly the same problem. My hamstrings are flat!!! x Quads on the other hand grow after just one workout.) I wonder if it is genetic. I haven't tried everything though, and I still have much work to do on my legs. So, gotta get PLB! ;)

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