Fri. 'round The Watercooler (formerly Xers)


:7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 :7 Its done! OMG! I have butterflys!!! Nicoles late night vote firmly sealed the deal! WooHoo!!!!!!!!!

Does everyone feel new & fresh & ready to take on the world in a new way?????[IMAGE][/IMAGE]

I'm still hoping for some of that "giddy up" in my gitch! (all said with a texas Dixie Chick twang of course for Netta!)[IMAGE][/IMAGE]

Heres the short version of yesterday..Good/Bad/Ugly

.. Head went bonkers mid day...excruciating pain.[IMAGE][/IMAGE]
..ttom started again after having stopped for 12 hours..[IMAGE][/IMAGE].


..washer only cost me 205.00 after the man arrived at 4:55! (The "window" was 1-5
..Wendell ate pancakes! We're moving up from potatoe/gravy menu


..Yesterday was suppose to be clean eating plan Day 1... Well I ate clean but I ate 2x instead of 6 because of all the head drugs making me nausiated[IMAGE][/IMAGE]...


But...My eating has been all about sugar for weeks so the calorie deficit is GREAT!


..Cant sleep tonight because of same meds [IMAGE][/IMAGE]yet head is pounding..

..Said meds also make me soooooo thirsty so I drank over 6 x 32oz water yesterday and still drinking it..[IMAGE][/IMAGE]
.. needless to say if I could fall asleep I'd be wetting the bed![IMAGE][/IMAGE]


At least I'm getting my water in!


Its feeling like one of those "GOD, WHAT DO YOU WANT ME TO DO?" times[IMAGE][/IMAGE]

Broke down & ordered Mindy Myrleas Gliding Disks for carpet...I just cant get those paper plates to work AT ALL!

All in all my spirits are high tho! :D Hope springs eternal! :D If this head stops throbing I could deal w/ lack of sleep as theres always nap time on Fridays....
Send healing vibes Xers...UH OH..... I guess you'll send Watercooler Vibes???? Kinda weird huh? I think I just realized I've lost my identity?! [IMAGE][/IMAGE]

Back later with a non-self absorbed post.....

:D :*
Hi all,

In keeping with Traci's good news bad news theme;

Good news - I have nothing that I have to do today except go to work.

Bad news - The test last night was 2 hours long. I didn't sleep well because the oatmeal I ate for dinner really didn't set well on my stomach.

Good news - I'm choosing my workout depending on how I feel when I get home.

Bad news - I'll probably have to clean this weekend since bombing the house is not an option.

Traci - Sorry you have more bad news than me. The clean eating is so tough to get back on track. I hate taking meds, but I know sometimes you just can't do without them. Could the migranes be connected to your food or do they just appear magically?

Sandra - ME 3x this week. You won't be doing that for a while will you? I hate those biceps. Are you seeing more definition or is it too early to tell.

Jeanette - Your posts always put a smile on my face. I look in the mirror in the bathroom at work sometimes and just cringe under the florescant lights. DH swears at certain times of the month my skin is more droopy than others.

Debra - We've had crazy weather here too. It will be 70 one day and in the 20s the next night. Is the doms in the legs gone?

Wendy - Did I read frog for 20 minutes? I probably need to do that, but I'd be ruined. Kest does a sitting forward bend for 10 in the new dvd I got.

Laurie - I'm sure you will be loving any warmer weather. When does spring start for you all?

Nicole - I hope the house appraises for what you want. Your DH sure is lucky to have a little cleaner like you.

Off to work. This has been the slowest week in history.

Bet you thought I was asleep! Nope- got the entire office purged, merged, filed & clean!

