Beginner/Intermediate Check-In 1/1-1/7/06

Hi Everyone --

Just a quick note -- I see, Kimberly, that you watched The Biggest Loser last night too. I taped it and watched it today -- I pulled my stairmaster in front of the tv -- let me tell you it was more motivating than music!! :) Also, I've been doing Lo Max from FitTV and love it. It took me awhile, but I can finally get through the entire thing - so I guess it is time to buy the full length DVD version as well!

Gotta run -- will chat with all of you later!
Beth, I haven't done Legs & Glutes yet. Did you do the entire workout? What section did you do to make it cardioish? I might do Legs and Glutes tomorrow instead of WATP 4 Mile express.

Michelle, this short episode of the Biggest Loser was very motivating. I never watched the 1st series but ever since the last one I was hooked on it. I didn't know Low Max was an intermediate/advanced level. When I saw it on FitTV I thought "I can do that".

Chris, I only preordered Butts & Guts DVD. I am going to do that DVD with a rotation called Lowerbody Solution or Thighblaster Rotation. But when Cathe has her next preorder after this one I will probably order Low Max.

--Kimberly C
Hi! I posted once before on this thread, but then "forgot" about it I guess, lol. Yesterday, I did the PUB/PLB bonus combo (and wow is my body sore!) I'm not sure yet what I'll do today though. Nothing with weights though. :)
Createdbygod-You forgot about us? ;( Your always welcomed to join in.

This morning was a light workout-George Foreman Walk & Box. I think my body wasn't awake cause my heart rate barely got up there. Well, I didn't expect it to get high but the highest was 100. I do better that that with Leslie. Probably because Leslie uses arms a lot. Oh well, tomorrow will be weights and some type of cardio.

I received my Tracie Long video, can't wait to view it.
Hi again all - Just wanted to update you on my status this week. I've been right on schedule until yesterday. My husband and I had to go to a mediation for a lawsuit that has been pending for almost 5 years and it took ALL DAY!!! Thankfully, it settled and we won't have to worry about it anymore. The bad thing is that I didn't work out at all. I was sore and mentally exhausted.

Today I'll be getting back on track with Thursday's workout and will not rest on Sunday as planned. Hope everyone is having a great week!
Kimberly-I did the entire Legs and Glutes workout and it will all get your heart rate up except for calf raises and maybe the standing hip flexor work. Even the floor work is dynamic and kept me in the lower end of the fat burning zone! I would do it without weights the first time you try it and see what your heart rate does and how winded you get. Its very fast paced. Cathe herself uses very light weights (for her).
Fitchick-it sounds like you could use a good yoga relaxation workout after that ordeal!
Today I did KPC and made it all the way to the end of combo 2. I thought I would be able to do the whole thing but I started losing my form and not being able to follow the cueing as well. I really went all out and HR was up about 85% for most of the workout. I think it was about 48 minutes of cardio. Then did the abs, stretch, and tacked on the ball stretch #2 from her latest stretch dvd. I feel good and not worn out. I also feel good that I have stayed on my workout plan for the week!
Hubby told me today that I look like I have lost 5 pounds this week! I weigh the same, but maybe I am shifting some fat to muscle. I hope.
Tomorrow I finish up with Supersets and then Monday I'm going to start the Timesavers and do all 5 next week. It will be a busy week because we are getting a new puppy!
Hi everyone,

I did Legs & Glutes standing only. I couldn't do it all because my legs were so sore from workouts this week. I haven't worked out steady for a few weeks so it's almost like starting over again with the muscles. Beth so you did Legs & Glutes EXTREME. Let me know if you can walk tomorrow :eek:. Chris you asked me about if I was going to take that boxing class - I'm not going to do that since I already have a boxing bag but I am looking into trying to find a boxing workout on DVD that uses the bag. Yesterday I found out that Leslie Sansone is going to be at St. Louis Downtown Convention Center at 11:30 a.m. There is a free Health & Fitness Show so I am going to go. I hope she is selling the 5 mile walk. I will try to talk to her. I probably need to wear my jogging suit and sneakers. (I might have a little workout). I will let you all know how everything turned out.

---Kimberly C
Hi everyone,

Well today was to be a rest day for me but I saw LESLIE SANSONE today at our "GET HOOKED ON HEALTH EXPO" and we did a 1 1/2 mile walk. She said her 5 mile walk will be out next week. I am making sure to order it from Collage Video. She had some people use stretchie bands and her Walk away Belt and those people got to keep those. I didn't get there early enough to get one. She is my height which is about 5'1" or 5'2" and she actually looks smaller in person than on her videos. She is a pear shape and she looks GREAT!!! She really does have CURVES!! Her personality is the same as on her videos and I like it. If you get her 5 mile walk you really don't need to use her Walkaway Belt. You can use the long stretchie instead. It will work just the same. Overall it was really great to see her.

--Kimberly C
I'm so jealous! I would love to meet Leslie. I'm sure you have a blast at the expo-even with the unexpected workout.

Today was the elliptical for 40 minutes. As I stood on the pedals looking at the console I decided to push myself and try one of the 12 pre-set workouts. I did the fat burn one and lawd were my legs struggling. I pushed through and completed my 40 minutes. I was going to do power hour later on in the day, but I was feeling like I could handle it after my cardio. Meaning, I felt that I had enough energy to tackle power hour. I did modify though and only did the upper body. After level changes on the elliptical for 40 minutes I think my legs would have detached themselves and ran away if I would have attempted squats, lunges, or anything lower body related.<hehe> After power hour, I did Tamilee standing stretch and could not keep my balance. I laughed as I almost toppled over doing a full body lean with legs crossed. My poor legs were tired.

I feel very accomplished this week with my workouts. My workouts were long compared to what I used to do and 4 out of 6 were intense cardio. I realized that I didn't do any step this week and I miss it. Gotta include that in for next week.

Sun-Elliptical 50 mins
Mon-15 min turbo jam + 43 min TJ-cardio party 1 + Power Hour
Tues-Bike Level 2 50 min
Wed -Rest
Thur-KP-no crunch
Fri-George Foreman Walk & Box 40 minutes
Sat-Elliptical 40 min + power hour upper body only+ 10 min stretch

Next week I'm going to include the new tracie video.

Happy Saturday everybody!
Chris I know you have been doing Power Hour for a few weeks so I have decided to add it in my new rotation for the next 4 weeks.

This is what I have planned for next week:
Sun - Rest
Mon - Basic Step (30 min) + Supersets (34 min 1 set)
Tue - WATP X3mi (48 min) + Coremax Segment 1 (20 min)
Wed - Muscle Max Timesaver (56 min)
Thur- KPC (KP only 41 min) + Coremax Seg 2 (20 min)
Fri - WATP X4mi (60 min)
Sat - Power Hour (55 min)

--Kimberly C
That 5 mile walk looks really tempting. When you get it please post a review, also if its chaptered good for mix and match.
Today I did Supersets. The only thing I don't like on it is the bicep preacher curls with your arms hanging over the ball. It really hurts my elbows. I'm going to do them regular next time. I like the see-saw triceps pushups on the ball-they are fun.
Well, I accomplished my entire rotation this week and feel great. I also lost 1 pound. Considering I have been plauteaud for 6 weeks that is an accomplishment.
Next week I'm doing the Timesavers. I need to do a lighter week I think, then the week after I will do something more intense. I'm thinking our sleep is going to be disrupted this week with the new puppy needing to be let out every 2 hours all night. We'll see how THAT goes! I'm going to Tucson monday to see a good friend, the puppy comes Tuesday and it will be off to the races.

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