
Usually I don't have much of a sweet tooth except during my period...then I crave sweets, especially hagen dasz ice cream!. I am doing P90X and the most important thing to see results is the clean eating. What do you do to avoid the sweet craving? Do you have healthy alternatives to help calm that sweet tooth? Thank you.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Hey! You know, I struggle with exactly the same thing! I am doing the no sugar check in right now, and it is the hardest thing I have ever done. I still mess up, but I have made some pretty solid victories, too! I think that the thing that has helped me the most is grabbing a piece of fruit, because it is sweet, as opposed to grabbing a cookie. Tastes just as good, has lots of stuff that is good for you, as well as satisfies the craving! I also drink water when I crave something, too. That works as well.

Well, good luck and know that you are not alone! HIH!

For me sugar free gum helps, and also my protein shake because it tastes like a chocolate milkshake. Totally satisfies me!:9 I put 1/2 tbs. of natural p-nut butter in it.
I struggle with this during PMS time. I am hoping my new way of eating (zigzagging) will dramatically curb this impulse during PMS time. We'll see later in the month. Smoothies do satisfy my sweettooth also. Especially my choc protein powder, 1 cup skim milk, 1 frozen banana, and 1 T natural PB. That one really makes you think you are cheating.
I have a sweet tooth and especiallyy if I am calorie restricted. Mariángeles these sound like some healthier ideas. Or try some sugar free frozen yogurt or icecream.

BTW do protein powders have many calories/fat?

I have been having this same problem, only EVERY DAY!!! It usually only happens in the evenings; I'm fine all day otherwise.

I am going to try eatng an apple every after dinner, or perhaps a bowl of berries. I used to drink a cup of herbal tea after dinner. It would take me so long to drink the tea and I found that any cravings disappeared by the time I finished.


P.S. A scoop of the protein powder I use has about 100 calories, if I remember correctly. You definitely need to "budget" for it.
Ice cream is my weakness as well. I just can't say no!!

My new favorite daily indulgence is Jello Pudding Pops! They were recently re-released by Popsicle brand (the yellow boxes in the grocery). They come in Chocolate, Vanilla, and Chocolate/Vanilla Swirl.

The best part is that they are ONLY 90 CALORIES!!! :) Not to mention they're creamy and soft, unlike most popsicles. They do contain real sugar, not artificial sweeteners, however. This is good for me because most of the no sugar added bars contain sorbitol, which doesn't agree with my body.

Granted, it's not Haagen Dazs, but it kills the cravings for me. The only bad thing is: I just moved to another state and the neighborhood stores don't carry them (I have put in my request though!!!). I have to drive 20 minutes to get them and I stock up!

Hope that helps!
If it is in the house...that is not good. Your gonna be tempted. If you go grocery shopping, just don't buy whatever it is you know you shouldn't have. Ignore your cravings and eat something completely different than what your craving...like meat or a protein shake. You will be full and the cravings will be gone. If you are out and about...look at the people eating the bad stuff...speaks for itself, and you won't want it anyhow then. LOL! Also, check online how much you will have to run to burn off ice cream. Just two scoops of rocky road and you will have to run 18 miles!!!!

I'm lucky because my sweet tooth is also not a ravenous beast but I can go crazy for carbohydrates although they are the good old complex kind. :) I eat small balanced meals and I eat every few hours. I have been marvelled at, with my spare frame, because it seems I eat constantly but it's all within my calorie intake goals and it really helps to keep me from going crazy for the junk I let in to satisfy my kids. If I don't get too hungry, I can moderate my intake of any kind of food really well. In fact, once I have satisfied my true hunger, I often don't want a sweet treat, if it's offered, and I decline. Listen to hunger. I find I do like to indulge my sweet tooth but only for really great things that aren't avaiable too often. Then I feel happy and satisfied, no guilt but it's has to be on occasion, you know? I am not a proponenet of nightly desert. It has to be worth it to indulge. And I agree with Charlotte, I don't bring my kids things that make me go mmmmmm. :) PMS will get me sometimes but I have taken to concentrating on being irritable and you know what makes me even MORE irritable? Indulging in something that can't satisfy whatever that craving is and then feeling bad about it. So I just crankily refuse to be tempted and that makes me feel better, even if I am bloated, tired and grouchy. :D Not going THERE!
Bobbi http://www.handykult.de/plaudersmilies.de/chicken.gif "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what it is you plan to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver
Thanks for answering Jocelyn, Charlotte and Bobbi. Thanks Jocelyn , I will buy strawberry jelly.Charlotte Thanks when I will be tempted again I will think about the 18 miles.Bobbi in the P90x I have read that regular meals speed up the metabolism . I have to eat more often.

Mariángeles a spanish terminator and TAEBO junkie. :) :)
Here's another few ideas...sugar free ice pops, crystal light, jello, sugar free pudding. There are lots of alternatives out there for those times when you can't resist but you nmeed to find which ones help *you* resist.

Good Luck!
I will usually have a protein shake, a protein bar, half a cup of yogurt with a scoop of protein powder. Oddley enough, something else I heard and tried for myself is pickles. Believe it or not it works. I keep a jar of hamburger dill chips in the fridge so when I have an overwhelming craving (usually for chocolate anything) I have some pickles and the craving dies. Give it a try.


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