ROF! Well you be sure & let DH know that ALL of us over 12 look droopier certain days- BUT OUR SPOUSES DON'T TELL US! ;-) *idiot*;-) wonders why he doesnt "get lucky" ~ ~ The migraines are hormone related…same days every month just becoming more severe… I hate hormones…Mine seem to be in HIGH GEAR right now- I think I am leaving peri- & entering the real zone…weirdest cycles I’ve ever had in my life past 3 months yet each very different…That’s a tell-tale sign of meno. What ya gonna do? Your good news is REALLY good! I like those!!! HURRAY the test is over….NEXT!

*rub rub* How’d THAT feel on those muscles? You are such a trooper! I’d have certainly called my gardener! I wonder if CBL sounds like Wendell…There are MANY variations of SOUTH tho! Wendells is more the back woods version! ~ ROF about your weather! We/ve been crazy like that too, thank heavens it only lasts a day or 2….Our local weather guy said last night that we are starting to exit Spring & enter summer already…. Its good to be a Texan! ~~ Oh good lordy! I’ll be 45. Rude? After ALL we share here???? Silly girl!

Caught up uesterday but wanted to find out how the review went with Grumpy? Or was he being more Dopey yesterday?

Heheheheehehehe- you’re are NOT an idiot! Now if you had flown across the world & shown up on my doorstep with a big old banner saying HAPPY B-DAY I would agree…Its SWEET SWEET SWEET that you have all this in your brain! ~ OK- maybe I do have a teenie twang but read Tracys post today…She wrote "You All"!!!!! HA! She’s got it too! RE: Lululemon- AMEN SISTA! Outta my league! ~ Oh- the fresh meat…I mean young boy …. WELL- it appears he didn’t want to “come with mom” so I gave her a card- said have him call me & I’ll do 1 free session & he can decide if he wants to. He currently is into PRIVATE MMA lessons w/ some master trainer? 85.00 PER FRIGGIN HR!!!!!!!!!!! ~~ So it appears your new workout strategy is really working for you! I am very very happy for you my dear!

I. like TRACY luv reading your posts…. You always put a smile on my face in these wee hrs of the morn! Too funny on KFC! Wendell said as soon as he could eat crunchy food again that’s what he wants! I think Sandra mentioned her mental obsession w/ it too! That’s some marketing! ~WOW on your old vet! Makes my whiney post even more pathetic doesn’t it? ~LUV that Tillie! She & Sandy would have been fun together- each perched on their thrones! ~~ LMAO on the 350# perv named Deb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ~~ Oh dear, I didn’t eat un-processed for 10 days – I ate nothing but processed for 10 (at least)!!!! That’s why I am 5 months pregnant…that’s what I’m gonna tell any potential clients at least! ~~ Happy 3-day weekend to you!!!!! ~ YES, I'm sure DH was using strategy on you yesterday! Silly boys!

So sorry about your day… it better now? Tell us you LUV your new stylist!

SO HAPPY YOU VOTED!!!! Thanks for stopping in we all knew you were really busy! Hopefully a QUIET weekend in store?


;-) Off to bed maybe...who knows...
Love the new name!!

Going with the Good/Bad News Format


I'm on holidays until April 7th after a extremely hectic/stressful week. Also today is the last day of P90X except for the recovery week!!

BAD NEWS x( x(
I can't catch up with you all until later today as kids still have school today before spring break. So gotta go get them up. DD needs to take a dish for their multicultural lunch today. Then groceries as the fridge looks like Mother Hubbard's cupboard, buy a birthday gift for a party ds got invited to, workout and have to deal with dh's great aunt's walker being the wrong size. Have to talk to the therapist at the nursing home and work things out. Then hopefully I can start enjoying my holidays and catch up with you all.

KIM!!!!!! YEAH!!! You found us!!!!

Well I LUV your Good News! WooHoo on all counts! These are TRUE happy dance events!!! ^5 on X-status...WELL DESERVED!!!!

On your "Bad News"...... with exception of getting the walker thing taken care of I say....LUMP IT ALL! - yet ANOTHER living example of why I never had children! :7
Good morning ladies,

Today was GS Legs (or most of anyway). Felt good. Tonite will be the vet's and Mom & Dad's house.

