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  1. W

    Watercooler Wednesday

    Wendy - ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!!:o :D :+ :+ :+ :7 You go girl. Thank goodness Phil took the day off tomorrow. Now you can travel easy. Sandra - I thought you were going to have the retreat at your house next year. I just got my passport renewed for it and everything!! You remember that you said you...
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    Watercooler Wednesday

    Dang, when did GS legs get so frickin hard? I cannot walk today. That Cathe loves to torcher us, I just know it. OUCH. Is Jeanette leaving today? She is the brave one isn't she? Testing the waters before everyone else shows up. Wendy - Thanks for saying hi to Mia. You never know when she...
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    Watercooler Wednesday

    Good morning girlies. Howz it going? I was so tired yesterday that I was in bed by 7. Thank goodness sleep was in the air last night. Today is either GS legs or chest and tri's. I will probably do legs since my arms are still sore from Mondays workout. I am so jealous of everyone who is...
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    The Watercooler..April Fools Day! *really* it is!

    Step Blast(FitTv Version), kathy smith abs and stretch w/ball done. So this is what happens when you wake up early, you have enough time to do a lot with your workout? Hmmmm... Traci - I forgot to say happy birthday to Lukie. How rude. Wendy - Aw, I will go along with the jokes...
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    The Watercooler..April Fools Day! *really* it is!

    Happy April Fools Day!!:+ I know my kids will take full advantage of today. So looking forward to it(not). Today is some type of cardio and abs. I have plenty of time to do it since it was a sleepless night for me. Would you guys quit passing this around? It makes for a grumpy mom. Traci...
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    The Monday Watercooler..."Not in THIS Lifetime!"

    RE: The Monday Watercooler... Hey gang. Let's see who has been hanging around the watercooler today: Debra - a massage and a nap? I guess you do need your rest before the stalker and girls show up to play. HIGH FIVE. A 96 on your test. That is amazing. Good going girl. Laurie - A weekend...
  7. W

    The Monday Watercooler..."Not in THIS Lifetime!"

    RE: The Monday Watercooler... Good morning ladies. How is the Watercooler?? The in-laws visit went well. Very busy though. I just feel like taking a day and sleeping. Thankfully, life goes back to normal today. I will do GS Back, shoulders, biceps and abs today. I really haven't worked...
  8. W

    The Watercooler: Sunday...Happy 45th Traci!

    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TRACI!!!!!!!!!!! It sounds like Wendell gave you some nice gifts. I am glad that the headache is better. Have a great day. Lea
  9. W

    We're STILL the Xers Wednesday ;-)

    Hi all. A little birdie told me about the vote;-) 1. Supportin the sistas 2. Shootin the sh*t That's my two cents. Talk to ya'll later. lea
  10. W

    Xers.....Just another Manic Monday...

    Good morning ladies. We had a BLAST at Sea World. I even sat up front with the kids and got splashed on. How fun is that? Yesterday we all went to my mom's house and ate and ate and ate. So I guess I will do some cardio today. I hope that everyone had a great Easter. I will try to check in...
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    Xers: Its all about Sandra Friday :-O

    Sandra - So far I like Shoot the S*#t. But, I am vulger like that}( . Good thinking there girl. You are the brains of this operation. Lea
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    Xers: Its all about Sandra Friday :-O

    Sandra - Very clever;) . Lea
  13. W

    Xers: Its all about Sandra Friday :-O

    Good morning. Whew. Just finished S&H triceps and biceps, oh and abs. I have so many DOMS today, but it feels good. I finished cleaning the house yesterday, thank goodness and today I just need to clean the clothes and pack up for our overnight tomorrow since we are leaving early. I also do...
  14. W

    Xers: Anyone Home? Thursday

    Traci - DECAF??? Did someone say decaf??? I think not!! I have to have something you know. I hope that you find something to do you crazy gal. Tracy - Hi there. It's not nice when the DH's ruin our schedules is it;-) ? Hang in there. Ah Florida. We would love to visit there sometine. ROF...
  15. W

    Xers: Anyone Home? Thursday

    Hi there gang. How is everyone? I am pretty sore today, in a good way. I did S&H chest and back yesterday so today I am going for Eion. Love that man. Traci - Hi there. Cottage cheese factory? I doubt it girl. Have an absolutely fabulous time at the bay. My in-laws are coming into town...
  16. W

    Xers ~ Tuesdays Tactics~

    Good morning everyone. I hope that everyone survived yesterday. Yesterday was S&H legs and shoulders and today I did BM2 cardio with CoreMax 1. Feeling pretty good I must say, but I feel out of shape. Oh well. Traci - I hope you and your babies survive the storm. Tracy - Have a great...
  17. W

    Xers: Green Beer Is a good thing MONDAY

    Tracy - Thanks for the info. My main goal is to tone back up. Not a lot of cardio as I still kind of have to take it easy, but am getting so much better. So probably more weight work. My jeans are really getting hard to pull upx( . I think that I might have found a rotation that has the pyramids...
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    Xers: Green Beer Is a good thing MONDAY

    Top of the mornin' to all of you Xers!! Looks like there has been a few birthdays this week. Happy Birthday Kim!! What fun to be born on St. Patty's Day. Happy belated birthday to Debra and TG!! I hope that they were good ones. Sandra - Is it really true that you Canadians put a...
  19. W

    Xers...Hold on to your hats Wednesday......

    Hi there everyone:P !!!! Today I did Core Synergystics. I just can't stand not moving anymore. But I did not do the towel hops or any of the jumping around. Christiane - So sorry to hear about your back. What a pain in the *#$!!! I really do hope that it gets better and quick. I love hearing...