Xers ~ Tuesdays Tactics~


Morning Gang!:)

Everyone lovin' the blog updates? :)

Great day w/ Father Tony! Sometimes its more about the game play itself vs the actual outcome! I am so not the competeitve gal... I like solo sports just because I dont like watching how competition turns into egomaniacs performing .... I think that alot of competetion type events turn seemingly normal healthy people into CRAZIES!}( ~ My sis is Kelly Ann ... The other one took on Catholic names & Mine are from city signs on a freeway! I kid you not! ~~ Glad 4DS Legs has been good for you...That one is so efficient in all ways. HAIL TO CATHE

So glad you had a great birthday! Were you on the phone all day w/ well wishers? Being that my family is in CA my phone starts ringing at 5AM so they can catch me... I also call them on theirs @ 5am (MY TIME!) just to wake them up (theyre 2 hrs behind me) }(

Did you have to taste test those brownies? :7 Happy Recovery Week!!!! I have so much luv for them that I take them REGULARLY...about every 4 days:eek: ~ You are quite the little homemaker these days.....I app;aud your healthy efforts!

The world is almost back in balance- hang tough!!! I think a BFF trip is always in order for post XDH visits! What a blast! Just a few hours!! No worries on your tests...being "off" may mean you get a B instead of an A...:*

Welcome back to the world of X! So glad you liked Shiva...I use her when I really need the mental benefits of yoga...Her voice & backround music/sounds seem to calm me.

Thanks for POPPING!:*

Oh I understand those all to challenging workouts once you switch training methods...For me it feels like I've never lifted before.~ ROF about the record time on DH getting upset! Just too funny how you wrote it! ENJOY your week off!

Feels good to actually FEEL like you've worked hard doesnt it? I have grown to miss my moan & groan mornings - you know, the first attempt at getting out of bed?:+ Its a catch 22 for me... I sleep sooooooo much better when I dont "work out" because I have no DOMS so I dont wake myself up moaning & groaning BUT then I feel squishy from not doing formal exercise... What ya gonna do buttercup?:*

Thanks for the St Pattys links as well as the infamous family link. My eldest sister had Fraternal Twins - they are late 20's now & the closeness has always been something I envied. They had one of the most difficult childhoods I have ever seen up close & personal so I wonder how much of that is involved. I have a set of Great Aunts that are twins - seems every other generation has them. ~~ Have to LOL at myself...I have NEVER celebrated St Pattys! When I was a young party girl it just brought out the ameteurs so I sat that night out ;-) ROFL about the computer! I STILL have a time remembering where my on/off is on those rare occasions a storm shuts it down!

Hope your catch up day went well yesterday!

45 is steep isnt it? Thank heavens for ebays & amazons! Glaf you & Ted had such a lovely extended weekend!

Well I best get moving...By noon I;ll be covered in 275# of dogs! We have a horrid storm passing thru noon-4pm ...4" rain- tornadoes & winds of 60MPH... Will be pinned down by Kabo & Lukie!

Workout today? Who knows....must run AM errands so if I get one in it will have to be very very soon.

Hi all,

Today is a run and then some yoga and core, if I get to it.

Traci - Maybe you are overtraining if you are constantly sore. You have been training hard for quite some time. I'm telling you, the yoga works miracles; it tones, shapes, increases flexibility, is easy on the body and best of all, it makes for such a calm life. I think I broke as much of an easy sweat doing Tone last night as I did doing the GS and did something good for myself in the process.

Christiane - I love Shiva. It takes a while to learn her language, but she has some very good form pointers; especially pulling up through the pelvic floor that really helps the back. You can always modify the moves you can't do. Sometimes a safe attempt is still beneficial.

Nicole - I guess you'll be scarce since DH is home.

Debra - No need to apologize about anything. Just hoping that you survive this visit with minimal scars:)

Wendy - You are such the cook. Please share if you find anything that my boys might eat. I am stuck in a rut, although I did make unhealthy corned beef and stir fried cabbage last night. It was good, but only me and one DS ate the cabbage.

Kim- I've never spent the $$ for the high step topper. I just use an old table. It probably would be nice to have, but I'm not sure it's worth it. I won't be getting the slanted risers either, unless I hit the lottery, which is doubtful since I don't play.

Sandra - I rarely use total body workouts anymore either. They just don't fit. I did the Gauntlet recently and subbed step ups for the upper moves and just made it a total lower circuit. I use it more like that then as produced. I'm going to change things up here shortly though. I need a change of pace and it's time to build up more endurance.

Jeanette - Glad you got to golf. What is a worm burner? I'm assuming it is not good! At least you don't have to breath hard to play golf.

Great day to all,

Good morning everyone. I hope that everyone survived yesterday.

Yesterday was S&H legs and shoulders and today I did BM2 cardio with CoreMax 1. Feeling pretty good I must say, but I feel out of shape. Oh well.

Traci - I hope you and your babies survive the storm.

