The Watercooler..April Fools Day! *really* it is!


Happy! Happy![IMAGE][/IMAGE]

Its Lukies Birthday!!!! He is 7 years old today...Never have I met a pooch that so appropriately had a B-day on "fools day"! [IMAGE][/IMAGE]

Will post this & come back to edit as Netta may still be up packing & start a post OR Sandra may be hitting snoring DH in the head & just get up! --- I on the other hand woke myself (& the entire house) up w/ a sneezing attack! Once I'm up, I'm up!


Will be doing B&G today EVEN FLOORWORK!!!! - maybe (*maybe with a little m*)adding in an upper body circuit (short & sweet)..... Have today to do all my travel errands/laundry/packing....DH has to go to bay to accept refridgerator delivery...Because Sargent is a town off the beaten path we get Tuesday deliveries only in the PM....SOoooooo since he had to work Saturday he's taking off early this morning to head out-fish-accept delivery in PM - home early in AM (wed)to go to work... We are ships passing in the night this week.

Happy start of travel/ vacation week Jeanette! You must be THRILLED! I still get like a kid the night before Disneyland...cant sleep a wink! Be safe in all your travels.... I cant wrap my brain around the fact we'll finally get to meet! This is the most unique experience I think I've ever had! Like 5 blind dates all at once except I dont have to shave my legs! ~~~~ Extra special hugs to Tilie & Lexxie! DH will be busy/fine for a week...Do you have to "secretly" load the suitcases in car? We have to sneak them out or the kids get/stay very upset!!! ~~ ~~ROF on Father Tom & Acts of Contrition!!! ~~~~ Oh the tonsil story is just too much for such an early morning! Its amazing how we arent both widows! - Wendell told me his gums started bleeding yesterday (wife radar went off) after at least 15 attempts at getting him to admit his sins, I FINALLY got a *head down...*whispered.... "Ate Fritos" out of him... I just looked at him with the wifely, " Are you a TOTAL idiot" look & walked away..... He had scared himself silly (especially since his nurse is leaving) so I doubt there will be more chip incidints while I'm gone. Here I was watching quietly to make sure he didnt get addicted to pain pills this week...Little did I know it was his FRITOS addiction that would ultimately be his demise!

Well looky at YOU being the final poster of the day!!! I suppose that means I wont see you early today????~~ Great idea about adding some sugar to java!! No need to add in a seperate sugar filled frink at all! You're so smart!!!! I knew you werent on a binge! You're on the wagon now for a long time.... unless you get that bread machine out too many times each week... HEH....Why dont you give us a cake decorating class via Web Cam? We then submit it to Food Network...INSTANT STAR!!!! I wont add to the list of people telling you how sad they are about the retreat...You've read my blubbering emails...You know if I had an spare 1000.00 sitting around it would be different....Do you know that I tell Wendell all the time...The ONLY reason I want to be filthy rich is so I can send money to our moms every month and provide everyone I luv with the extra fun things in life that just arent in any of our budgets. I have no desire for jets or fancy cars...Just want to be in a position that $$ never comes between me/loved ones enjoying life to its fullest. I'd be a very boring RICH GIRL! ~~ Now dont go telling anyone this... I am MOST excited about Ab Circuits DVD! I kid you not! I really luv core work - just not floor crunches... I love everything about it.... I think Cathe will sell this one ala-carte off the shelves once it gets known...What more could you ever ask for in terms of variety core training and levels that can always be taken up a notch? I am so excited! hurry hurry

So glad you woke up in time to go to bed! I gather the "sleepy" disease hasnt gotten better? We can all nap every day while on retreat- I LUV naps a lot more than actually sleeping 8 hrs! Something forbidden about it I think! ~ I may have to go get new PJ's today... I didnt buy anything for the trip so maybe I'll hit Target & just see if anything calls my name... No need to crank the heaters for me... I like cozy PJ's & socks & fireplaces! I'm a happy girl in those surroundings! ~ LOL on TLTs ..... Well 4DS made PERFECT sense when I was working out starting Sunday BUT then that downward dog/LSD experience hit & I went to bed instead so then I had to think....Do I REALLY want to do a doubles day of 4DS to be "even"? - Chances were NO! so thought I'd best not further piss my body off ..... Good job getting in a doubles workout yesterday..You monster!!! YES- I consider the dream a workout! See how easy it was to let myself go these past few months?