Good news, I get to meet up at a retreat in North Carolina!!! Oh, but you guys already knew that!

Bad news, some stuff on my promotion that's not been settled. A grievance filed by myself may be in my future. That's why my sleep hasn't been so good lately. Mind racing. But....I will not let it ruin my life, because I DO have a life:7 .

Traci, the check in title this morning made me smile too! Thanks so much for starting it!!! It was time to change. Love the cheering horse or donkey! Giddy Up girl!!! Your poor head!!! OMG! Can you get those bioidenticals adjusted? I will never complain about my periods again (but it's so much fun). Hoorah for the washer repairman sliding right into that window. Maybe he waited at the end of the block, watching his watch. You are reminding me that I've been really bad about drinking water lately. Okay, goal is 3 big glasses at work today. Hope you catch a pain free nap today. Pancakes, mmmmmm. I'm sure you don't look pregnant. When you girls see me next week, you are going to question whether I even own any Cathe DVD's or a dumbbell LOL! You know what? It's really not bothering me at all. I am not going to cause myself mental stress over my body tone. Not sure if I've come to a healthy acceptance of my body or just getting lazier LOL! Believe me, I have tendencies. Now if the slightest exertion left me huffing and puffing, that would bother me.

Tracy, sorry your stomach was upset. I'd rather have a headache (not one of Traci's) than a stomach ache. I haven't even been taking my vitamins, calcium or anything since this cold started. I need to, I know. Bad, bad for your DH saying something about your face. My DH would have to run out of the room if he said anything. And boy, would he pay.... }(.

Kim, so glad you could check in today! You are one super busy girl. Got any runs planned this weekend? My fridge is also Mother Hubbard's cupboard. Hope you can whiz right thru those errands.


Morning Ladies,

Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 3/Day 3
Workout: Circuit Max

Love the Good News/Bad News way of doing things today. :D

Good News:
Oldest DD turns 15 today! Maybe that is bad news, because that means one year closer to dating and driving. x(

Bad News:
Didn't sleep well last night, because of slight headache. And because headache was there I was thinking too much!

Good News:
Boss told me this morning that my raise was acutually higher than he told me yesterday. Not much higher, but it was OK!

Bad News:
Don't think my boss was in the right frame of mind to do a review yesterday. I was in that meeting for 1-1/2 hours, and was told what my developemental needs would be for the year. WTH!!! Not at all what I was expecting.

Good News:
DD's are not going to be around our house tonight!!

No Bad news on any other front! :D


Traci, Sorry that your head is pounding. Mine was probably minor compaired to yours. My clean eating went off track last night, since it was DD's b'day celebration. She picked Chinese (my girls are obsessed with the rice!:D ), and I got a blueberry pie. She was so happy with that, she loves bb pie. :D I think boss was a combination of Grumpy and Dopey! I don't think that he gave my review the pre-time that he should have. It was almost like he threw some things into it so that he could get it over with. Maybe I'm just being to critical. NOT :7 :7 :7 WTG on all the organization you have done while wired on meds.

Tracy, While driving to work this morning the radio host made the same comment you did. "This has been the slowest week in history!" Exactly what he said as I was getting ready to leave my car. So when I saw it at the bottom of your post I had to LOL. :D Another day of snow yesterday, but only about an inch on the ground. We are 1.1" away from the 100" mark. I'll let you know when spring actually starts. May not be until May! :7 :7 :7 Can we both try to bomb our houses and see what happens. :D Fluorescent lights should be band from the earth!!!!! I don't know how anyone can look good under the bright white of flour light.

Kim, Congrats on your last day of P90X!!!!! Hope your week slows down next week for the spring break. I have not had to run anywhere this week, and it was very nice.