Tracy - Have a great run and enjoy that cardio.

Must go and check out the blog that Miss Traci is talking about. BBL to catch up.

Good morning,

Hey you guys this isn’t personal or anything but I decided I’m going to be checking in with the Hardcore group. However, don’t count me out, if time permits I'd still like too pop in every now and then, if that’s okay with you guys.

I hope to get my computer back soon, its here at my job I’m hoping Eric our programmer can fix it. If he can’t than I have to buy another, and to be honest that won’t be happening anytime soon, not until I get my car up to par.

Hi Tracie NO I haven’t checked out the blog this morning heading over there now.

Workout this morn, was a 30 min jog and 4DS total upper body, I ran out of time and didn't finish up bi's tri's and abs, know this, I'll tonight :eek: have a great workout everyone, ttys :D
Good morning,
Today was the 4 combos from Cardio & Weights, then the upper body weights from C&W. Trying to get some cardio capacity back. Feeling much better day by day. Have to get my haircut and colored today after work.

Traci, what color hair did you end up with? Don't remember you saying? I really enjoy the golf. Father Tony doesn't seem as serious about it as he was at first so that makes me relax more. He no longer gives me tips as he's just as bad as I am LOL! He's looking for his balls on the left and I'm looking for mine on the right. Teehee! Hope you survive the storm okay. Give those pups a big hug for me! I was feeling my legs this morning from 4DS. I immediately thought of you when I got out of bed.

Tracy, a worm burner is when the ball just skims along the ground when you drive the ball. It comes from contacting too high on the ball, or rather, not getting your club all the way to the ground, my problem area, though it's getting a little better. Just depends. I was always pretty good with all my horseback riding, cycling okay, this golf I'm a newbie and uncoordinated with. It teaches me humility. So much a mind game as much a physical activity.

Lea, good workouts. I feel out of shape too. Darn cold.

Latrese, say it isn't so! Hope you have time to check in with us too! Please oh please! Bet you are enjoying the 4DS.

Hi to all that follow.

Just to report that I am alive this morning....XDH is upstairs with DD in her room. I just wanted to say that it gave me a perverse sort of pleasure to be folding some of CBL's clothes while XDH is talking to me this morning. CBL left a few things over here last week when he was helping in the yard...so I washed them for him....don't think that this is a regular occurrence though...but it was sure nice to be folding those jeans while XDH watched me....LOL!!!

30 more minutes!!!! And then he leaves for the airport.

Forgot to mention that yesterday I twisted my knee as I was hanging a canopy in the Diva's room. It is still giving me some problems today. Probably good I will be taking it easy for the rest of the week after today....Still gotta do that yard work!

Back later for some more cacth up! Guess I gotta go look at the blog, hunh??


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Good morning,

I decided to sleep in today. I was very tired and becoming depressed yesterday, which was a bad sign. So, I slept until 7, and will do my workout mid-morning. It's supposed to be Total Body+, and 10MT Yoga. I'm actually thinking of switching the weight workout for PP or SS, or even doing only yoga today. I'll decide after the coffee kicks in and I'm in the basement, putting on my workout clothes. Does anyone else find they get a perk up just walking into their workout area? I can feel completely unenergetic until I walk downstairs and put those shoes on. Then, it's "Go time!".

Traci....Oh my!!!! When those dogs are lovin' on you like that, do you literally have to just sit there and wait it out? Move to Edmonton! We rarely get any kind of thunderstorm that's worth mentioning.

Tracy....I'm getting on board with the changing-things-up-to-endurance tactic that you're talking about. I'm undecided about whether to finish the last 2 weeks of this rotation. It's a great rotation, and I'm loving all the lifting. But I'm tired of following a Grand Plan. I have so many workouts and want to use them all. You mentioned Gauntlet yesterday, and now I want to do that. And the whole Intensity Series is so great, I miss doing those workouts. It's all about the variety, for me. I think until the STS program comes out I should go back to my classic approach of just mocking up one week at a time, with no specific goal except to do the workouts I enjoy, and make sure I weight train each body part 2x a week. Oh, which Cardio Coaches did you/will you order?

Lea....Wow, you're really throwing yourself back into some tough workouts. I'll bet it feels good?

Jeanette....That brown sugar thing works! It's a small piece of terra cotta, isn't it? Mine's in the shape of a bear, but I've seen them made into all sorts of shapes. You soak the piece in water for about 10 mins, shake off the excess, then cram it into the centre of the brown sugar. Works like a charm! I think CK is $45 because it also has Circuit Max on the same dvd. So, two workouts. LMAO! I am indeed proud of you for doing the band work 2x! Is it the shorts that prevented the saddle soreness? I've been wondering about that. If so, then they were worth every dang penny. I swear I worked hard, I really did! DH said it could be the quality of the shorts, and having a proper fitting, good quality seat (yes, he likes my seat ;) )

Wendy....I'm so glad your crew loved the salmon recipe! I made it too, but inadvertantly used a super-hot dijon mustard, so the sauce was inedible. Oh well, the fish was good. I'm going to try the orange-glazed salmon in the Clean Eating magazine. Nicole tried it, and recommended it.

