Search results

  1. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-30

    RE: Hey guys - and welcome Tim!! Ben - I think you will like incorporating p90x in to your regular rotations. Personally, when I am on a "C90X" rotation, I switch out all the p90x cardio with an imax (usually II or III). I will also substitute KPC or kickmax for Kenpo X. Honestly, as much as I...
  2. m keith

    RT Slogan???

    you gotta earn it :-)
  3. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-30

    Greetings gents! I'm back from a long week of talking to middle/high school teachers about the US Civil War. How exciting, yes? I did manage to get some workouts in - although not as many as I'll have to make up a little this week. Yesterday, I did the Cardio Coach "press play"...
  4. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-25

    RE: One more quick thing...I just did the "running man" for the first time. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA (i wish I had this on film) HAHAHAHAHAHAHA K
  5. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-25

    RE: How's it goin' guys?? A busy week indeed...I've been doing time savers and all... Chris - I dig the MEEZ. Talk to you all later Keith
  6. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-21

    Good morning gents - I DO believe in in for some gym style legs today - and possibly some deck staining if it does not rain. And...I might be MIA for the next several days (maybe) I'm working this Civil War history seminar and there could be some pretty long days. I'll hopefully be checking...
  7. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-19

    Good morning gents, I'm having a gym style week - yesterday I did GS chest and triceps (the drop set of pushups still kills me) and today I'm on to Back, shoulders and biceps. I also did #3 in coremax and...I have made new commitment to clean eating. I am trying trying trying to cut (most)...
  8. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-17

    Good morning gents - Well, yesterday was exciting indeed. Turns out, Cathe did not teach the Yoga class, but she was there taking it with us, and the class was really good - exactly what I needed after those boot camp drills. Now I'm off to Philly for an academic conference - I generally...
  9. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-18

    RE: greetings again - and welcome Jerry! Well - round one down. The kickbox and bootcamp drills were awesome this morning - now I'm heading to yoga - it turns out, Cathe is teaching that one too. How about that! See ya - and I think I'll check that hardcore fitness maniacs thread. Keith
  10. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-18

    Greetings gents - Well - My wife and I are here in South Jersey about to go to Cathe's class...very exciting. Yesterday before I drove up from Va I did Muscle Max. Rockin!! SO - I think we are going to stick around at the gym and catch the Yoga class that follows kickbox - I'll check in...
  11. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-13

    RE: SO - continuing with yesterday's thread - can't be bothered to start a new one. Still working on core - in a big way. Then...tomorrow is a drive day and a class at Cathe's gym on Monday. Totally stoked! Keith
  12. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-13

    Good morning gents...I went MIA yesterday - life just sort of got in the way. but, I'm back and ready to go! I'm targeting core today and trying to break some plateaus - so I'm going after coremax 1 & 2 (yikes) I'll finish up with an interval run to get my lazy butt moving after 2 days off...
  13. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-11

    RE: Hey guys - today (ahhhhhhh) is my rest day - and boy did I need it. In an attempt to keep up with my goals, I really gave it my all for the two upper body GS workouts. And now I'm paying for it (in a good way). So - listen to this....My AC is on the fritz and the repair guys won't be here...
  14. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-10

    Greeting gents - I'm continuing with the gym style split today with GS back shoulders and biceps. I'm really going to go for it too..especially the bicep part. I'll report back later (if I can type) So long for now, Keith
  15. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-9

    RE: Chris - I did B&G yesterday and my back section is still...well, you know. Keep at the chin ups - when I started, I could do a grand total of 0. You'll get there. Today I started a gym style split with GS chest and triceps. Man o man...the drop set of pushups in the beginning is awesome. I...
  16. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-9

    Greetings gents - hot hot hot...that's all I have to say. I'm starting a gym style split today - followed by some serious ab work. If anybody is on board for listing their current goals - I'm in. Check out yesterday's check in for mine. I'm all in to accountability if you are. Catch you all...
  17. m keith

    Ok who's hotter?

    >Keith, I respectfully point out that us ladies have a >biological advantage detecting hotness in this context. I >therefore move that your vote count for 1/2 versus each lady's >vote. If we ever compare hotness of Natalie Portman versus >Scarlett Johanssen you can have double voting rights...
  18. m keith

    "any guys out there?" 6-8

    Good morning gents - I'm a bit on the sore side today...yesterday, in addition to a long run in the heat, I swam some laps for the first time this season - it sort of cranked by upper body. I'm doing lower body today but I think I'll throw in an extended stretch to even thing out. So - I'm...
  19. m keith

    Ok who's hotter?

    Sorry ladies...Tony is way hotter.
  20. m keith

    Men's check in 6/7

    Greetings all - today was a nice steady run (in the heat - bleh) Looking forward to something a little more intense tomorrow - catch you all later, Keith