Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 1/1-1/7/06


Happy New Year Everyone!!!

I am ready, ready, ready!!! I kind of slacked off a bit not working out to my full potential I guess with the holidays and having muscle stiffnes in my neck but I am so glad everything is over and now I can really concentrate on me. I am going to exercise 6 days this week (Sun - Friday). This morning I did Leslie Sansone Walk and Jog. I will probably order Leslie Sansone 5 Mile this week at Collage. I think they said it should be available January 5th. Also, I would like to welcome Finally Focused to our check-in. We are a good support team. I don't have Cathe High Step Challenge but I have Cathe High Step Circuit. You have to let us know how it is. I always wanted to know how they both compare.

--Kimberly C
Happy New Year!!

Did I miss her on the shopping show? I didn't see Leslie, was she on?

I am ready too!! No more slacking. Getting my music selection together and I'm about to do the elliptical.

Finally Focused, are you working out today?
I watched QVC and Leslie was just promoting her new book that comes with a 1 mile walk DVD. So the 5 miler wasn't featured after all.
I'm going to attempt a 6 day plan this week too! Here is my schedule, it is Body Blast Theme Week:
Mon-Push Pull
Tues-Step Blast up to the challenge
Weds-Legs and Glutes shorter premix
Thurs-Step Jump Pump cardio only
Sat-Kick Punch Crunch
I also have a new resolution to get up at 5:30am every day. I always wake up then anyway, and lay around and sometimes fall back to sleep and feel like crap. So I'm just going to get up and get a jump on my morning exercise that way. No excuses!
BTW, I have both High Step Challenge and High Step Intermediate and I really love both of them. Challenge has the core work at the end and is 20 minutes longer, but has shorter premixes that make it more like HSI. Challenge has hi impact cardio but you can easily modify. Challenge has heavier and slower weight work and you can omit the cardios entirely and turn it into a good full body weight DVD also. It is very versatile and music is great and energizing.
Yes. Thanks for asking. I did an 8 minute warm up which didn't get me winded. Just woke me up. As I mentioned before, High Step Challenge is 68 minutes long. So I spent 40 minutes on the treadmill and 20 minutes of sit ups, push ups, and arms presses on the stability ball. Hopefully I can increase to 60 on the treadmill tommorrow. I over did it today. Went too fast too soon and burned out.
High Step is HARD! As Cathe's intro put it it leaves no stone unturned and you need to be able and ready to WORK. I figure if I can get through it completely by the end of September 2006 I'll be doing good and in good shape again. You may laugh but I bought the entire MAX series plus one Extreme MAX for $279.00.(My Christmas gift was that and a weight set.) That 11 DVD's. No chance to get bored after September.:D I'll write again tommorrow. Thanks for posting. It gives me something to look forward to.
Hi everybody! Do you mind if I come back? I was a member of this check-in when it started up but fell off the Cathe wagon during the month of December due to illness. But now I'm back with a vengeance! I was not good during the holidays eating-wise and need to get back on track. I've lost 20 pounds and desperately want to get another 30 pounds off by the summer. Hopefully checking in more regularly will keep me honest! Did anybody see Cathe's January rotation? I can't imagine ever being able to do that! Here's my (much easier!) plan for the week:

Monday: Low Max
Tuesday: Muscle Endurance
Wednesday: Kick Punch & Crunch
Thursday: Muscle Endurance
Friday: off
Saturday: Boot Camp
Sunday: Kick Max

Hope everybody has a great week! Happy New Year!

Jenny-welcome back! Hope to see you weekly (if not daily!)

Monday-Bootcamp (includes abs)
Tuesday-Imax (just got this, and it looks FUN!)
Wed-Power Circut + LG's floorwork, ankleweight work and legpresses-Abs
Thursday-Yoga in the PM
Friday-Muscle Max (should be getting this week, ME is isn't here)
Saturday-Off, Stretch Max or Yoga

This is my first week working out of the house in 4 years, and I'll have 2 overnighters...SO, it's going to be interesting...A typical week will only have me on overnighters one night a week, but this is training week...Wish me luck! Wed-Saturday are 8 hour work days, and 10 hours after drive time (thank goodness they're paying for a hotel 2 nights!)...I'm SO going to miss my cat at night (and maybe DH, too??)!!

Hey everybody, today's a great day to get it shape!

I'm off of work today. Were supposed to get a wintery mix in philly today. I think it's weird cause the sun woke me up beaming through my cream colored curtains. Yet, halfway through my workout its getting cloudy.

