Happy! Happy![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/days_of_week/3.gif[/IMAGE]
Its Lukies Birthday!!!! He is 7 years old today...Never have I met a pooch that so appropriately had a B-day on "fools day"! [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/dogs/3.gif[/IMAGE]
Will post this & come back to edit as Netta may still be up packing & start a post OR Sandra may be hitting snoring DH in the head & just get up! --- I on the other hand woke myself (& the entire house) up w/ a sneezing attack! Once I'm up, I'm up!
Will be doing B&G today EVEN FLOORWORK!!!! - maybe (*maybe with a little m*)adding in an upper body circuit (short & sweet)..... Have today to do all my travel errands/laundry/packing....DH has to go to bay to accept refridgerator delivery...Because Sargent is a town off the beaten path we get Tuesday deliveries only in the PM....SOoooooo since he had to work Saturday he's taking off early this morning to head out-fish-accept delivery in PM - home early in AM (wed)to go to work... We are ships passing in the night this week.
Happy start of travel/ vacation week Jeanette! You must be THRILLED! I still get like a kid the night before Disneyland...cant sleep a wink! Be safe in all your travels.... I cant wrap my brain around the fact we'll finally get to meet! This is the most unique experience I think I've ever had! Like 5 blind dates all at once except I dont have to shave my legs! ~~~~ Extra special hugs to Tilie & Lexxie! DH will be busy/fine for a week...Do you have to "secretly" load the suitcases in car? We have to sneak them out or the kids get/stay very upset!!! ~~ ~~ROF on Father Tom & Acts of Contrition!!! ~~~~ Oh the tonsil story is just too much for such an early morning! Its amazing how we arent both widows! - Wendell told me his gums started bleeding yesterday (wife radar went off) after at least 15 attempts at getting him to admit his sins, I FINALLY got a *head down...*whispered.... "Ate Fritos" out of him... I just looked at him with the wifely, " Are you a TOTAL idiot" look & walked away..... He had scared himself silly (especially since his nurse is leaving) so I doubt there will be more chip incidints while I'm gone. Here I was watching quietly to make sure he didnt get addicted to pain pills this week...Little did I know it was his FRITOS addiction that would ultimately be his demise!
Well looky at YOU being the final poster of the day!!! I suppose that means I wont see you early today????~~ Great idea about adding some sugar to java!! No need to add in a seperate sugar filled frink at all! You're so smart!!!! I knew you werent on a binge! You're on the wagon now for a long time.... unless you get that bread machine out too many times each week... HEH....Why dont you give us a cake decorating class via Web Cam? We then submit it to Food Network...INSTANT STAR!!!! I wont add to the list of people telling you how sad they are about the retreat...You've read my blubbering emails...You know if I had an spare 1000.00 sitting around it would be different....Do you know that I tell Wendell all the time...The ONLY reason I want to be filthy rich is so I can send money to our moms every month and provide everyone I luv with the extra fun things in life that just arent in any of our budgets. I have no desire for jets or fancy cars...Just want to be in a position that $$ never comes between me/loved ones enjoying life to its fullest. I'd be a very boring RICH GIRL! ~~ Now dont go telling anyone this... I am MOST excited about Ab Circuits DVD! I kid you not! I really luv core work - just not floor crunches... I love everything about it.... I think Cathe will sell this one ala-carte off the shelves once it gets known...What more could you ever ask for in terms of variety core training and levels that can always be taken up a notch? I am so excited! hurry hurry
So glad you woke up in time to go to bed! I gather the "sleepy" disease hasnt gotten better? We can all nap every day while on retreat- I LUV naps a lot more than actually sleeping 8 hrs! Something forbidden about it I think! ~ I may have to go get new PJ's today... I didnt buy anything for the trip so maybe I'll hit Target & just see if anything calls my name... No need to crank the heaters for me... I like cozy PJ's & socks & fireplaces! I'm a happy girl in those surroundings! ~ LOL on TLTs ..... Well 4DS made PERFECT sense when I was working out starting Sunday BUT then that downward dog/LSD experience hit & I went to bed instead so then I had to think....Do I REALLY want to do a doubles day of 4DS to be "even"? - Chances were NO! so thought I'd best not further piss my body off ..... Good job getting in a doubles workout yesterday..You monster!!! YES- I consider the dream a workout! See how easy it was to let myself go these past few months?
Hooray AF will be gone early! Do you think the dramatic change in your BF% is making you wacky lately??? WHY oh WHY does there ALWAYS have to be a price we pay to be healthy? ~~ GOOD LUCK today.... I know you LUVED your last experience at DMV!
*blushing* about the mechanical bull! Honey in TX I've HEARD that its the best "O" you'll ever have! ROF!
I got a sneeze bug today!!!! Did you send it to me???? Mines from pollen tho...gotta get outta this dern city! How many suitcases you packing??? I STILL feel lost about Xers....Somehow Watercooler-ers doesnt make sense yet- BUT IT WILL! I was an Xer for almost 2 years ...gotta give me a month or so to wrap my brain around it..I'm really happy we changed tho- It was time.
WooHoo on the yoga!!! You can test ALOT of various options w/ Eoin if you stick to 90 min of yoga per X-Plan...NOT that I EVER did mind you but you are a far better Xer than I ever was!!! ENJOY them all!!!