Have a great day!
Back again as my emails are very quiet today....hmmmmmmmmmmm maybe I ticked off the ENTIRE family/friends circle all at once:)

Hope you have a great run today... If you were here you could go stand outside and lift your arms & you'd be flying! ~ My gut tells me you are correct about the overtraining although I sure havent trained hard for long periods of time lately. To be honest I am totally burned out...Physically/mentally - many reasons but bottom line is I just need a big big break from the world of traditional fitness for myself. Maybe I need to just start with yoga in the 20 minute segments, non threatening segments & see if on any given day I feel like doing another segment, then another. Honestly I dont know what will help. I've taken multiple days off, no days off, every other day off & its just getting worse. ~ I think part of it is also that I like to lift 1-part per day...30 minutes is always something I look forwrad to- as you know my arm just isnt up for that yet... Woe is me;) Let the pity party begin! - Wait...I think it needs to end!:7 ~ Hope you & DH are back in the "all is well" zone or at least in the "no anger" zone.

ROF...I thought you were taking the day "off" from workouts & there ya go w/ SH! You are so silly! Is your laundry caught up?

If you're reading..will miss you but heavens deaer- we only an email away;-)

FABULOUS choice in workouts! I did a bit of Kick upper drills & SS upper... was done in 50 minutes..Yours would have been a great choice for me today. Cant say I pushed myself on any level except to push play.;-) Glad Father is learning to lighten up in the "tips" ...ROF how he looks to left & you right! That is too funny! ~ My hair...Well its kinda weird:7 I THOUGHT I was going light(er) brown but I think I'm blonde...DH says no- its light brown..I do believe I am color-blind now... at any rate I am using a shampoo/conditioner designed for BROWN hair! That way it will be as dark as I want! - or ORANGE - at least I can SAY I didnt choose to be blonde again:7

Lil }( , just cant help yourself can ya? I swear you are much braver than I! Given the circumstances I'd be playing nice-nice just to get what I want... Your way is probably more honest & will yield same results...Hope DD does OK with the goodbyes...thats gotta be just so hard on a younster.

There you are! So glad you got to sleep! You sound perkier today... Read my post to TRACY ^ & you'll see that NO-I DONT GET ALL EXCITED once I hit the workout area...Maybe thats because its office, computer, studio & my workout area all in one. I walk into my area & think: Bills-Clients-Work...Am I doing a good job of depressing you further? :7 ~~ Oh yes dear- my boys & I sit in the living room on the floor and just shake & shake... It can waste many many hours...Sometimes I get sneaky & play the - You go sit OVER THERE game with the peanut butter jar handy as incentive}( ~~ I am feeling very much like scrap formal goals w/ workouts...I want to do what I feel like & up to on any given day for a bit... I shall not complain when my body goes to hell in a handbasket! Wait...it already has..good thing- now I have nothing to lose!:p

Ok gang... Off to do something productive before dog-sitting takes all priorites... I posted todays workout in ^ post to JEANETTE...It was before I read TRACYS post to me or that may have changed!

Morning Xers,

Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 2/Day 3
Workout: LowMax (Oh how I wish I had enough time!!!) / 3m Run & Low Max Blasts. (this is what I did :D )

Had a much better morning than yesterday. Last night I did manage to get in a 2m run and BBC Full Body. I had no problem falling asleep last night at all. :D

Oldest DD has another track meet today, so youngest and I will be making Frog cupcakes for her b'day tomorrow. I bought cake mix with sprinkles in it, and she said that it would look like colored gutts. :7 :7 :7

Traci, I love the blog pics too. You can see the muscles working hard in the pics. Sounds like you are getting some pretty nasty weather. Hope the boys will let you up for air every once in a while.

Tracy, I would have been right there with you and DS eating the cooked cabbage. :9 Love the stuff.

Lea, You just keep plugging away at those workouts and your body will get into the groove soon enough. Glad SH Legs & Shoulders felt good for you.

TG, Hope you can pop in more than you think. We will miss you if you don't. ;-) How are you enjoying the 4DS workouts?

Jeanette, Enjoy your cut and color today. Good time to relax and get some reading done while you wait. :D Ok so when I did golf once, I did a lot of the worm burners. Poor worms probably didn't know what was heading for them. :7 :7 Where did you find this thing for the brown sugar. I have heard that you can put apple in your sugar and it is suppose help with that too.

Debra, Hope those 30 mins go by fast. :D Dang on the knee, yep it is a good thing that you will be doing some r&r to help it out. Had to LOL about the clothes folding. ;-)

Sandra, Sometimes we need that extra sleep, just look at me yesterday. We didn't get any snow yesterday. Yipee!!!! Only some rain. :D But my parents are getting the white stuff, and I'm hoping it ends before we head up there. Sounds like you and Traci are at a cross roads in your workouts. I'm the type of person that needs the structure of a planned rotation. Everyone is different, and you should be doing the workout that makes you want to workout. Guess I have been changing the workouts to suit what I want to do too. :D

Nicole, Hope you can pop in again. Way to go on the weights. ^5 on the increased strength.