So, I finally got up and got my morning cardio in. Today was Turbo Jam learn and burn's 15 minute workout plus cardio party mix 1.

This was my easy cardio day which will be followed by power hour later on today.

Finally Focused, Have you ever thought about mixing High Step Challenge with your treadmill? For instance, by making the treadmill your cardio portions of the workout? I would also eliminate or reduce the leg presses or do leg work without weights. Mind you I don't have this workout, but I'm just reading the specs and looking at the vid preview. Just a thought

Jenny, welcome back! The more the merrier.

MJ, I do wish you luck on your new job. You may miss DH, huh? lol

Ok, time for nourishment
Hi everyone and welcome back Jenny!

I am off work today also. This afternoon I did Leslie Sansone WATP 3 miles Express. My thighs were really burning. Just wanted you all to know which you probably already know that I posted a message to Cathe about doing Beginner/Intermediate Rotations and she responed:

Hi Kimberly! We are slowly expanding our beginner/int offerings on DVD. I'm not quite sure I have enough of them yet to offer monthly beg/int cardio workouts without becoming too redundant. But I will keep your comments in mind. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.


So hopefully in the near future when she gets more workouts for us we will have rotations also. In the meantime, I have a few rotations that I am working on.

--Kimberly C
I was kind of surprised at Cathe's answer, because there a lot of ways to use especially her oldest cardio workouts at an intermediate level certainly. And Body Blast has a lot of short premixes that work. I guess I'm just too lazy to sub in my own ideas. But for the January, I don't think that's doable at all for an intermediate. I try to look at her more reasonable rotations for a "template" of what each day consists of and then find a more appropriate level of workout to fit. Like instead of IMAX 2 plus PLB I might do one half of imax 2 plus PLB standing only or floor only. Or the Lomax step only premix plus some floor legs.
I did meet my resolution today-got up at 5:30am and did get in Push Pull, Karen Voight stretch, a walk, and a swim! Tomorrow I think I'll just do the Step Blast combos and not the challenge section becuase I want to do my Denise Austen Pilates afterwards. That will keep it to one hour.
Hello everyone - I'm not exactly new to the board but I am more of a lurker than a frequent poster. I'm addicted to way too many message boards to post very often! :)

Under normal circumstances, I would not consider myself a beginner exerciser but I sort of fell off the wagon big time in 2005. To make a long story short, I had to deal with a major death in my family in February, my husband and I moved to a different state in June, and then I started taking a new type of birth control which has not exactly aided my weight loss. Let's not even talk about the holidays... I'm determined to succeed in 2006.

Anyway, I was hoping to join in with you guys. I have quite a few Cathe workouts and I'll be following the Beginner/Intermediate rotation she posted a while back. My husband and I bought a treadmill (it was delivered today!) so I'll be adding some extra cardio in as well. I probably won't post more often than once a week but I promise I will be checking in.

Here's what's on the agenda for this week:
Monday: Basic Step
Tuesday: Upper Body and Ab Add On
Wednesday: Basic Step
Thursday: Lower Body and Ab Add On
Friday: Basic Step
Saturday: Upper/Lower/Ab Add Ons
Sunday: OFF

Happy new year everyone!
Hello Everyone!!

Wow this post is long - I guess we are all back with our New Years Resolutions!! I missed you all this last week -- when I'm off work I don't tend to sit at my computer much.

I'm so glad your neck is better Kimberly - you had a rough December.

And hello to you Crissy -- it doesn't look like you skipped a beat with the holidays!!

Beth - glad to see you are going to be an early morning riser! Me too! I was up at 5:00 this morning - worked out and then had some egg beaters. So, being back to work today isn't so bad since I feel like I've accomplished something already. And I even packed tuna for lunch! :)

I hear the statistics are that most people break their New Years Resolutions by Valentines Day. So, let's keep each other motivated and make sure we are all still around long after that!!

Welcome to you new folks -- this beginner/intermediate check-in has really helped motivate me!

Chat with you all later!
Hey there Michelle! Oh no, I hope I don't fall off at all.

Fitchick-were a mixed group here so when you advance you can continue to keep this group in mind.

Today was a ride on my stationary bike for 50 long grueling minutes. I hate the bike, but I needed to do something to give my knees a rest. It didn't help that on my usual level one my heart rate wasn't increasing, so most of the time was on level 2.

Hope everyone is doing well

Welcome to our check in Fitchick!!!