OK- Time to deal with the sneezies....Maybe just more coffee!?
Its Lukies Birthday!!!! He is 7 years old today...Never have I met a pooch that so appropriately had a B-day on "fools day"! [IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/dogs/3.gif[/IMAGE]
Will post this & come back to edit as Netta may still be up packing & start a post OR Sandra may be hitting snoring DH in the head & just get up! --- I on the other hand woke myself (& the entire house) up w/ a sneezing attack! Once I'm up, I'm up!
Will be doing B&G today EVEN FLOORWORK!!!! - maybe (*maybe with a little m*)adding in an upper body circuit (short & sweet)..... Have today to do all my travel errands/laundry/packing....DH has to go to bay to accept refridgerator delivery...Because Sargent is a town off the beaten path we get Tuesday deliveries only in the PM....SOoooooo since he had to work Saturday he's taking off early this morning to head out-fish-accept delivery in PM - home early in AM (wed)to go to work... We are ships passing in the night this week.
Happy start of travel/ vacation week Jeanette! You must be THRILLED! I still get like a kid the night before Disneyland...cant sleep a wink! Be safe in all your travels.... I cant wrap my brain around the fact we'll finally get to meet! This is the most unique experience I think I've ever had! Like 5 blind dates all at once except I dont have to shave my legs! ~~~~ Extra special hugs to Tilie & Lexxie! DH will be busy/fine for a week...Do you have to "secretly" load the suitcases in car? We have to sneak them out or the kids get/stay very upset!!! ~~ ~~ROF on Father Tom & Acts of Contrition!!! ~~~~ Oh the tonsil story is just too much for such an early morning! Its amazing how we arent both widows! - Wendell told me his gums started bleeding yesterday (wife radar went off) after at least 15 attempts at getting him to admit his sins, I FINALLY got a *head down...*whispered.... "Ate Fritos" out of him... I just looked at him with the wifely, " Are you a TOTAL idiot" look & walked away..... He had scared himself silly (especially since his nurse is leaving) so I doubt there will be more chip incidints while I'm gone. Here I was watching quietly to make sure he didnt get addicted to pain pills this week...Little did I know it was his FRITOS addiction that would ultimately be his demise!
Well looky at YOU being the final poster of the day!!! I suppose that means I wont see you early today????~~ Great idea about adding some sugar to java!! No need to add in a seperate sugar filled frink at all! You're so smart!!!! I knew you werent on a binge! You're on the wagon now for a long time.... unless you get that bread machine out too many times each week... HEH....Why dont you give us a cake decorating class via Web Cam? We then submit it to Food Network...INSTANT STAR!!!! I wont add to the list of people telling you how sad they are about the retreat...You've read my blubbering emails...You know if I had an spare 1000.00 sitting around it would be different....Do you know that I tell Wendell all the time...The ONLY reason I want to be filthy rich is so I can send money to our moms every month and provide everyone I luv with the extra fun things in life that just arent in any of our budgets. I have no desire for jets or fancy cars...Just want to be in a position that $$ never comes between me/loved ones enjoying life to its fullest. I'd be a very boring RICH GIRL! ~~ Now dont go telling anyone this... I am MOST excited about Ab Circuits DVD! I kid you not! I really luv core work - just not floor crunches... I love everything about it.... I think Cathe will sell this one ala-carte off the shelves once it gets known...What more could you ever ask for in terms of variety core training and levels that can always be taken up a notch? I am so excited! hurry hurry
So glad you woke up in time to go to bed! I gather the "sleepy" disease hasnt gotten better? We can all nap every day while on retreat- I LUV naps a lot more than actually sleeping 8 hrs! Something forbidden about it I think! ~ I may have to go get new PJ's today... I didnt buy anything for the trip so maybe I'll hit Target & just see if anything calls my name... No need to crank the heaters for me... I like cozy PJ's & socks & fireplaces! I'm a happy girl in those surroundings! ~ LOL on TLTs ..... Well 4DS made PERFECT sense when I was working out starting Sunday BUT then that downward dog/LSD experience hit & I went to bed instead so then I had to think....Do I REALLY want to do a doubles day of 4DS to be "even"? - Chances were NO! so thought I'd best not further piss my body off ..... Good job getting in a doubles workout yesterday..You monster!!! YES- I consider the dream a workout! See how easy it was to let myself go these past few months?
Hooray AF will be gone early! Do you think the dramatic change in your BF% is making you wacky lately??? WHY oh WHY does there ALWAYS have to be a price we pay to be healthy? ~~ GOOD LUCK today.... I know you LUVED your last experience at DMV!
*blushing* about the mechanical bull! Honey in TX I've HEARD that its the best "O" you'll ever have! ROF!
I got a sneeze bug today!!!! Did you send it to me???? Mines from pollen tho...gotta get outta this dern city! How many suitcases you packing??? I STILL feel lost about Xers....Somehow Watercooler-ers doesnt make sense yet- BUT IT WILL! I was an Xer for almost 2 years ...gotta give me a month or so to wrap my brain around it..I'm really happy we changed tho- It was time.
WooHoo on the yoga!!! You can test ALOT of various options w/ Eoin if you stick to 90 min of yoga per X-Plan...NOT that I EVER did mind you but you are a far better Xer than I ever was!!! ENJOY them all!!!
OK- Time to deal with the sneezies....Maybe just more coffee!?