Christiane, I don't think some poses will ever be possible for me either. And I don't have a bum back to deal with. ;-)

Wendy, You are just cooking away. Let me know how those turkey meatballs go over with the family. I have been looking at that one, but have not been brave enough to try it out on my family. :D Didn't get the dough baked, but it is in the fridge. I am making cut out Easter Sugar Cookies. My dad is a big fan of these, and I still like to make things for him. :D Even though he always says I shouldn't have made them. He sits with his coffee and a happy face. :D My Aunt will be thrilled that someone had to do a paper on what she does. :D

Kim, I think that getting the topper would be a good choice. You can do so much with it, that you will wonder how you ever got along without it. :D Enjoy spending you b'day money.

Well I best get to my job, boss and I are the only ones here this week. One guy is having back problems, and another is having surgery.

Have a great day!

Laurie: I'm still not THRILLED about this series. But, I do know I'm going to fall in love with the UB workouts, it's awesome.
Traci - I am sorry to hear that my intuition was correct and life is giving you some trouble. Sometimes it is so hard to keep going; especially on the bill front. I guess unless you are just rich, which we are not. The other day I spoke with my Mom and after that it was like we all might as well crawl in a hole and die because of the gas prices. Then we filled up the truck and a piece of equipment for DH's business and it was $550. I could go on. I was down for a little while then decided WTF! Life is to short and we should not let little things impact one day. There are people with way worse problems. OK off my soap box!

Maybe if you lighten up on the workouts for a while it will do the trick. There is plenty of yoga that does not require down dogs and you can always do child's pose. I push play no matter what because it is emotionally calming and such a stress relief. You cannot do 1 part a day with an injury:) When you are ready to lift again, maybe I could help you formulate an easy rehab for the shoulder. I believe it is possible, look at me and my back. It just takes time, savvy training, and perseverance, which you have all of:)

Good Afternoon,

Stayed up way too late last night getting ready for today. Man, I'm feeling tired this cycle! I'm sure glad it's recovery week. I won't get around to doing Eoin until after Bible Club and dinner.

I called my mom yesterday. It was the first time I talked to her since she just came home from the hospital. I didn't want to bother her since she can be a real CRAZY Asian when she's sick and tired! Anyhow, she didn't even sound like the same person!!! I had to keep reminding myself that I was talking to my mother. She sounded so HEALTHY and young! I can't remember her sounding so good! She's been sick for so long... years! It was amazing! I'm so happy she's taking her diabetes seriously. Not just because I won't feel guilty for asking her mail me homemade ground roasted peppers either.:) She tests her blood four times a day. Her sugars were high the other day. I wonder why... couldn't have been the sticky sweet rice and squash soup! At least, she can learn the effects different foods have on her sugars.

Kim: Hmmm? I wonder if identical twins run in the family. Phil's grandmother's brothers were identical twins. And, my uncles were identical twins too. Growing up, I never wanted to have twins. I always wished that I was a twin. However, I have to say it is so much fun having identical twins. It is such a blessing to watch them interact. My neighbor had in vitro. One egg took. The egg that took split. She ended up with identical twins from in-vitro! Cool!!! When I was in the local mothers of twins and triplets club, my favorite meeting was the twins and triplets panel. We would invite twins and triplets to answer questions on what it was like growing up as a multiple. I have one friend who has an identical twin brother. They had a terrible, abusive, poverty-ridden childhood. We joked that if he ever came, he'd have to lie or else all the young mothers would be depressed that their twin boys would grow up to not talk to each other. For the most part, all of the multiples were close to each other as adults. There was one set of naturally occurring triplet girls (two were identical, the other fraternal). I asked if the fraternal twin felt left out since she wasn't identical. It was so sweet when the identical twins piped in and said they always wished they were her identical twin because they thought she was beautiful. Enjoy the high top riser and slanted risers this year!!!

Sandra: Yes, you're right. I need to buy fresh flour. I will do so this week! Yes, I want your wheat pizza crust recipe!!!!! Need you even ask?!?! I don't have a bread machine. But, I do have a Kitchenaid mixer, bread thermometer, and bread pans.:) During my insomnia last night, I thought of you while reading Cooks Illustrated. They have a fluffy white cake recipe in the new issue. I think I may buy their cookbook. I like their explanations of the chemistry behind their recipes.

