Double step DVD


How about a DVD devoted exclusively to Double Step - that's back and forth between two steps. These classes are a huge hit in our gym - I teach one and it's a blast!

The steps can be set up side-by-side facing vertically, or in an L-shape (one horizontal and one vertical.) There could be separate workouts for each configuration.

Cathe would put my class to shame, but I'm up for the competition!

Anyone else a Double Step fan?
Interesting concept, but you have to have two step platforms to do it. BUT what about a variation all Cathe's: a workout using the step and the high step topper? It could be designed to be similar to a double step workout, but without the need for anyone to buy another step platform.
Good idea. I'd preorder one of these, and I think other Cathe fans would also, especially if they own the high step.

I own two step platforms for practicing routines, but I realize most people only have one. Those things aren't cheap. However, judging from the postings on, there is a market for Double Step workouts.

Does anyone besides instructors own more than one platform? Would you try a Double Step DVD from Cathe?
I have double stepped at a gym & at home(Seasun Zieger has a routine on TNS DVD). It's a TON of fun! I have done the routines w/ the steps being vertical both at home and at the gym. I own a reebok step and the original health club step & they work fine. I have suggested this on here before, but can see it being pricey if someone only has one step to work with. I would love Cathe to put out something like this though.
I'm betting this wouldn't work for a lot of at home exercisers due to lack of space, but I would LOVE to take a class like this at the gym!
I used to do double step all the time at the gym before I started home exercising. I would definately buy a second step and the DVD's. To distinguish them, we called them bob and sue. I didn't even know they still did double step at the gyms. Great idea for those who would buy an extra step.
Love the double step. I would definitely buy another step for home and pre-order the DVD. Double step is so much fun you don't feel like you are working out. If you have never done it you should!:)
>I'm betting this wouldn't work for a lot of at home
>exercisers due to lack of space, but I would LOVE to take a
>class like this at the gym!

Space is definitely a consideration. And some of Cathe's single step workouts already use quite a bit of space. If she would keep that in mind, and maybe keep moves more like they are in the high step workouts (not using a lot of space), this could work at home.

SNM really needs to do another poll like they did a few years ago, asking what equipment people have or are willing to get. If enough people have, or are willing to get, a second step platform (or if the choreo can be done using a platform and the high step topper) then there would be more chance of this happening, IMO.
I would definitely buy this if she used the high step topper. I don't want to buy another whole step. I love the idea - and I can see a big benefit for me - a double step class without the very real chance of getting knocked out by someone in my class who turns right when I turn left (I'm directionally challenged)
I have two steps now. I'd like to try this. It seems fun!


"The reward for work well done is the opportunity to do more."
Seems we have a few Double Step fans out there. Maybe Cathe could put one Double Step segment on a new Step DVD. That way, people who don't have two steps will still buy it, but us Double Steppers will have something extra.

There aren't many Double Step workouts, so Cathe would corner the market with this one. This group is small, but hungry, and we might jump to preorder a Cathe Double Step! (Even if it were combined with something else.)
I would definitely buy it! I have two steps now - acquired one from a friend who works out with me now and then, but unless she is with me - she never uses the step - so I store it at my house! Terrific deal! I would say if Cathe did a Double step tape keeping the space in mind - it would be terrific and sure to be interesting!

You could do a dvd like the ones produced in the body blast series where there is one workout with a full double step workout and one circuit style workout using the high topper and step - I bet you could find some interesting way to utilize that -)
>Double step tape keeping the space in mind

That's one concern I'd have, because some step workouts are pretty space-hungry on their own. Adding a second platform could make for a ravenous workout that requires space many of us don't have.

I just had a thought: since the "high step" is somewhat of a Cathe original (though the Firm has done some similar things with their Fanny Lifter, etc.) why not a new type of double-step workout à la Cathe?

Using the step platform placed horizontally, and the high step topper placed in back (on "our" side) of the step platform, in the center, so it would look like a wide-topped "T." It could be called the "t-step workout" (copyright, me! though I'd let Cathe use the term and idea in exchange for a free DVD!;-) ) It would make for a lot of different surfaces and angles to work from and inspire perhaps some new moves and choreography (and wouldn't require us to move away from the step that much, IMO, so could be space-friendly). Moves could approach the set-up from the back, from either side, and moving between the high step platform on our "side" to the step platform in front of us.

Just a thought.
Double step is so incredibly fun! I used to take classes at the gym. I've done horizontal and vertical double step and I love them both! The choreography is physically and mentally challenging.

I have 2 steps but one is not the original health club step - it's a different size. I also have the high step so I would be open to a workout using the regular step and the high step.

I doubt this will ever happen due to low demand but I would probably buy it if several Double Step DVDs were planned for release.
Hi -
I've taught double-step and it's a blast! You just have to be really conscious of the bpm and of who's in your class (like usual!). I haven't taught it in a while, but it was fun!:D

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