CTX for birthday!



My DH has purchased CTX ( and an extra riser) for my birthday present. He was going to buy me some jewelry, but I said I would rather have a new Cathe DVD! They should be here Monday! Have all of you who have the CTX series done it for a while? what were the results?
Hi! I also got CTX for my birthday last month! This is my 4th week using the series and I've gotten great results so far. I've lost several pounds and tightened up in all areas so I'm very excited about that! I think you'll really like it. I had not been working out consistently before I got the series but I've really stuck with it and I'm getting stronger and developing more cardiovascular endurance!

I think CTX is great for people who get bored with beginner workouts but aren't quite ready to jump right into Cathe's more extreme stuff.

I think I'm going to do Cathe's Fat Loss and Definition rotation after this for summer. I'll have to clean up my diet a little to get the results I want but I'm willing to do that.

Good luck - let everyone know how it goes!
The CTX series is one the the first DVDs I got from Cathe but I only just started a CTX rotation for the first time on Monday. I plan to do it for atleast 4 weeks. I'm lovin' it!!! I hear a lot of people got some really great results using it.

So congratulations!! It's a "must have" series!

I've had this series on VHS for years and always got lots of use out of it. I replaced it with DVD about a year ago and use it even more. Sometimes I use parts of it in mish moshes or full workouts as is. PowerCircuits is one of my all time favourite Cathe workouts and the step workouts are stellar, especially Step and Intervals, short and INTENSE!! The Upper body split is a great endurance workout. You will love CTX,(can you tell that I do!? :) ) it's guaranteed to constantly challenge and never gather dust!!!

Take Care

ETA - Hope you had a wonderful birthday!
Thanks all for your input.. I received my DVD's today and pre-viewed All Step and the Kickbox workout. Both seem great!

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