Jeanette: Oh, I see you have a Tony in your life too. Looks like FT still has problems finding his balls. Too bad you weren't any help. }( If your Gary Fisher is entry level, then what is mine? Ghetto?:7 :+ I can't see investing in another bike right now. I still need to know if I will be able pedal the one I have!!!:eek: ;-) Eldest dd is getting her hair cut today too. I took her to a place in the mall this weekend. I asked the lady to simply cut 5" off her ends. A straight cut. Easy. Right? Well, this lady wet her hair and cut straight across the bottom without cutting it in sections. I was going to say something, but decided I didn't go to school for this like her. She knows what she's doing. Well, dd's hair was a bit damp after the lady was finished styling it. I didn't notice until later that day how terrible the cut was. Here the top of her hair is a whole inch shorter than the underside of her hair. TERRIBLE! I have to pay my regular hairdresser to fix her hair. UGH! Hopefully, you will have a better cut!!! I'm getting my hair colored next week. Hopefully, it will still look fresh and colored when we meet on the retreat.

Traci: I still need to check out the blog. I'm not overly excited by the blog updates. I'm happy to see they're not doing any new fusion mish-mosh! I want down to earth lifting with an emphasis on tempo/rep/rest for my max 1 RM. So, while the blog photos aren't scaring me, I can't see what would excite me from them either. It will be fun having something besides the X. I have to question your applause sincerity. When do I get my moving emoticon?!?!?!:-( ;) What did you do now? Did Stacy piss off everyone in your life?!?!

Tracy: Our workouts look a little similar. Today is a couple of hours in heels, sucking in my gut, and yoga.:7 Do your guys like salmon? Sandra's salmon recipe was a hit in my home. I thought clean eating would be difficult to implement. But, some of the dinner recipes in Clean Eating don't seem that much different than my old edition of Betty Crocker. They just use healthier alternatives like wheat pasta, quinoa instead of white rice, and turkey instead of beef or pork. I'm not going full out gusto with clean eating. If a recipe doesn't look appetizing, I'm not going to put the energy into making it. Nothing I hate worse than to make something edible or to have a ton of leftovers staring at me. I like Cooks Illustrated since they have recipes for basics like sauces and stews. I figure making my own stock is better than canned. Making my own meat sauce is better than jarred preservative laden sauce. Baby steps :)

Lea: Give it some time. You'll be back jumping in no time! Kudos to you for pushing play! How was your weekend? Did the boys enjoy watching the baseball players?

Teddygirl: The ladies on Hardcore will be able to help you with your fitness goals. Pop in when you can.

Debra: LOL I love it! I hope you were folding his briefs or boxers too!!!}( }( Next time, you should wear his shirt with his scent still on it while folding his clothes.}( Take it easy with your knee. Traci doesn't want to have to carry you when we go hiking.:+ Traci is probably right. You get more honey when you're ??? How does that saying go again? LOL

Sandra: Why are you becoming depressed? Don't make me come to your house and slap you out of it and drag you to yoga!:D ;) Cooks Illustrated had a salmon section this issue. They had a few different salsa recipes too. I'm going to make one of the salsa recipes to go with the mahi mahi this week. I'll do your lovely salmon again next week.:9

Laurie: That's probably why I had a difficult time falling asleep... no late night workout to wear me out. See the benefits you reap when you push play on Day 1!!! I will let you know how the turkey meatballs taste. Last night, I grounded 2 pounds of turkey breast using my Kitchenaid mixer. I save so much money grinding my own meats. The turkey was on sale for $6.00. I'm using one pound for the meatballs and the other pound for the lasagna roll-ups. I'll let you know how the lasagna roll-ups taste. We're having those for dinner tonight. How sweet of you to bake your father cookies!!! Reminds me to look for my sugar cookie recipe that calls for melted butterscotch chips.:9

Okay, I've gotta get ready. We have to leave early to get eldest dd's haircut fixed.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
IMAX 2 plus C&W Abs

Today is DH birthday so I won't be around much. His big day is the reason he's been home all weekend. I hope all goes well as we are not speaking to each other:p

See you all tomorrow:*


Feel the burn!!!
I was just about to go do some yoga, then saw that Wendy does want the recipe. So, here goes. It's from the Laurel's Kitchen book (not her bread book, her all-recipe book):

"This recipe...makes two rather thin pizzas; if you like yours thicker, either halve the sauce and make only one, or double the dough and make two. The thicker version will take somewhat longer to bake. Be sure to let it rise after rolling out before you bake it. If you use sliced mushrooms on top, rubbing them with a little olive oil first makes a delectable difference.

2 tsps active dry yeast (1 packet, 1/4oz, or 7g)
1 & 2/3 cups warm water (110F)
4 cups whole wheat flour (preferably bread)
1/4 tsp black pepper
2 tsps salt
About 3 cups of tomato sauce, and garnishes.

Dissolve yeast in the warm water and set aside. Mix the flour, pepper, and salt together, making a well in the center. Add the yeast liquid and mix together. The dough should be quite soft. Knead until silky and elastic (double dough will take double kneading, by the way).

Cover and set in a warm, draft-free place to rise. If you keep the dough in a warm spot (around 80F), it will be ready to deflate in about an hour and a half. Carefully press the air from the dough and let it rise again. The second rise should take half the amount of time the first one did.