Jeanette, Don't you just hate it when WORK problems keep you up at night! }( I usually don't let things bother me, but last night it just kept rolling around my head too. We went to a landscaper in our area, and they have many different types of stone. We went with a red granite. Matched our house. All the places that you would normally put mulch is where we put stone. So by our sidewalk, and around bushes and trees. It is lots of work, because it is so heavy. But maintenance is a lot less.

Debra, Shrimp and scallops! I'm coming to your house! Oh wait I am. :D Hauling around all that mulch is quite a workout. You have to be exhausted when done with all of that! We will have to see about the running. I probably would fall on the ground from the heat. After all our running weather has been 20's, 30's and some 40's. :D

Nicole, Lots of hard work on your part, I'm sending out vibes that you get the appraisal that you want.

Sandra, Did you smother the toddler with hugs and kisses until she cried STOP!! :7 :7 :7 Then again giving hugs and kisses at that age is so fun. You really are in the mood to torture your biceps this week. But ME is a good workout!

Wendy, I can't even imagaine doing a yoga pose (like down dog) for longer than 2 min. :7 :7 :7 Guess I need to work on my yoga more. :7 :7 :7 Oh I'm waiting for the day when I can actually pull people through the phone and give a good SLAP. :D

Have to get back to work! Everyone have a most wonderous day!

Good morning!

I decided on Amy Bento's Kickbox Extreme this morning. That was my third time through with it, and I can finally say with confidence that her cuing in the 5th combo & interval sucks. Even the crew looks confused at one point.

Traci....Those smilies are hilarious. The drowning guy and the peeing guy crack me up. And I'm glad you're getting your water in. Now, go chop off your head. It is doing you no good! Now, how annoying is that, that the repair guy showed up at 4:55?? Oh well, at least he showed up, and the damage wasn't too bad. So, The Watercooler won out, hey? I'm happy about that. You know, we can always change the name again, whenever someone comes up with a better idea, or we're bored of this one. If the young man is doing MMA training, privately, why does his mama want him to train with you? And do you do cardio workouts with your clients, or just weight workouts? How do you handle the cardio side of the equation?

Tracy....If bombing the house is not an option, how am I going to get this place cleaned up today?? You tell me this after I buy the dynamite!! I have plenty of definition in my upper body, so I can't say I'm seeing more. I'm really happy with my upper body for right now. Improvements can only be incremental at this point, and will require reducing overall body fat a bit more, and more heavy lifting. I'm currently working on the lower bodyfat part, and will hit the heavy lifting again in a month or so, or when STS arrives. Looks like it'll be a while before we see those dvds, though, if they're still filming into next week.

Kim....Hello there! CONGRATULATIONS on finishing Round One!!!!!!!!! Will you be doing the recovery week as written, or doing your own thing?

Jeanette....What?? How DARE they mess around with your promotion and cause you stress!!! Don't they know stress is bad for your gut? They are hindering your ability to succeed with Weight Watchers, which will cost you extra money because you'll take longer to lose the weight. I think you should file some kind of workers' comp grievance.

Laurie....Happy B-day to DD!! Another good news for you today: you get to do a workout you love. I hope you told your boss that one of your developmental needs for the next year is to spend more time online, researching health and fitness.

DD's asking me to get the playdoh down for her. I'll be back later to chat about yesterday.

:):-( :) :-:)-) :-( :):-(

Bad News: Yesterday was horrible. Couldn't order online and ship to a separate address.

Good News: Reading the check-in brightened up my gloomy day!

Good News: Today is a whole new day!:)

Bad News: The online site's customer service didn't believe me when I told them the shipping form didn't show up on my PC screen, laptop screen or Jenn's work computer's screen.

Good News: Jenn emailed customer service with a saved print screen of their lousy, check out process.

Bad News: Order is still not placed.

Good News: I managed to put up some filters and limit Lindy's exposure to the outside world!:7

Bad News: My hair stylist was sick.

Good News: The salon booked me with a new stylist with the same experience level.