Hooray AF will be gone early! Do you think the dramatic change in your BF% is making you wacky lately??? WHY oh WHY does there ALWAYS have to be a price we pay to be healthy? ~~ GOOD LUCK today.... I know you LUVED your last experience at DMV!

*blushing* about the mechanical bull! Honey in TX I've HEARD that its the best "O" you'll ever have! ROF!

I got a sneeze bug today!!!! Did you send it to me???? Mines from pollen tho...gotta get outta this dern city! How many suitcases you packing??? I STILL feel lost about Xers....Somehow Watercooler-ers doesnt make sense yet- BUT IT WILL! I was an Xer for almost 2 years ...gotta give me a month or so to wrap my brain around it..I'm really happy we changed tho- It was time.

WooHoo on the yoga!!! You can test ALOT of various options w/ Eoin if you stick to 90 min of yoga per X-Plan...NOT that I EVER did mind you but you are a far better Xer than I ever was!!! ENJOY them all!!!

OK- Time to deal with the sneezies....Maybe just more coffee!?
Happy April Fools Day!!:+ I know my kids will take full advantage of today. So looking forward to it(not).

Today is some type of cardio and abs. I have plenty of time to do it since it was a sleepless night for me. Would you guys quit passing this around? It makes for a grumpy mom.

Traci - Sorry about the sneeze bug. I hope that you feel better. I bet that you are very excited about going to Debra's. Take lots and lots of pictures. LOL on the bull riding. I don't doubt that's what they say in Texas. Unfortunately I didn't hold on long enough to find out, plus, there were kids around:p .

Ok, time to decide what I want to do for cardio today. Talk to you soon.

Good Morning Ladies,

I still haven't packed. I have so much to do before I leave. It's half stressing and a bit overwhelming. I was so tired yesterday before and after yoga. I went shopping for pjs after yoga, came home and went straight to bed. Tossed and turned all night long. Everytime I woke up, I kept thinking of everything I had to do and what I needed to pack.

Okay, I remember GS Legs now. I totally forgot about those slow mo lunges. How could I forget those!!! Must have blocked it from memory. I tend to do that with traumatic experiences. :7 The teardrop area of my quads are not happy with me today! Then the yoga instructor had us do some sort of move straight into bird of paradise. The only Bird of Paradise I know is a real bird!!! I was totally lost. So, I rag dolled it!:p Maybe Tracy will be able to show me what that is on the retreat.

Off to open another window and catch up with personals.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Good Morning Early Risers: Traci and Lea!:)

Traci: Happy Birthday Lukie!!!! What's on the agenda for him today? A total body hair removal? Or is it too early in the season to freak out your MIL with a shaved pooch?:+ Eldest dd kept reminding me about Aprils Fools Day yesterday. I just grunted. LOL Phil gets those sneezing attacks too. Usually, it's at the most inopportune times like while driving 70mph down the turnpike!:eek: Should I bring extra Sudafed to share? Jenn and I took a dose before yoga last night. She asked me if it would make her drowsy. If anything, it would have made her have an out of body experience. Ha-Ha BTW, my sneeze bug is still with me. It's raining again in lovely PA. Wendell sounds back to his ole self again which is good, except for the darn Fritos addiction! Huff! Some people's kids!:p We can't have you playing Nurse Betty instead of playing with us! Deep down, I think I'll always consider us the Xers until my memory fader kicks into gear again. :+

Lea: It's so good to see you posting again. I'm with you about celebrating April Fools Days with children. I can only handle fake laughing in little doses. It's not in my nature to fake laugh. But, rolling my eyes might be a bit mean to a child who thinks their jokes are sitcom worthy. Do you remember the first time you realized that old people (adults) were disingenuous? I do. It was at church. I was seven years old at the time. Yeah, it takes me awhile to catch a clue. Anyway, I'll always remember how heart breaking I felt when I realized that not everyone thought I was smart and funny. :7 :7 :7 So, it was you passed me the no sleeping vibes last night. Thanks! I'll remember this!:p ;) Enjoy your cardio and abs!

Posting today's catch up completed to Lea. Off to check out yesterday's posts.

Ballistic Hugs!
Step Blast(FitTv Version), kathy smith abs and stretch w/ball done. So this is what happens when you wake up early, you have enough time to do a lot with your workout? Hmmmm...

Traci - I forgot to say happy birthday to Lukie. How rude.

