Boot Camp--I don't understand what the big deal is

Cathe's gloves are not weighted. But I use 1 lb weighted gloves for the combo sections, not the entire workout. But as with weighted gloves, know what you are doing because you can injure your shoulder FO SURE....

For me, I like this workout because it kind of shakes things up from my regular workout routine. Though I don't rotate it in routinely, I like to add it when I feel I need a real change of pace. It's a little bit of everything!

>Cathe's gloves are not weighted.

They aren't even gloves: they are black hand wraps taped with black tape (unless she's doing something different in Kick Max, which I quickly got rid of).
I have to agree with most people, I don't think its overly hard either.Ilove the workout but when I do it I add on 5-10 min on my treadmill after each aerobic part.This makes me feel like I have worked harder and I also got a good cardio workout in
>Hi Ladies,
>Wow, I am impressed by those of you who find Bootcamp easy. I
>truly find it to be one of Cathe's toughest one-hour tapes.
>And I actually do a great deal of cardio--I run about 20-30
>miles a week--and I have all her other circuit workouts except
>HSTA--but I find Bootcamp the hardest of her 1 hour workouts,
>except for IMAX3. Maybe I should get HSTA--I found HSC to be
>on the easy side and thought I read that HSTA was very similar
>to it--do you all think HSTA is a lot more challenging
>Anyway, since I read JUJYGRL's post about a week ago about
>doing Bootcamp every other day, I have been doing that--have
>made it through a whole week and can already feel tighter,
>especially in my arms and abs. I am doing the rotation a bit
>differently than JUJYGRL had mentioned--on the alternating
>days that I am not doing Bootcamp I am doing a cardio
>workout--either a 60 minute/7 mile run, or a Cathe cardio tape
>(an IMAX or Lowmax or KPC or Stepblast), but I must admit,
>Bootcamp gets me everytime...............
>Dukechick :D

Hi DukeChic, I love Cathe's bootcamp. I think a person can make it as hard as they want. I love it and I love HSTA another great one.
Have a good day

I agree with the poster who said you can make it as hard or easy as you want. I find this one keeps my heartrate up the whole time. I think that this was designed to be an endurance workout. The cycle I find most challenging is the squat thrusts (terminators). No one here can tell me that those are easy. If they are, you are cheating or not doing them right. They get me every time! The first couple times I did this it was fatiguing, but not so now. But Imax 3 has gotten less difficult every time I do it too.
>I agree with the poster who said you can make it as hard or
>easy as you want. I find this one keeps my heartrate up the
>whole time. I think that this was designed to be an endurance
>workout. The cycle I find most challenging is the squat
>thrusts (terminators). No one here can tell me that those are
>easy. If they are, you are cheating or not doing them right.
>They get me every time! The first couple times I did this it
>was fatiguing, but not so now. But Imax 3 has gotten less
>difficult every time I do it too.

I have to agree with you fab 40 on everything!! nice to see you

Good night everyone


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