A Book for Lab/Dog Lovers


Active Member
I just finished a wonderfully funny, tear-jerking book about life with a big, rambunctious yellow lab named Marley: Marley & Me by John Grogan. Its a wonderful book for all dog owners - you will laugh, you will cry, but SO worth the read!
As you all know by now, I live with 3....so I guess I better go read this one too....where is my little notebook???

Have a fun weekend!
I live with three too! Two yellow girls, Chelsie and Shasta; and one chocolate girl, Desirae. There were spots in this book I laughed SO hard! DOGS ROCK!!!
That's so weird you should mention this. My sister just gave me the heads up on this book. I haven't purchased it yet, but will do so real soon. We had two labs, one died from osteosarcoma two years ago(broke our hearts terribly). The other we still have, along with a golden retriever(not to mention several of the neighbors dogs that love to visit.........and not go home). Can't wait to get busy reading!

Kim!! A fellow mommy of triplet Labbies! I have one of each color, chocolate, yellow and black.....Abby, Bailey and Corbin. I rotate them in my avatar, but you can peek at them all in my picture trail:


Corbin is the goofiest.....he is the biggest stealer of food off the counters, especially anything chocolate...which is oh so bad for dogs. Labs are so the garbage disposal dogs of the world, they will eat just about anything. Abby has a thing for bar soap....we had to switch the whole family to liquid soap or she would hunt down all the bars. Another Lab I know actually ate a lightbulb!! Kim, I bet your life can be as wonderfully chaotic as mine with all of them always right under your feet. Got to stop by the bookstore this afternoon and get a copy of this book. Take care,


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