Any from KY?

I would love to checkin. However, my workouts are very minimal these days so I would not have much to report. Give me about 5 weeks and I should at least be walking on a consistent basis to try to lose the baby weight.

Count me in for an October get together. Let me know when and where. I know that DH has some kind of motorcycle rally in October I think the 15th & 16th, but other than that my schedule looks open. I'll get with DH to confirm the dates for his rally.
I will probably be in town October 22/3(I might end up going to GA for a conference, though it's not looking very likely right now with gas so high); we might have company on the weekend of the 29. November's completely open!

Hi Ladies!

I am from English, Indiana, which is along Highway 64. My husband works in New Albany. I have been wondering if any of you were from the same area as me. I am 26 and have 3 children.

Sara B

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