Wendy - Aw, I will go along with the jokes, grudgingly. I will try to not roll my eyesx( . I know older DS will get a kick out of today. I think it was you though who passed down the no sleeping vibes. Don't be blaming me bootay!! No way!! What a dissapointment to realize the the old people(they were probably like what 25 at the time:p?) didn't think you were funny. I seriously cannot imagine that. Have fun packing.

Off to make coffee.. Catch up with all of you ladies later.

Quickie post to say...Happy April Fool's Day...And Happy birthday to dear sweet Lukie!! I am off to take the cat to get shaved and go to the grocery store....Didn't someone mention they want my life?? How about picking up my angry calico from the groomer later today!!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Hi all,

Just a quick check in to say hi. Today is cardio and core plus some yoga.

Lea- My you must have gotten up really early. It is amazing how much you can get done. Just ask Traci!

Traci - Still chipper and zippy. Glad you are getting in some workouts and still chipper!

Wendy - Nothing worse than feeling overwhelmed. I'm sure you did much better in the yoga than you are letting on. I hate those slo-mo lunges. There is such a dread factor.

Hi all,

Just a quick check in to say hi. Today is cardio and core plus some yoga.

Lea- My you must have gotten up really early. It is amazing how much you can get done. Just ask Traci!

Traci - Still chipper and zippy. Glad you are getting in some workouts and still chipper!

Wendy - Nothing worse than feeling overwhelmed. I'm sure you did much better in the yoga than you are letting on. I hate those slo-mo lunges. There is such a dread factor.

Bottoms Up!

Sandra: Fancy seeing you last. Actually, I wasn't all that flattered considering he didn't look like my type of man. You know, one with looks and money!:7 ;) DS called me a couple of times from the Washington airport before he plane took off to Germany. He's a little excited, but has some reservations. I think he's more excited by the fact that he can buy beer at Burger King. :7 It's the same reason why I have my reservations. It's hard not being able to nag them once they leave the nest. Oh hon! I don't think you feel that way at all about expensive clothes! Sorry I came off that way!!! Believe me, if I could find clothes that fit me properly at Target and Walmart, I would be all over it! Seriously, it's difficult finding pants that fit my short, petite frame. The jeans I just purchased are in the process of being hemmed! Maybe, if I was less vain, I would buy shorts and capris without having to worry about the length. But, I don't like looking at my jiggly thighs or subjecting others to them too! :+ Oh, depending on the yoga facility, there's not much form pointers/corrections. When I asked the instructor about inversions before class, she told me that power yoga wasn't about exact form. I tried finding out when the Iyengar studio had their classes, but the office was closed, and they didn't have any fliers outside their door. I wanted to get proper form pointers/corrections to take with me to power yoga. The instructor told me that power yoga and Iyengar would be a good mix. Sometimes, I notice proper form makes the pose feel like magic, less fighting for the pose and more "do without doing". How'd your dh make out last night? Is he still among the living? :+ ;)

Jeanette: I'm exhausted from just reading about your day! Where do you get the energy!!!! Please bring some to give me on the retreat!!! Bootay Jeans are not a brand of jeans, just a style. The lady, who I think is the owner, just knew her jeans. She collected over ten different jeans for me to try on... all of them with a similar cut for big butts. LOL I don't remember all the brands. I think there were some Paige jeans, Joe jeans, Honey jeans, New Legend (or something Legend) and a few other brands. I'd have to look at my receipt to find out which brand I bought since I don't have physical custody of them at the moment. The store offered free hemming of which I took full advantage!!! EWWWWWWW KFC Moment!!! that really was finger licking good! Yuck! I keep wondering when I'll find a studio that has their instructors touch sweaty heads! My favorite instructor won't even correct poses except with verbal prompts because he hates touching sweaty people. I can't say that I blame him either!!!

Debra Deb: You crack me up! I wonder if they realize what they're saying. What kind of outreach is that!!! LOL Looks like they prefer preaching to the choir. It's funny that I help out in Bible Club since I don't like watching other people's kids and I'm not fond of most outreach programs. I think some are very disingenuous. I feel that way about some missionaries too. But, I suppose that's to be had in every religion.

Tracy: How are you feeling today? Hopefully, you're feeling ready to take on a whole new day!:*

Okay, I've gotta get something to eat before I finish personals. I've also got to look in the Black book and find out which upper body Tony has on tap for me.