Bad News: I was told that she wouldn't have time to "finish" me. I asked if that meant I would be leaving with wet hair. The front desk lady said that leaving with wet hair would never happen. The New Stylist simply would not have time to cut my hair, only color it.

Good News: New Stylist had time to frame the hair around my face.

Bad News: She used a razor instead of shears.

Good or Bad News: Hair cut looked looked good last night. The jury is still out on the cut though. Waiting to see how my hair looks after I style it today.

Bad News: New Stylist's definition of not finishing me meant letting me walk out the door with WET hair.:eek: :eek: :eek:

Good News: After Lindy seriously demanded the New Stylist to hand over a blow dryer so she could dry it herself}(, New Stylist found a New, Newer Stylist to finish me.:p

Traci: I almost didn't see today's check-in!:eek: My mind is conditioned to look for Xers at the beginning of the title. I'm sorry. I had no idea you weren't feeling well yesterday. I would have not hassled you with my Bad News if I'd had known. Wendell must now think you're going to meet up with a bunch of Crazies!!!! I've never had migraines. I hear they are worse than childbirth!!!! HUGS!!! I wish I had some advice for you!!! Yippee! Glad to hear Wendell's health has improved and can handle pancakes!!! Were they protein pancakes?}( Thank you for the BodyBuilding article link. It was very good. I totally agree with her assessment on Ophra's past dieting choices affecting her current health. You know I did buy some coconut oil this weekend. I use it to grease my pan when I make protein pancakes. Interesting how she suggested using it as dip. I don't think I'll be able to stomach it. It looks like Crisco! I'm debating on if I'll use paper plates or buy some sort of gliders. I hear they sell something similar at Target. I still have time before I have to part with more money on fitness. It's going to be weird shaking the Xer identity. We did vote to move on...

Tracy: It must be such a relief to have finals done and over!!! Most of the articles I've been reading on nutrition say to not eat carbs before bed. I force myself (easy enough to do!) to believe the lie that carrot cake is a vegetable.:+ Wow! You have an honest dh!!!! It is not beneath Phil to outright lie to me! Phil would NEVER EVER admit to seeing wrinkles, cellulite or droppy skin on my body. He knows what the truth would do to Lindy. And, he values his sex life!:eek: :7 Yes, you read correctly. However, over 20 minutes of frog was done at a Baron Baptiste Bootcamp and not at my studio. I would get up and leave if that happened!!! I need no additional infliction of pain in my life in order to grow!!! I seem to get plenty of growth opportunities as it is these days!!!! Phil just commented yesterday that this has been the fastest week for him. Wish I was him this week!!! Next week will be better for all of us! We get to play with our Imaginary Friends!!!!:7

Traci AGAIN: Yep! Agreeing. Should we email Tracy's husband with a mental note reminder!!!!:eek: :+

Kim!!!!!! Whooo Hoooo!!! I thought we'd have to PM you with the Check-in Name Change. Awesome job!!!! I love recovery weeks!!!! How's your dh's X rotation coming along? Phil is taking his own personal recovery week of no workouts. We'll see if he continues with Phase 2 next week. Which culture did your dd chose? My boys always chose Thailand when they had to choice since they knew I could find something to make. They're no dummies! They didn't want to have to deal with Lindy if they came home with the Mek Tribe from deep in the forests of New Guinea!!!!:p

Jeanette: GS Legs! You go girl! After hearing raves about it, I'm going to sub it for X Legs and Back once during Phase 2. I won't have enough oxygen in my lungs when we go hiking to question your fitness life!!!!!! So, no problems on that front!

Laurie: I hope you don't mind watching your life flash before your eyes. I value my life, so I make dh practice with the boys driving!!! Oh! You should institute our conservative standards concerning dating. We've told the girls that they are not allowed to date. We might allow ole fashioned courting.:p :+ Developmental needs? Please explain on the retreat what you mean when you can afford to treat us all to dinner.:+ ^^5^^ on the higher pay raise!!!! Well, with the way technology is advancing, there is hope that one day in the not too far future we can telephone bi@tch slap to our heart's content. sigh, What a lovely thought.:)

Okay Ladies. I'll have to continue with yesterday's posts later. Time is a ticking!!!