Preheat the oven to 375F.

Press the twice-risen dough flat and divide in two. Form two balls and let them rest, covered, while you warm your sauce and gather cheeses and garnishes. Grease your pizza pans and dust them with cornmeal [Sandra's note: the cornmeal is optional. Do it only if you like it. My husband hates it, so I usually leave it off]. Roll the dough into circles just a little bigger than your pizza pans (this takes some patience if the dough is good). Roll until the dough tenses up, then wait, then roll again. Take consolation from the fact that really elastic dough will rise better in the oven. Avoid forcing it though, that might crush and tear the structure of the dough. [Sandra's note again: this can sometimes take longer than the actual kneading process! And yes, sometimes I force it because I run out of patience!].

Transfer the rolled-out dough to the pans. (If you have time, let it rest now another 15 to 20 minutes in its warm place; the bread will be lighter). Spread the sauce on, add the garnishes, and pop the pizza in the oven. When the bread is delicately brown - about 10 to 15 mins, depending on the oven - spread the cheeses and return to the oven until bubbly.

If you need only one pizza today [Sandra's note: Whoever only eats one pizza?], make the second completely except for the cheese; bake just until the bread is beginning to brown. Sprinkle with cheese, cool, and wrap in plastic and freeze to warm up when needed."

There you go! Wendy, between what you wrote last night, and making me pull out my pizza recipe today, I think you just planned my menus for the week. Thanks!!! Be sure to let me know how this goes. The rolling out bit can be annoying, but the end result is so worth it. Also, cooked spinach on top is one of my favourite toppings. And instead of using cheese on the pizza, at the table drizzle it with some flavoured, seasoned olive oil. Mmmmmm!

Ooooh! I just had to go pull this out: Thai Chicken Pizza (from another cookbook altogether)....

For one 12" pizza:

Make the whole wheat crust above. For **toppings,** cook up 4oz of chopped chicken breast in a bit of olive oil. Add 1 tsp Mrs. Dash Extra Spicy Seasoning, and 1/2 tsp curry powder.

For the **sauce,** microwave (or heat in pot on stove) together 3 tbsp peanut butter (low fat or regular), 2 tbsp light soy sauce, 1 tbsp water, and 1/4 tsp cayenne (optional). Stir until smooth, then spread on pizza crust. Add the cooked chicken.

Chop 3 green onions, slice 6 mushrooms, and scatter overtop. Top with 1 cup grated, low-fat mozzarella cheese. Follow the recipe directions for the whole wheat crust about when to add these toppings and how long to cook the pizza. She suggests putting uncooked bean sprouts on the pizza when it's taken out of the oven, but I've never done that. This is a truly deeeelicious pizza.

Hi all,

Sandra - I printed the pizza recipe. That sounds like something DH would love. Just recently I made some Thia food with peanut sauce and he was in heaven. I'd make it tonight, but unfortunately I'm out of ww and white flour.

The run today started off iffy and went down hill quickly. I must not have replaced my glycogen stores from Sunday's workout and I had no energy. I went the normal distance but walked some of it. I should have known better, I was hungry last night when I went to bed.

I hope everyone else faired better than I did. Good thing tomorrow is another day:)I'm going to do some yoga now. Hopefully that and some extra food will boost me up for tomorrow.

Just an FYI on the reality tv. There are more shows on now than we can even watch; Dancing with the Stars, TBL, American Idol, Survivor, and The Apprentice (almost over and stupid, but heck I've watched it this long).

I just finished Magically Hips. Anyone got a cigarette? My goodness that felt good. I feel like I've only started to touch the tension that's been building up in my muscles and joints. It's definitely time for a recuperation week or two. I think I'll do alternate days of fun cardio and yoga. Some of that cardio will be circuits. Or maybe not LOL!! I'll take it one day at a time until this tension dissipates.

Traci....By my estimates you are still trapped on the floor with shaking dogs lying on top of you. Peanut butter solves all problems, except for the ones that are solved by chocolate.

Laurie....I love you run/LM blast workout. Nice idea! We need a picture of those cupcakes, for sure! There's definitely a place for rotations, and a time to let them go. I'm just not giving myself enough down time these days. I haven't done a proper yoga session in a couple months, I think. And I haven't let myself sleep in properly in a couple months, either. Who knows? Maybe today will be all I need to feel remotivated to keep going with the Feb rotation tomorrow, but I'll wait until tomorrow to decide that. I was supposed to do LowMax. Maybe. We'll see.

Teddygirl....We're sorry to lose you, for sure!!! But these are check ins, not marriages, so you're free to go :) Come back and give us a hello when you can. I'm really curious about whether you get your home for pregnant teenagers up and running. I wish you the best of luck in that endeavour.