Chat more later!
Good morning,

Just a fly-by post until I can come back and see how you're all doing. I think this morning I'll be doing Kenpo Cardio+, and possibly Abs/core+. Some sort of abs, anyway. Maybe CoreMax#2. Or BG bonus abs. I'll decide when I get there. My hips and inner thighs are feeling yesterday's workout - those plies in Imax3 blast #5 always give me inner thigh doms, more than any floorwork. I don't think I was meant to be a ballerina.

Have a great workout! It's nice to see so many of us up and about already.

Hi ladies,
Today was High Step Challenge timesaver premix. That band work always gets me good. I'm stiff today from who knows what. Probably from the yardwork last night. Lots of raking. Full day of work today and then taking off for DS's house in Reno. Fly out in a.m.

Traci, happy birthday to Lukie!!! Does he get any special treats? Bet Wendell doesn't mind doing the fridge acceptance if it means he gets to fish. LOL about the Frito addiction!!! Busted!! Glad you got the truth out of him. That's all I want sometime is an apology or a "you were right". Few and far between, thanks to the male (or my male's) ego. Funny, I have no problem apologizing or giving credit when it's due.

Lea, sorry about the sleepless night. I didn't get much either. Maybe I can catch a little nap at my desk today.

Wendy, those slo mo lunges are killer. I think she uses 5# for them too. The squat and stands today in High Step Challenge were no picnic either. The only Bird of Paradise I know is a plant/flower. Yep, bet we can get Tracy to demo. Oh yeah, the down side to the yoga head massages was that she would come around and place a warm eye bag over everyone's eyes. It felt nice, but shortly after, I started getting stys and not sure if that's where they came from. Ooooh, a warm crock pot full of germs. Maybe it was a good thing I quit going to the class. I have lots of energy, but if I channeled it a little differently, could have more to show for it around the house. Anyway, I have DH in house maintenance mode right now, which is a good thing. I'm fantasizing that the house trim will be all done by the time I return. Okay, Bootay jeans is a style. I'll have to check into that sometime. Beer at Burger King :eek:. Bet your DS loves Germany. So many do.

Tracy, how's the cardio endurance coming? I think I'm improving some. Is the hip/leg/back feeling better now? You haven't spoken of it lately so I guess that's a good thing.

Sandra, way to go on Imax3 inner thigh hops. I remember that one. I need to do more mish moshing for sure. I've only done the first 5 combos of that one, but I enjoyed it. Look forward to seeing you on the webcam soon!

Gotta run. If I don't check back later, I'll see some of you in the funny papers. That's a joke from something, can't remember what.

Morning Ladies,

Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 3/Day 6
Workout: SH Legs & Shoulders (done) / 3m Run (when I get home)

I'm not much of a fool, but I hope everyone has a great April Fools day.

Today I have to go vote, and then get to my hair appointment. :D

Oldest DD is home from school today, she has been coughing really bad. But she has to do some laundry. DH will be gone until tomorrow night. He has to drive a truck out to Madison, and will be staying out there until tomorrow night. x( This is going to be a crazy busy month for our family. :7

Traci, Happy Birthday to Lukie! Guess that Frito episode will teach Wendell not to eat those for a while. ;-) Yep I think DH was being a romatic because we won't be seeing each other until Sunday evening. :D They will not be home when I get back. It will be nice to have some time to maybe take a nap when I get home. :7 I'm shaving my legs!!!! Nobody wants to see my bright white legs all hairy!!! :D I loved the smoking smiles yesterday!

Wendy, Glad that mouse was disposed of. So glad you have a brave DD. I'm not packed yet either, and probably won't be until tomorrow. Well maybe I will start a little of the packing tonight. I'm going to try to get all my running around done tonight.

Kim, You really had a great shopping find. Magically Hips is the one I like the best. ;-)

Lea, Nope taxes where not very romatic, but the end result was not evil either. We only owe the gov't $750. Last year was a lot more, DH didn't work as much OT. :D So as soon as that was done we commenced with shopping and dinner. :D No foolish things where played on me yet, I think my DD's where to tired to think this morning. :D

Tracy, I am only off TH & F. I was the only person in our department here yesterday afternoon. My boss is sick so went to the doc, one guy is still out with his back and my counterpart takes off the afternoons to take care of his wife (she broke her ankle). I'm the only woman, and I am fairly healthy. (knock on my formica table top) :7 :7 WTG on the workout, even when you don't feel like doing the dang thing.