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Let's see....sticking with the good/bad news theme of the day...

good news...Not as sore as I thought I would be from the mulching.

bad news...Still not done with the mulching project.

good news...I have men coming to help with the mulching project today!!

bad news...Still lots of laundry left to do.

good news....No test this morning in class....although I was prepared and I got a good nights sleep last night.

good news...DD is spending the night with my mom tonight, and CBL are going to have a relaxing evening together.

good news...We are going to the farmer's market this afternoon since the weather is good, and I am going to get some plants to put in pots.

bad news...It is supposed to freeze here on Sunday night, so I will have to bring them in then.

good news...Major household projects are mostly complete.

bad news...Need to get busy cleaning for next week since there are dust bunnies hiding underneath a lot of things just waiting to jump out and bite someone!

good news...CBL and I have been getting along really well this week.

good news...Carolina is in the Final 8 in the NCAA tournament!

good news...I checked out the blog and there seems to be some nice eye candy in the form of cute boys working their little bottoms off in STS...Just more motivation!

bad news...I hope this won't mean I feel like I have to dress up for my workouts!

good news....The guys are here working on my mulch!!!

I guess that is it...more good than bad, which is also good news!


I will definitely take you up on that offer to help a bit when you get in on Wednesday....No housework, though....that should all be done if things go according to schedule...Just some help in the kitchen so that we all have snacks and munchies on Thursday when everyone is arriving at different times....I promise not to ask you to make anything too complicated...LOL! I am sure that your cardiovascular fitness is waaaaay better than mine. I am really a wimp in that area. I am sure your legs are getting more and more used to the bike will be in fighting shape soon. Sorry your pooch is feeling out of sorts. Hope the new vet does well with her. My friend's daschund is just the same as your Tillie...Really not interested in other dogs. He prefers to be the king. Good luck with the DOMS from GS took me 3 full days to get over them. I can't wait to see your scrapbook...Hope everyone is bringing some pics and things to share! CBL actually showed me a scrapbook his mom made him one year for of him growing up plus notes to say where they lived and when...He was adopted as was his sister, so it was a special thing his mom did for them. Very cute...I just saw it for the first time yesterday. And WTF are they doing with your promotion?????? I want the details next week...Maybe we can get Lindy and Stacy involved if necessary.

Hope Legoland was fun....Good luck on that appraisal!

Glad Wendell is up to semi-solid foods.....but VERY sorry to hear that you were feeling so yucky yesterday!! I hope things are evening out for you a bit today...and that you get that nap in that you so deserve! I am waiting until after my mulching men leave and DD is safely with Nana before I take a late afternoon siesta. I will probably buy some sort of discs too in sub for the plates. I still need to order the 10 minute trainers...I keep forgetting! 45???? You are just a spring chicken!!!! With a really nasty case of I will be interested to hear what you think of CBL's accent...It's funny to me since I have lived out of the South for so long...Every once in a while he says something and I just laugh to myself!!

Glad to see you pop in...Hope you have a great vacation! Congratulations on finally finishing the X!!!!!! It is such a huge accomplishment...and I don't think you realize what an accomplishment it is until you actually do it! Way to go!!!!!!!!

I do NOT envy you having a 15 year old...EEEEEKK!!! Things are moving fast now! Good that your raise was a bit more...even if you had to listen to your boss go on for waaaaay too If you decide to run while you are here...I am sure Tracy will drag you along behind her if you Have a fun night tonight with DH...Or, why am I thinking he works late on Fridays?? Anyway...enjoy your evening without the girls around.

You made me laugh with your assessment of Amy's cuing in the 5th combo! Funny lady! Have you ridden that new bike yet, or is it still too cold up there for any sort of outdoor activity??

