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  1. F

    any born again christians here?

    Another semi-lurker here to say YES! I love the Lord and my Cathe DVDs!
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    CTX for birthday!

    Hi! I also got CTX for my birthday last month! This is my 4th week using the series and I've gotten great results so far. I've lost several pounds and tightened up in all areas so I'm very excited about that! I think you'll really like it. I had not been working out consistently before I...
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    Let's talk about Body for Life...

    Marie, You can DEFINITELY do BFL without the Myoplex supplements - there are many people who do this. I did it myself the first time I tried the program and it worked GREAT! The biggest problem with the original Body for Life book for me was that I got a little bored with the food. A few...
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    Question for anyone with bulimia

    I don't have bulimia and I don't post often but I ran across this post and thought it was worth reading through and responding to. I just wanted to say that I was absolutely amazed by the open and honest responses you received. Even though we hide behind these usernames, it is so awesome to...
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    Possible foot problem - anyone else experience this?

    Just making sure this didn't get lost in the shuffle last night. Does anyone know what this could be?
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    Possible foot problem - anyone else experience this?

    A couple of weeks ago I noticed a strange feeling in my right foot, on the bottom just below my big toe. The weird thing is that it's not painful, just... different. I'm not really sure how to describe it. I thought it could possibly be my shoes because they were getting old and I have a...
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    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 1/1-1/7/06

    Hi again all - Just wanted to update you on my status this week. I've been right on schedule until yesterday. My husband and I had to go to a mediation for a lawsuit that has been pending for almost 5 years and it took ALL DAY!!! Thankfully, it settled and we won't have to worry about it...
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    Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 1/1-1/7/06

    Hello everyone - I'm not exactly new to the board but I am more of a lurker than a frequent poster. I'm addicted to way too many message boards to post very often! :) Under normal circumstances, I would not consider myself a beginner exerciser but I sort of fell off the wagon big time in...
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    Your Diet magazine is returning!

    I got an exciting message in my Inbox today after writing to the magazine: Dear Your Diet Reader: We are delighted to announce that the next issue of Your Diet will be available on newsstands starting on December 30, 2005. Our January 2006 issue includes a look at wardrobes while on a...
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    Double step DVD

    Double step is so incredibly fun! I used to take classes at the gym. I've done horizontal and vertical double step and I love them both! The choreography is physically and mentally challenging. I have 2 steps but one is not the original health club step - it's a different size. I also...
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    Help me come up with a name for my Personal Training ne...

    How about: Lookin' Good Gazette Muscle Monthly (or Monthly Muscle) Linda's Fitness Tips Lift and Leap with Linda! As you can tell, I'm a fan of alliteration. :) Hope that helps.
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    Any from KY?

    So how old is everyone? I'm 25. I think a get together sounds fun!
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    Any from KY?

    I'm in Richmond but I'm from western Kentucky and lived in Lexington for several years. I'm more of a lurker on the forum but I love Cathe's workouts! Greetings to everyone in the bluegrass state!
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    Ice cream is my weakness as well. I just can't say no!! My new favorite daily indulgence is Jello Pudding Pops! They were recently re-released by Popsicle brand (the yellow boxes in the grocery). They come in Chocolate, Vanilla, and Chocolate/Vanilla Swirl. The best part is that they...
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    Hmmm.... Maybe I'll pose for those bikini pics after all! :)

    I know - isn't it amazing? I didn't realize what all they did either. I agree with you on Halle Berry but it's nice to know that some of these other people got a little help! I'd love to see some of the retouching they do for fitness magazines.
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    Hmmm.... Maybe I'll pose for those bikini pics after all! :)

    This might have been posted before but I've never seen it. I was reading a non-fitness related message board and came across this link: It shows retouched celebrity photos and it actually made me feel much better about myself!!! Go to the portfolio...
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    What are some things people do to irritate you?

    I hate it when people (my MIL, specifically) have ulterior motives for everything. You have to listen carefully to everything she says and figure out what she really wants. It's really annoying.
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    Don't Ma'am Me

    I agree with the respect thing - I even say "yes ma'am" and "no sir" myself but it is always to my elders. Not people my age or younger than me. That's what annoys me the most.
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    Don't Ma'am Me

    I also hate ma'am!!! I live in the south so it's not uncommon, as several other posters have mentioned but I'm 25 years old for crying out loud!!! Miss would be ok but not ma'am. My biggest pet peeve is when someone younger than me calls me "hon". I don't like it no matter who says it but...
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    Hi/lo video recommendations

    Thanks! I don't have that one yet. I'd really love to find a 60 minute all hi/lo tape. Cathe doesn't have that, does she? Any suggestions are appreciated.