Debra, I can't wait to see crazy Polly, she sounds like a hoot. I still have to get used to working on only one part and then moving on to the next when doing GS and SH. One thing I liked about P90X was the change from one part to another. Hope your cat isn't too upset with the shave! :7

Jeanette, I was tired reading your day yesterday too! Had to LOL about the Our Fathers and Hail Marys. My DD's went to a Catholic church this weekend, and they made the comment "Mom they did the rosary 10 times." :7 :7 :7 So I asked them if they are going to complain about going to church anymore, because I could always send them to our friends church again. :7 :7 :7 Glad Lexxie is feeling better. So there is hope for my DD's being good housekeepers? I know my oldest keeps her room very clean, so maybe she is my hope. :D

Sandra, You where the late night poster. :D Yes that is the WW book I found. The unleven bread is the one that I was talking about. It really goes well with Indian food of course. :9 He made this other item that I think is in that cookbook too. Will have to double check the name with him. Housework sometimes is a necessary evil. :D I do like a clean house, but my time during the week is limited. It gets done eventually. :D

Have a great day!

Back again. KenpoCardio+ done, as is Abs/core+.

How's everything around here?

Debra....OMG I laughed about the Jesus in your heart thing. What does DD say when they say things like this to her? I remember a kid in my old neighbourhood who was trying to convert other children down the street, and she was only 5 years old! Kids these days ;) Why is your feline friend getting a shave?

Jeanette....Were you home from work yesterday? I missed that tidbit. But it sounds like you made great use of your time. That was so funny about Father Tony. You've never been "further east than Oklahoma"? Oh, that sounds so funny for some reason. Enjoy your journey. It should be easier to enjoy now that Lexxie is feeling better. I'm sure you wouldn't feel comfortable leaving her when she's ill. When did you order that jersey? Just last week? Can you send me a photo of yourself, wearing it, after you get back? I'd love to see it. My parents live in Ontario - a 4 to 5 hour plane ride. So, pretty far. There is a possibility brewing right now that DD#1 will be staying with them for 2 1/2 weeks in the summer. I did that HSC timesaver premix once, and felt as worked out as if I'd done the whole workout. I remember wondering what she left out? You've only done the first 5 intervals of Imax3? Like all of her interval workouts, the second half is better than the first. The two hardest intervals, IMO, are #4 &5. My goal is always to just get through those two, and then enjoy the rest of the workout. My favourite is #7.

Traci....Happy birthday to your little pup! DH survived the night. I think the biggest strain on our marriage is his snoring. Drives me freakin' nuts :) So, did you do allll of BG today? Do your glutes feel like two ripe apples attached to your back now? OMG, that's hilarious about Wendell and the Fritos. I have a feeling that this is going to be my year for finally finding a money-earning career, and then I can start putting money away for travel, etc. We're so fortunate that DH's income can support us reasonably comfortably, while the kids are so young, but I worry a lot about not having a fluffy savings/retirement/education account. Oh well. What will be will be. I agree about Ab Circuits being an excellent stand-alone dvd. I can't imagine anyone wanting to buy Ab Hits after this one hits the market.

Lea....Shhhh! I'm not telling my kids that it's April Fool's Day! Who needs to make life more irritating? Happy cardio-ing! How's your back these days?

Wendy....You've really gotten into yoga, haven't you? Is it your favourite fitness activity these days? Oh, I think I've seen that Bird of Paradise move, but I can't recall what it is. I think it's really hard balance posture, isn't it? Yes, you have to "love" how Cathe finishes us off at the end of the GS Standing Legs with those slo-mo lunges. Nasty stuff. You can buy beer at Burger King in Germany?? LMAO! What do you get at McD's? Crack?? And like you, my anxiety radar would go up 10-fold if I knew my child was going there, even if he IS a big boy now! If you're looking for form pointers, Eoin Finn has a really, really, really excellent section on his Pure and Simple Yoga dvd. You pick the move you're interested in, and it takes you to a short clip of him and his partner. He takes you through each pose in a very detailed manner.

Tracy....Good morning. I hope Day 2 of TTOM is going better than the first. Do you pay any mind to the people who say you shouldn't do certain moves (like inversions) while menstruating?

