Boot Camp--I don't understand what the big deal is


I must be doing something wrong for I don't get what all the fanaticism with it is. I don't like the slow down with the upper body and abs thoughout the workout. Doesn't this work against the aerobic needs of the person?
Please let me know. Perhaps I am not understanding something. Thanks
I love Boot Camp, but I don't think it's one of the hardest workouts. HSTA leaves me much sweatier! In fact, BC is one that has a really high fun factor for me -- so I sometimes reach for it when I don't much feel like working out. But, then I don't lift as heavy as Cathe does, so that takes away some of intensity. If you lift heavy, you probably keep up some of the aerobic quality during the upper body sections.
man im glad to hear someone say it

i LOVE boot camp, but it is not hard to me at all--and NOT because im in such great shape, its something about the structure--i find HSC to be MUCH harder, and can never get through the whole thing

i think it might depend on how much cardio vs. weightlifting you do in your fitness routine? i do almost all cardio with circuits mixed in, maybe the folks who concentrate more on lifting than cardio find it more challenging?
I actually prefer doing Bootcamp as the "all but core" premix followed by the "core only" premix, because I DO NOT like going from standing to the floor and back again. That way, the cardio/plyo segments are closer together, as are the weight segments, as are the core segments.

I don't know if Cathe is really sure what this workout does, either, since when people have asked about it, her answer is a bit "wishy-washy" about whether it is for cardio or for weights.

I see it as a weight workout with some plyo blasts to work the muscles in a different way (many of the moves are more anaerobic than aerobic, IMO).
I just love the anaerobic blasts...I think most of the rest is filling time. Sometimes I sub those w/ different exercises or run in place. I think light overhead presses are a waste of time and a few others but I love those 8 anaerobic cycles. Nice change from going outside and running. The core work is abs looked ripped!

Hi Ladies,

Wow, I am impressed by those of you who find Bootcamp easy. I truly find it to be one of Cathe's toughest one-hour tapes. And I actually do a great deal of cardio--I run about 20-30 miles a week--and I have all her other circuit workouts except HSTA--but I find Bootcamp the hardest of her 1 hour workouts, except for IMAX3. Maybe I should get HSTA--I found HSC to be on the easy side and thought I read that HSTA was very similar to it--do you all think HSTA is a lot more challenging aerobically?

Anyway, since I read JUJYGRL's post about a week ago about doing Bootcamp every other day, I have been doing that--have made it through a whole week and can already feel tighter, especially in my arms and abs. I am doing the rotation a bit differently than JUJYGRL had mentioned--on the alternating days that I am not doing Bootcamp I am doing a cardio workout--either a 60 minute/7 mile run, or a Cathe cardio tape (an IMAX or Lowmax or KPC or Stepblast), but I must admit, Bootcamp gets me everytime...............

Dukechick :D
hey duke chick

sorry to jump on your thread hear, but your message sounded so familiar, i thought you could help me. i run 7 miles a day 5-6 days a week - definately my main source of cardio. winter is coming though, and i hate the treadmill. what do you recommend i get? i want a total body strength workout - i have a step that could have 4 risers on each side (is that a high step?), dumbells, a stability ball, and a medicine ball. i also want a cardio workout that is good, but can be modiified - i have low max, which i like, but wanted one other.

thanks for any help you can give me
Hi Dukechick,

I had also posted to Cathe last week about a workout to vary my rotations with and she recommended HST Advanced. I previewed it and it looks challenging. I am going to order it.

Hi Morris,

I am taking my winter break off from outside running. I too have a treadmill but decided to try Cathe's workouts for cardio instead. Bootcamp is great. I just purchased her on sale tape KPC and did that last night. It gave me a terrrific cardio workout and upon Cathe's recommendation I am ordering the HST Advanced. I will do 6 weeks cycles of the 3 workouts and see what happens. I like to do lifting on alternate days to build strength and muscle. The equip. you have sounds good.

Does anyone know if Cathe if those boxing gloves are weighted in KPC?

wow. I wouldn't say it's the hardest workout I've ever done but man I do find it quite a challenge. I'm amazed you think there are parts that slow down your heartrate -- but anyhoo, that's why Cathe has such a variety for people to find their niche.

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Okay, sounds like you all make alot of sense. I have the VHS. maybe investing in the DVD is what I need to do. Xmas is coming (not according to my children though--much too long). Thanks!

I read in another thread that the gloves Cathe uses in KPC are not wieghted, but I did get 1 pound weighted gloves and sometimes use them when I do KPC. I think I like KPC better without the weighted gloves (I just LOVE that workout) , but if I fell I need some weight lifting, I'll put on the gloves.

Hi Morris,

Do you have anything other than Lowmax right now. (I love Lowmax, too, by the way). I don't have HSTA, but it sounds like I should get it (it sounds like what you have could be used as a highstep for that workout). I would also highly recommend Kick, Punch, and Crunch for cardio, and the imaxes (I have 2 and 3--3 is so hard it is fantastic!!!!). ALSO, I absolutely love Hardcore Extreme--it has two interval cardio workouts, and 1 circuit workout--all three are super intense (I think you need the bands for just one of the three workouts on this DVD, and I am sure you could substitue dumbbells for the bands if you don't have them).

Do you have bootcamp? I would recommend bootcamp and circuit max for total body strngth workouts with cardio.

Did you also want a recommendation for a total body weight tape that doesn't have cardio? Muscle Endurance is fantastic, and it on the DVD with Bootcamp, so that might be a perfect choice for you!


>I read in another thread that the gloves Cathe uses in KPC are
>not wieghted, but I did get 1 pound weighted gloves and
>sometimes use them when I do KPC.

They actually aren't gloves, but black hand wraps taped with black tape (so they don't unravel during the workout).

For everyone who think the Bootcamp is easy
try the premix
I always do everything but core and do core afterwards,
I promis that it wil be harder.
Have fun!
I always thought the rationale behind bootcamp was to add a different "flavor" to any rotation. If your goal is to constantly "shock" your body, I think Bootcamp fits in nicely.
I usually use it as a circuit workout with very intense cardio. But on days when I want to focus on weight work, I modify the cardio and focus on lifting. I think the workout is great because it's so versatile.

I have said in the past that I don't like Bootcamp that much! I have thought about trying some of the premixes, I just forget. Maybe this will serve as a reminder to me! I think overall it is a great workout, just not suited to my style.
I'm not a big fan of circuit workouts anyway. I do like the premix combo of ME and BC - it's more weight oriented with 4 cardio blasts to break it up. I also like the "core only" premix as an add-on. Bootcamp, as is, doesn't fit my style either.
I don't think it's a really tough workout. I actually enjoyed doing it twice, though - that was a killer. I just don't have the time normally.

And I love the bonus combo with ME. That's tough and gives me a good weight workout as well.
The moves are DEFINATELy ANAEROBIC than aerobic. But you have a good idea Kathryn to do the cardio/weight segments together then the core at the end. I will try it that way next time for bootcamp.

To me, my opinion, HSTA is HARDER. It has 5 leg press segments and in one segment you do it TWICE!!! The only bummer is no core at the end, but I can always do something for that. And for me HSC is fun and alot easier!!! Really, HSTA should have been in the Hardcore group, but this is only my opinion!!!


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