Wendy....So, your mom's unmanaged diabetes is what was making her the craziest of Crazy Asian mothers? What a revelation! Here's hoping she sticks with the blood sugar monitoring; it must feel so much better to stay somewhat level. Everything I ever read about twins said that identical were pure luck, and fraternal were genetic (actually, the tendancy to release multiple eggs at ovulation was the genetic part). But they know so much and so little about reproduction these days that it certainly seems likely that there might be some mechanism at work that makes it more likely for a fertilized egg to split as it rolls down the fallopian tubes. Multiples are so fascinating. Your girls are identical twins, aren't they? My family is soaked with fraternal twins, as is DH's. And they become even more likely as maternal age increases, so I think we're ready to stop now before our luck runs out LOL!! I've made a note to look at Cook's Illustrated when I go shopping tomorrow. I love books that explain cooking chemistry. It makes it easier to modify them to suit your own tastes, or concoct recipes of your own. I was feeling depressed because I was starting to overtrain. As you can see, I'm taking care of that. I've gotten Eoin all warmed up for you tonight :) Did you buy PY4H2?

Nicole....Imax2 and CW abs are a great combo. Have a fun workout!

Tracy....Maybe Wendy can better speak to this (I think she did, actually, a while ago??), but I've suddenly started coming across a lot of "Thai" recipes. They all have one thing in common: a sauce made with peanut butter and soy sauce. It's a wonderful flavour combination. I'm sorry you ran out of gas today. You're right: tomorrow's a new day. I had a hard time deciding between Eoin and Shiva today. I think I'll go with Shiva on Thursday.

After Bible Club and dinner, I laid down for a nap. I just woke up!!! This cycle is going do wonders for my sleep cycle. (I need eyeroll icons!) I still have to do some yoga before I fall back to sleep. Looks like another midnight workout. At least it's with Eoin. Ahhhh

OMW! You would NOT believe what happened today at Bible Club. Okay, the children win points individually or as a team for things like memorizing their verses and winning games. At the end of club, before the parents collect their offspring, each of the six teams calculates and announces their total points for the day. When the last team announced their mega winning points, a lot of the children loudly vocalized their disbelief and disappointment. Hey, a tootsie roll is a big thing when you're 8!:7 Well, like an episode out of South Park, the boy sitting next to me shouted to the winning team in an exaggerated, drawn-out, deafening manner "You 8@st@rds!!!!!":eek: :eek: :eek: My first thought was, "Boy! You better be glad you didn't say this to Lindy LAST week!"}( Instead, I ask in utter shock, "Where is your mother!!!" Because you know how I hate dealing with other people's kids and I'd like to yell at someone!!! :7 So, I quickly turn my head towards the side gymnasium wall to the sight of all these parents staring in shocked horror!!! Like I was the one who taught this child to say this crap in public!!! OMW! I can see it now. Cindy Loo Whoo's mother will be sipping on her mocha cappuccino while gossiping with Johnny's mother, "You won't believe what these kids learn at Bible Club! There's no way My Cindy is going to hang around with 'those' kids!" Well, alls I got to say to that is: Here's hoping!!!!:eek: :7 ;) Sometimes I wonder when I'll be struck down!:7

Clean Eating Lasagna Roll-ups with Turkey and Spinach Verdict: Good! No one liked the cinnamon. It just set the dish off like you were expecting pie and got spinach instead. Not a good thing. Next time I make it, I'll omit the cinnamon and make a cup more tomato sauce. I'll add more Italian style seasonings and incorporate a panade (a paste made of milk and bread) into the ground turkey to help it stay more moist. There's a simple panade explanation in this month's Cooks Illustrated.:)

Clean Eating Quinoa with Apples and Blueberries Verdict Very good!!! I made it without milk due to my lactose intolerance issues. The girls did not like the texture. Shells gagged when she tasted it! They're sensitive to texture. The apples and blueberries lent a natural sweetness. The longer it sets, the natural sweetness infuses the quinoa. It keeps well after reheating it up from the fridge. This is a keeper for easy breakfasts.

Clean Eating Whey Protein Yogurt Verdict Nasty!!! However, I did use unflavored whey protein with plain yogurt. Next time, I'll try it with flavored yogurt or sweeten it with agave nectar.