Laurie....How are you enjoying the February rotation? Would I have been happy with the results by now, if I'd stuck with it? April's busy for you all? I hope you still get time to chat with us, and that DD isn't getting really sick. I'll go look for that bread recipe right now....Okay, I'm back and flipping through. Oooh look! So much good stuff. This week I will try the Shrimp Fried Rice from the "Chinese Classics" section. Those Chiapatis will probably go great with some kind of stew or stir fry, so I'll plan for that, too. I notice a chickpea & cauliflower stew recipe in the same section that would looks tasty. Thanks for making my menu planning for the week so much easier!

Have a great day!!
Happy April to you all! Got KenpoX done for the last time this morning and then took the kids to the science museum for a couple of hours. The museum was crazy busy due to spring break;) Now hoping to relax a few hours before I have a professional association between at 5-7 tonight then home to watch the Biggest Loser.

Wendy just ewhh on the mouse, Ick !

Tracy All 3 of my new dvds are Eoin Finn's, I guess I should have got one to try and see if I like it but this store is so far away I figured if I like his workouts it's such a long drive back to buy more.

Laurie Glad you had such a nice weekend with DH! Hope DD is feeling better soon!

Debra- WTG on the great mark on the exam.

Jeanette- Are you off work all week? Sounds like you had a real nice day off yesterday.
Build-a-Bear is a chain of stores where kids can build their own teddy bear. They pick the animal, pick a heart to put in, stuff it,etc. and then you can dress and accessorize :p The teddy bears need cell phones, shoes, underwear, purses, sunglasses, etc. Each piece is only another few dollars. By time they're finished it's a million dollar bear. ;( Lots of girls between the ages of 2-10 hanging out in this place, a big hit for birthday parties too.

Wendy- I think you should be very flattered that you had a youngster hit on you!

Lea WTG on getting your workout done early today!

Traci- LOL on the fritos! I see lots of males with injuries where I work, they are so funny compared to the women. Happy birthday to Lukie!

Sandra- Two and half weeks with grandma/grandpa! That's a long time to be away! She is 7?? Has she been away without you before? The little one will be home with you? I always find the first blast in IMAX 3 to be hardest I'm not sure why because no one else seems to think so.

Hi all,

Just hanging around a little before DS and I go run. It's finally 70 and sunny. I know that means a lot of huffing and puffing, but if it wasn't hot, I'd be doing OK cardio wise.

Kim - I'm sure you'll like Eion. There isn't much not to like about his style. I'll be watching TBL too. Who do you think will win?

Debra - Jumping to head of the class huh? You go girl. I was an overachiever for the dr, now it's like whatever. I put in a little time and that's it. I haven't turned in anything this semester that was great. It's an undergrad course though, so the expectations are much lower TG.

Wendy - You are the yoga queen now. Are you going every day?

Sandra and Laurie - I wish I was good about using cookbooks. I have lots, but usually just end up getting ideas and then going on my own. That's why stuff rarely tastes the same twice. I did yoga Trance Dance yesterday. My upper body was fatigued and the thought of a lot of shoulder work was just not appealing. I think it was a sign.

Traci - Luke's bday huh? Did you cook up some special dog bones or the like?

Jeanette - I have to go back and read your antics from yesterday. 9 hours travel time is a long day. Are you leaving at the crack of dawn? It seems like those flights are always the cheapest.

4DS Kickbox + Shoulders, Back & Biceps from 4DS

Busy day today preparing for my departure. Last minute errands getting things done for DH's week of daycare:D I am so glad he'll get a taste of my life. I'll come home and he'll tell me how easy it is and he'll trade me. He would never admit that it can be tough at times:p

Debra, Are you ready for the onslaught of women?:) I bet Julia is getting excited too. Way to go on your test! ^5

Traci, Happy Birthday to Lukie. It is my parents anniversary today. They eloped in Vegas so when they called to tell everyone they thought they were joking:) Don't miss Wendell too much. How's his mouth?

Tracy, Are you all ready for the trek south? I hope you have lots of good music to listen to. Glad the weather is nice enough to go for a nice run with DS.

Wendy, Breath! You'll get it all done and have a blast. Have a safe, fun trip!!

Sandra, I bet the girls are so bummed you won't be there. I know you would liven things up for sure.

Jeanette, Is your DH going to miss you tons? I bet he'll turn on the Discovery channel and stay in front of it until you return;) Have a safe flight!

Laurie, Looking forward to your girl time? Are the girls missing you already? Hope DD gets better soon.

Lea, GET SOME SLEEP!!! And that's an order!!

