Any from KY?

Hi L! I am KY a small town near Louisville. If I am not mistaken there are a couple of others from KY here- but can not remember their names.

We are practically neighbors! I live in Lexington. My house is about 15 minutes from Winchester. What a small world! It is great to hear from another Kentuckian!
My friend another catheite I am a little further north than you guys. We live in southern Indiana, but work in Louisville. It takes me about 10 minutes to get to Louisville. I will actually be in the Winchester area next weekend for a family reunion. Well, we will go through Winchester. We are heading to Paintsville.

Surely there are more Kentuckians or Hoosiers on this site! But I don't know I am working on a project right now about the obesity in Kentucky! 6th in the nation! Yikes!
hi m810ants, I have family that lives in southern IN, primarily in Clarksville, New Albany, & Floyd Knobs.

I'm astounded by the obesity rate too!
I'm in Richmond but I'm from western Kentucky and lived in Lexington for several years. I'm more of a lurker on the forum but I love Cathe's workouts!

Greetings to everyone in the bluegrass state!
It is great to see other Kentuckians & Hoosiers on the forum. Maybe we should try to have a get together some time.
Nice to meet you all! I apologize if this posts multiple times, but my computer is acting nuts today-- I've hit post several times and nothing is happening. . .

Fitchick, we used to live in Richmond, out towards Irvine. We moved to Winchester about 2 years ago to be closer to where I work in Lexington. My husband still works in Richmond.

As for the obesity rates, wow! We moved here from NC and it is surprisingly noticeable.

A get together sounds fun! :)

Oh my gosh...I live in Floyds Knobs! Who are your friends/relatives names? Did they grow up in the area? What a small world!

Now my coworker (fellow catheite)lives in Salem. She was uprooted from Boston.

A get together would be fun! I am 29 and she is 37 but she acts like a 21 yeard old! In a good way!
I was born and grew up in Louisville, and I have still have family there, so it feels like "home" in many ways. I'm in Bloomington, IN now (100 miles away), and have been for 20 years (I'm 39). We have a well-worn path between here and Louisville!
I think a get together would be great. I can talk till I am blue in the face to my friends about my videos and all I get are blank (deer caught in the headlights) looks.

I am uhhhhh 39

I'm 32. I grew up in Indiana about 2 hrs away from Louisville. 1 HR away from Bloomington.

I'd be interested in a get together.

How about a daily check in?
I'm 29, soon to be 30 on 9/15. I would love to meet you all and finally be able to speak to someone as interested in working out with Cathe without the other person's eyes glazing over. However, I can't travel until after the baby is born. I'm scheduled to be induced on 9/9.
I'm 29 also! A check-in sounds good to me:) I would love to meet everyone,too-- my September is kinda packed right now, though.

Hehehe-- my husband gets that same look; he thinks I'm nuts!!!


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