Sandra: Thank you for taking the time posting the recipes!!!! I'll see what I can do and let you know the verdict.:) So, you had a luv fest with Eoin today. Sorry, I don't have a cigarette for you. But, I can roll you some hemp protein in a dried out banana leaf.:+ Thanks for explaining the depressing over training. What a foreign concept. Never had that happen to me! LOL No! I didn't buy PY4H2 yet. In fact, I still need to buy X+. When I went to order X+, I couldn't find my credit card in my disorganized wallet. I think I'll mosey on over to Amazon before I push play. I think my mom will be very diligent with her blood sugars now that the doctors finally have her monitoring them. She used to drink beer and stopped cold turkey when her doctor told her it was a no-no. I used to have a book about adult twin relationships written by a twin. I forget the author's name, even though I met her years ago! Anyhow, it is fascinating. My girls are identical. I think they might even be mirror image twins. All that means is that the egg stayed together longer and didn't split until after left/right distinctions were formed. One writes with her left hand, the other with her right hand. Their hair naturally parts opposite of each other. They have opposite, yet highly complimentary, personalities. For example, I never had to teach them how to share. Before they could walk or stand, Waves would crawl over to Shells with her toy. She would put her toy into Shell's hand and take the toy Shell's was playing with. Shelby never minded since she instinctively knew her sister had a short attention span. It never failed that she got her toy back in less than a minute after Waves got bored with it. I wish I video taped or recorded their twin talk. Phil and I would sit outside their door and listen to them "talk" to each other in a language all their own. You should push the envelope. Twins are so much fun!!! Really, my girls were the easiest as babies than all my singletons!!!

Tracy: Most of the Thai recipes that I make don't call for peanut oil. Thailand is so vast and includes a lot of Chinese-Thai. Bangkok Thais look and speak differently than Issan (Northeastern) Thais and Northern or Southern Thais. Each region has their own specialities based on the local produce. The Northern region eat more coconut curries while the Northeastern country region usually prefer curries without coconut. They all eat spicy foods. A common question to foreigners is, "Can you eat Thai food?" Basically, they want to know if you can eat hot spicy foods. My family was so comforted that even though I didn't speak Thai, I could eat most Thai foods. I draw the line with bugs! With that said, there really isn't a lot of staple Thai dishes in Thailand that use peanut oil. They use fish sauce, oyster sauce and sesame seed oil a lot more than peanut oil for flavoring. That's not to say that peanut oil is never used. I think the peanut oil is more of a Chinese Thai staple. However, you'd be hard pressed to find many Thais claiming to be half anything, even if they are fully descended from China.

Okay ladies, I'm off to check out PY4H2. Maybe it will motivate me to play with the original before bed.

Sweet dreams!
Hi everyone,
Busy day at work today, as usual. I really need to look at the clock and go for my walks. Got my haircut and color. Turned out good.

Debra, by now XDH is long gone. Good riddance! Give DD a hug for me as it's got to be hard for her to say goodbye to her Dad. Hope the knee is feeling better. I'm hoping you have a great vacation time with your BFF.

Sandra, hope the blues are gone for you. I think the winter just gets long and I crave getting outside more. Glad to hear that the terra cotta disk works. That's what I have too. I think the shorts probably had a lot to do with the lack of soreness. Once my DH and I took the mountain bikes and went on a bike trail along a lake. I told him he should wear his baggy bike shorts, but oh no, he's too macho for shorts. Preferred to ride in Wranglers and logger boots or something silly like that. By the time we were done with the 18 mile ride, he said it felt like someone had taken a rope in between his legs and up against his crotch and run it back and forth. He was very sore, but hey, I told him so. Why, oh why are they so stubborn sometimes? LOL about the yoga and a cigarette. You might have to take Wendy up on her offer of hemp powder and banana leaves. Wonder if Grandma can use a hit off something like that? Might give her the munchies.... Believe it or not, I've never had Thai food before. I like anything spicy so thinking I would like it. At least if bugs are not involved.

Traci, can't wait to see the new hair color. Bet it's pretty. You didn't go shorter, did you? Mine's pretty short and have worn it that way most of my life. Love long hair but it just doesn't look too good on me, or at least I don't think it would. No, not one tip from Father Tony yesterday, though I gave him a tip: "I think your ball is over in that ditch, on the other side of the willows." He's really a good sport and we talk about lots of stuff besides golf. No religion though.

Laurie, glad you had a good night's sleep. I've been sleeping well lately, no complaints there. It was difficult staying awake in the salon chair though. Caught myself nodding off a time or two. Worm burners are so frustrating. I think it's common for women to not want to hit the ground with their club, thus the dreaded worm burner. I'm hoping to improve on those this season. I'll probably pick up some other type of mishit or slice instead LOL! Hope the cupcakes were enjoyed by all. Easter Sugar Cookies sound yummy! Nice of you to make those for your pa.

Wendy, so glad your Mom is feeling better and taking her illness seriously. Hope you can get back on that bike sometime this summer. Did you ever get a cyclometer for it? Sorry about the bad haircut for your DD. How could they mess up a straight trim? It feels good having fresh color on my hair right now. You get to experience that next week too. We will all be so stylin come the first week of April!

Nicole, Happy Birthday to your DH. Hope you all had a grand day! He shares his with my sister, Patti. Think I will make a cake or do something along with Friday's dinner for Mom and Dad.

Tracy, sorry about the lack of go-go today during the run. The next one will be stellar I'm sure. I have a hard time with the weather turns warm. Always takes me a while to acclimate. Think I will do an easy bike ride tomorrow. Will have a tougher one the next day with some other riders. We'll just see who shows and tailor the ride to the riders.

Gotta surf the web a bit, then head for bed,


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