Anotther workout video similiar to Bootcamp


Hi Everyone,

I was hoping someone could suggest a workout similiar to Cathe's Bootcamp. I love it and have been doing the workout 3x's per week. I would like to try another. I love the way she mixes it up w/anarobic, cardio and strength. Any suggestion would be great. Thanks guys

I'd say that the High Step circuit workout from the Hardcore Series is sort of Boot Campy. It's got cardio segments, both on and off the high step, and weights (including the use of the band). The Terminator DVD might be a good choice too. It's a compolation DVD made up of several workouts from the Intensity Series.

Any of Cathe's circuit style workouts would be similar to BC in that they mix up anarobic (depending on your level of fitness) with cardio, and strength. These are her current circuits and their difficulty ratings according to "UPDATED "ULTIMATE GUIDE TO CATHE'S WORKOUTS""
Circuit Workouts

• Body Fusion- 4.31
• High Step Circuit- 5.27
• Cardio and Weights- 6.79
• Power Circuit- 7.00
• Step, Jump, & Pump- 7.20
• High Step Challenge – 7.68
• Circuit Max- 8.47
• High Step Training Advanced- 8.80
• Body Max- 8.98
• Bootcamp- 9.05

Having said that, are you only interested in the type of cardio that is in BC (i.e. non-step) or you open to all circuits? If so, your best bet would be the high step workouts for similarity to the type of cardio found in BC.
Hope this helps,
Hi There,

I actually think that the compilation videos (Terminator and Hardcore Extreme) are most like Bootcamp. Highstep Challenge is similar, but I just don't think it matches the intensity of BC. On the Terminator DVD, Gauntlet and Viper have a similar feel to BC. And on the Hardcore Extreme DVD, there is a compilation that mixes Highstep Challenge with IMAX 3--now THAT is what I call intensity!!!

By the way--kudos to you in doing Bootcamp 3 times a week--you must be seeing some results!!!!

It is only because I wanted to give myself a "break" from running that I decided to do Bootcamp 3X's a week. It's amazing how quickly your body adapts and builds up the endurance to do that routine. I purchased this video over a year ago and thought it was next to impossible.

I have to admit in all my years of exercise my body has never looked so fit. I actually have definition in my abs. The workout has given me incredible results. This is why I was looking for something the same yet different. I don't like step aerobics which makes it harder for me. I saw something by Gunner that I might check into.


I'm a runner, too. I used to run longer distances (ran a marathon once a couple of years ago), but now try to run about 25 miles a week, mixed with Cathe cardio. I, too, think I am more fit than when I just did running, and I DEFINITELY have more definiton. But my abs still aren't where I'd like them to be, so you have peaked my curiosity with this "bootcamp three times a week" rotation. Did you run at all during the 6 weeks? Any other cardio? What did you do on the 4 days you didn't do bootcamp? Did you feel leaner when you ran only? My problem is I love so many of the other Cathe workouts!

What other Cathe workouts do you have? Do you have Kick, Punch, and Crunch? I absolutely love that workout! It is great for the waist, but it doesn't have the weights like bootcamp does. I sometimes wear 1-lb. hand/wrist weights (they sort of go on like a glove, but your fingers are exposed) when I do it. It's a great, intense, non-step workout. Other people have talked about High Step Advanced, but I don't own. I do have High Step Challenge, and love it, but I do not think the cardio is anywhere as intense as in bootcamp. It's too bad you don't like step, b/c the IMAXes are amazing for a real shakeup to the body!

Anyway, let us know what you pick for the next 6 weeks, and share your results with us!!

I did completely stop running. I am doing S&H on the alternate days w/ one day off each week. I will stay w/this one more week. Next week I will switch to GS and if I don't find a replacement, stick w/ the Bootcamp. I have more of a boy shape, like Cathe. Very little definition to my waist. When I gain it's right in the belly area. I'm 5'7" and have long arms and legs. I think I fall into the ectomorph or apple category..I don't know but I do know that I trained my butt off all summer for the triathalon but stayed chunky in the waist.

Now that I've stopped running and doing this routine i see the flat belly and definition in my arms too! I love Cathe's Pyramid, GS and S&H's. It's hard for me to gain muscle. This combo seems to be right for me. I love it. Kick, Punch & Crunch may be worth a try.

Has anyone out there tried Firms Calorie Killer 2? I saw that in the Collage brochure. Thanks Dkechick for the recommendation and yes I will let you know what I end up switching and my results.


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