Search results

  1. J

    Do any of your husbands use Cathe?

    My husband just critiques Cathe. He has owned a Kempo dojo for 13 years now and pops in here and there to watch me. I kind of feel guilty doing and loving Cathe's KPC so much but he understands. I never took karate because I don't like being hit. It's as simple as that. I also don't have...
  2. J

    S&H results??

    Hi Angela, I usually do strength every other day. Mon ~KPC Tues ~S&H Chest & Back Wed ~ BC Thurs~S&H Bi's & Tri's Fri~KPC Sat~S&H Delts & legs Sund~Rest I have to admit I have been skipping legs for a few months now because I work them so much in KPC and BC but I need to strengthen...
  3. J

    My knee has healed and I am back doing KPC t g

    It's hard because that is the point of the workout when I am most tired. I have made a major modification for now. I barely lunge when I hammer down. I just don't want to take the chance w/ the knee just coming off the injury. When I get stronger I will do the full lunge but at a slightly...
  4. J

    Heath Ledger - What happened to him?

    I thought Heath looked his good looking self in the previews for Casanova. Thanks for the warning on Brothers Grimm. I won't waste my time. Rented Four Brothers last week. Not many guys look hot sitting on the throne but Mark Whalberg pulled it off. Nice guns! ~Christine~
  5. J

    Gym style workouts

    Deb, I like GS's to alternate w/ SH. GS workouts are hard and build muscle endurance. To increase muscles size and defintion I use S&H. The combo of the two is nice. ~Christine~
  6. J

    S&H results??

    Amy, I'm back to my S&H alternating w/ BC and KPC. It's my magic formula for producing visible results. Unfortunately when I go back to GS I feel the speed is too fast, too many reps and not enough rest in between. It takes me two weeks to get the endurance back. It's funny how quickly...
  7. J

    My knee has healed and I am back doing KPC t g

    Hi Everyone, I gave my knee the recommended two weeks and did KPC yesterday. I feel great! I was still able to do BC w/ some substitutions but KPC is my favorite. My husbands profession is karate and he told me to be careful pivoting. It was definately the hammer punches at the end of...
  8. J

    Hurt knee doing KPC, not sure how

    Hi Dukechick Thanks for the well wishes. Yes, I was surprised I hurt my knee. I've exercised for the past 10 years w/out any problems. Must have twisted it just right. I will be more careful and pay stict attention to form. No, I don't own lowmax but you've peaked my interest. I just...
  9. J

    Hurt knee doing KPC, not sure how

    Yes, I am definately giving it the time it needs. I was able to do Bootcamp today replacing lunges & squats w/ running in place. I think I will take 2 weeks off from my favorite KPC. My husband thinks I did it from the hammer strikes. Coming back up. He could be right. I think after the...
  10. J

    Hurt knee doing KPC, not sure how

    Hi Everyone, If some of you remember, I am the girl who did Bootcamp every other day and was looking for a non step aerobically challenging workout. Many of you recommended KPC. I ordered it and fell in love. Alternating it w/ BC. I have never had any knee problems. Today I can't do a...
  11. J

    Muscles more defined but I lost strength..what gives!

    This summer I spent a lot of time doing GS rotations in between my cardio days of Bootcamp. It was challenging but I could do the entire workout, including band work. This Fall I decided to completely stop GS to focus on alternating cardio days w/ S&H's. I ended up doing them for 8 weeks...
  12. J

    Boot Camp--I don't understand what the big deal is

    Hi Dukechick, I had also posted to Cathe last week about a workout to vary my rotations with and she recommended HST Advanced. I previewed it and it looks challenging. I am going to order it. Hi Morris, I am taking my winter break off from outside running. I too have a treadmill...
  13. J

    Boot Camp--I don't understand what the big deal is

    I just love the anaerobic blasts...I think most of the rest is filling time. Sometimes I sub those w/ different exercises or run in place. I think light overhead presses are a waste of time and a few others but I love those 8 anaerobic cycles. Nice change from going outside and running. The...
  14. J

    Biggest Loser Trainer Jillian is coming out with DVD's

    She's on Collage video's site. I previewed the cardio one and it just doesn't come close to Cathe. Cathe is so upbeat and fun. Cathe's music is awesome too. This Jillian women made the exercising look like grueling work rather than fun. ~Chrissy~
  15. J

    Bootcamp Plateau, need another workout please

    Cathe and friends, Thanks so much...High Step Challenge and High Step training Advanced it is. Oh, just one mention. In my research for info on anaerobic workouts I repeatedly saw comments on how important it is to take 2-3 weeks off this intense conditioning. So 6 weeks on 2 off...
  16. J

    Bootcamp Plateau, need another workout please

    H S Challenge may be the answer then. I will preview it. Thanks for your help! ~Chrissy~:)
  17. J

    Anotther workout video similiar to Bootcamp

    I did completely stop running. I am doing S&H on the alternate days w/ one day off each week. I will stay w/this one more week. Next week I will switch to GS and if I don't find a replacement, stick w/ the Bootcamp. I have more of a boy shape, like Cathe. Very little definition to my waist...
  18. J

    Bootcamp Plateau, need another workout please

    Hi Cathe, I have recently switched from running 3x's per week to Bootcamp. My intention was to replace cardio for cardio. It's been 6 weeks now and my body has had an incredible response. Thank you for creating such a fantastic workout. I am concerned that I will reached a plateau soon...
  19. J

    Anotther workout video similiar to Bootcamp

    It is only because I wanted to give myself a "break" from running that I decided to do Bootcamp 3X's a week. It's amazing how quickly your body adapts and builds up the endurance to do that routine. I purchased this video over a year ago and thought it was next to impossible. I have to...
  20. J

    Anotther workout video similiar to Bootcamp

    Thanks for all that info. I don't like step though so it makes the options very limiting.