I am so glad everyone is back and I am hoping more will join us later. Beth, I know there are a lot of ways that Cathe could probably use her other workouts for us. I had Allstep and it just collected dust for years. For now I will just use the ones that I have in my own rotation. This morning I did Muscle Max Lower Body 23 minutes. The rest of the week is:

Wed - KPC (kicking & punching) 41 min.
Thurs - Supersets (upper body) 34 min.
Fri - WATP 4 mile Xpress

Hey Chris, How do you like KPC/LG DVD?

--Kimberly C
Today I did Step Blast the first 2/3 which is the combos. Its about 41 minutes including the stretch. I modify a lot of the skip arounds to just walk around the step. It helps. Combo 3 is very tricky choreography but fun once you get it down. I'm still getting more sore by the hour from push pull yesterday! In fact more sore tonight than I was when I got up this morning. It didn't help that I had to clean house today and scrub out the crust that builds up around the shower.x(
Tomorrow I'll either do my planned Legs and glutes. But if we decide to go hiking I will just do the step-jump pump cardio to save my legs for climbing. I'm staying on my Body Blast theme week so far. I think I like this theme week thing. Maybe next week I will do the Timesavers since I only have 5 days to work out. That will round out a nice 2 week Body Blast rotation.
Hi everyone,

This morning I did KPC (kicking & punching). This week with all the walking, kicking and stepping my thighs are burning. :eek: This morning I was looking at the news and I saw where they have a class with boxing bags here in St. Louis which just started a few weeks ago called "Cardio Boxing". You see all these boxing bags hanging from the ceiling. I guess this will be the new "IN" thing. You know I got my boxing bag for Xmas. I can't wait for Cathe to produce this workout on DVD. I have never seen this workout on a DVD has anyone else?

---Kimberly C

Where is everybody?

Kim about KPC, my disc was scratched so I contacted customer service and asked for a replacement. It had gotten lose from the circle in the middle so it was moving about the case. I assume this is how it got scratched. So, I didn't want to play the scratched one for fear it may get stuck or something. It's way to expensive to let visible scratches go. They sent me a replacement which came today and an envelope to send the scratched disc back. So no joy with the premixes yet.

I just got Kari Anderson's Go via videofitness trade. I'm looking at it now and I like her style. I can only take but so much complex moves, so I can tell that I will do this workout. Do you guys have any of her videos? If so, what do you think of it?

No workout for me today. I'll consider this my rest day.

Tomorrow will be something intense. Hmmm, LowMax, KPC or oooh, slimseries. I haven't done that one in a while, but am I ready for the squat fiesta. Decisions, decisions.

Ok....till tomorrow
I'm still staying on track for my 6 day workout week. So far its been:

mon-push pull
tues-step blast through the end of the combos
weds-step jump pump cardio premix, then a one hour hike and swimming for 1o minutes. I should have eaten something in between the SJP and the hike. I barely made it home.
Tomorrow is legs and glutes. I haven't done it in a while. It always makes me so sore I avoid it. I'm going to do it without weights this time and see how I feel. No ankle weights either. I need to be able to walk after the workout!
Hi everyone,

This morning was Supersets (34 min. short total body workout). Even though it was only one set of each this was really a good workout I know I need to go up on the weights the next time. Chris, I was thinking about getting Low Max after I seen in last week on FitTv. I will put that on my wish list for the future. I will probably order it with Cathe's next presale.

--Kimberly C
Beth, I'm right there with you this week on the workouts

Sun-Elliptical 50 mins
Mon-15 min turbo jam + 43 min TJ-cardio party 1 + Power Hour
Tues-Bike Level 2 50 min
Wed -Rest
Thur-KP-no crunch

Kim, The premixes on KPC are crazy! I was like dang there's a lot of them. LowMax is da bomb! Ya gotta get this one. I'm still on premix segments 1-4. I wish I could get FitTv, but my cable company doesn't have it. Have you preordered the next series? Are you gonna take that boxing class?

I ordered Tracy Long's new video. I previewed it on her site and I liked what I saw.

Alright, gotta do some work today
I did Legs and Glutes today. I can't believe how much I had to modify, more for heart rate than strength reasons. It is so cardio I would hardly call it a strength tape. Anyway, i used NO weights, did the leg presses half time, did not do the drop squats or side leg presses, and still barely kept my heart rate from skyrocketing anerobic. Oh, didn't do explosive plies (just regular), didn't do the explosive lunges (just regular lunge), and on and on with the modifications! x(
I would nickname this workout the "faux IMAX 3 blast mania premix." Now I remember why I didn't like it-I can barely do it!
Tomorrow will be KPC which I know I can do and it is fun fun fun. Finally.:)

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