Kim, It's the P90X home stretch for you:) Are you happy it's almost over or sad to see it end? Isn't TBL a great show? Goes to show you what hard work and determination can do.

P.S. Someone PLEASE take pictures and post them!!!!!! I'll be thinking of you all this weekend:*


Feel the burn!!!
Okay...back to say hello...and report on my busy day...Is there such a thing as PMS after your ttom???? 'Cause I gotta tell you I have been moody as HE!! over the past couple of days!!!!! I am looking forward to the retreaters coming...I am sure everyone will get me out of the doldrums I have been in!!!

Onto my opposed to my nasty mood....I know Jeanette is going to read this later this evening and be very scared to get on that plane in the morning...LOL! I promise, I will be better by tomorrow!! Let's I got some more cleaning done...the upstairs needed vacuuming since I can't remember the last time I did that...LOL! DD cleaned her room today as well...always a good thing...Beds are all set up for the weary travelers...Cat is partially shaved...Apparently her mood wasn't any better than mine, so they just did the bad parts....Talked to XDH about some money issues..(could this be part of the reason for my mood??)...Large run to the grocery store completed...Made tacos for DD and CBL and then sent him home since his mood was actually worse than mine! Also did 4DS KB (just the cardio and standing abs) and then added on KM leg drill with ankle weights. No big DOMS from SH bis and tris yesterday, although my upper back is feeling my workout from today since I obviously had some pent up frustrations to get out...LOL!

quickie personals...

Guess what?? You get to meet CBL tomorrow! He is coming over after work to mow part of my grass and have a couple of drinks...You will be the test subject...LOL! Hope everything goes well with your flights!! Can't wait to see you! Glad Lexxie is definitely on the mend.

Did Lukie get anything special for his bday?? Naps for the retreat I am sure will be a matter of course...especially since I am sure we will keep you up waaay after your bedtime!! Thanks for reminding me to do 4DSKB was just the right length and I got out a few aggressions.

How are those legs today?? Last time I did GS I had DOMS for a full 4 days! Get some sleep and pack some pjs!!!

I gotta tell you, getting up early just to workout is not one of those things you will ever see me do!! God bless your dedicated heart.

How is FIL today?? Good you guys got out for a nice run...It got warmer here today than they predicted...I can only hope that that will be true for the whole weekend! I am actually really enjoying this class...we'll see how I feel about physics this summer...LOL! And then the dread anatomy in the fall.

Have a wonderful time with your sister!! I am sure there will be PLENTY of pics floating around after the retreat...You'll almost feel like you're with us...We are definitely going to miss you!!

It was the one who is DD's age who said that...and of course, I have been an incredibly bad mother and have not taken my daughter to any sort of organized religion...which is on my things to do list. I have a church all picked out, but for some reason things just never seem to fall into place on Sunday mornings...Ugh...So of course, she just agrees and has no idea what she is agreeing too. My only laugh is that I hope she asked her Jewish father if he had Jesus in his heart when they were last together...LOL! I am sure that would have created a stir!!

Just one more day and you get to meet the doodle...She is very sweet but incredibly ill-mannered....Not at all like your Cami I am sure! I know you must be glad to be getting a little break from work. When I first finished the X I used GS with the mix and match feature which helped me keep more of an X like workout...can't do that with SH, though. I am sooooo glad you are getting your hair done...we wouldn't want to see you with those horrible split ends...LOL!

Read post to Wendy about DD's Jesus response...My kitty is old and fat and has irritable bowel syndrome and has a real problem keeping her bottom clean so we shaved off the crusty poop...Aren't you glad you asked?? Yes, I used to be closer...right outside of
Chicago for a couple of years and outside of Minneapolis for a miserable 18 months!

Hope you guys had a good time at the science museum...I really liked the kids museum while we were in Chicago. There is supposed to be a good one in the next town over, but we haven't gone yet. There is also an environmental center I really want to get there over the summer.

I am done for now...DD is already sleeping in my bed...Need to hit the hay and join her....I am going to post some new picture trails pics before I get some shut-eye though.

later gators...


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Debra, Thanks for posting the new pics! Your hair is getting so long. It looks good on you:) Julia's personality really shows through in pictures. I am going to miss meeting her too. Have fun!

See you all Monday unless I get to a computer sooner. The only computer for the internet is my older sisters and she is using for school all of the time.


Feel the burn!!!

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