As usual, your post cracked me up! I hope Lindy is gone by next Thursday or we may have to lock her in the attic. I would have lost my mind at the salon....I don't like anyone new f***ing with my hair. LOL about playing with our imaginary friends...Kind of true, hunh? I can't wait! Oh...I will have to think of some way for you to meet the fundamentalists...maybe you can find out the real scoop on their homeschooling....or lack thereof!!

I hope your test went well...I guess if it was the only test of the semester, those can last a while....but UGH! I wish I could put a bomb just in DD's room...and just start over, but I think she would be upset if I started throwing things away...LOL!

Okay...think I am caught up for now...I am going to peek out the window and make sure my boys are working hard on my mulch project. It so nice to be able to pay someone to finish it up!! I have to tell you...I have a pretty nasty blister on my hand. I am sure you are all crying crocodile tears for me right now!

Oh!! Forgot to mention my workout for today...See what happens when we change the name?? I am planning on yoga with Eoin to ease my aches and tightness. I have promised CBL that I will rub his back tonight since he is sore....poor baby. I bet his back doesn't hurt as bad as my blister!!!!!!!!


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Enough with the MULCHING already!!!!!!! Grow some grass woman!!!! Debra, you do realize that you will be seeing me next week.:eek: :p :+
Wooohoooo! Glad I could seal the deal for the name:)

KP&C (Kicking and Punching premix) + Hip Hop Abs + DS 6 minute Abs

Good News: I'm off to buy healthy food

Bad News: The boys are coming too

Good News: House is not in need of cleaning

Bad News: It will be by tonight thanks to above mentioned children

Good News: DH is off to work until 7:30

Bad News: He could pop in at anytime and disrupt my fun

Oh who cares, the house is clean and I'm so beautiful he'll forgive me for sitting around after one week straight of cleaning and renovating;)

I'll be back:*


Feel the burn!!!
Bad News: Its definitely a Migraine that wont leave

Good News: Actually went to the scripts

Bad News: the debit card is VERY TIRED from this week of activity on NOT FUN THINGS

Good News: Dr ORDERED me to take 1000mg of Vicadin & go to bed!
Simply MUST obey the DR!

Good News: I have a scrip for something to take the next time I feel one coming on...

Bad News: I have a scrip for SUPPOSITORIES! The dern label doesnt even say WHY I have to stick'em! I think I'll pass on taking them...They CANT POSSIBLY be for the migraine...unless of course she took me literally that for 3 weeks my heads been up my arss!

Nitey Nite kids....
Hi all,

Let's see,

Debra is contemplating buying new workout clothes to impress the eye candy on the dvds.....


Traci has got the kind of meds no body really wants.


Jeanette's raise must be in jeopardy and her head is realing round and round about the cra* at work.


Laurie's DD is turning 15; I hope that goes better for you than for some of the girl friends I've seen come to my house. Wow, that can be a nasty age for females.


Sandra is complaining about Amy's cuing; I just can't hear the cues in half of the workouts.


Nicole popped in after what seems like an eternity of cleaning.


Kim surfaced for a minute.


I'm leaving work now.

Sending healing vibes and {{{{{{{{{{{{{hugs}}}}}}}}}}}} to Traci!! Hope the meds work soon...and from what I know, vicodin don't usually go in anally, so that is a good thing!! Kisses to you!!

Tracy....Have a good evening!! I promise not to buy expensive workout clothes for the dvd

Nicole...Surely you deserve a take it!!

I am headed off for a little nap myself since I have been a busy bee again today....I even planted some things!! I need a little rest so that I can be lovely for CBL tonight...I will see the rest of you in the morning...

To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

So, whatcha all doin'?

I'd follow the good news/bad news format, but I have nothing on either counts to report! Today was just a regular old boring Friday. So, I guess,

the good news is: today was a regular old boring Friday (nothing terribly bad happened)

and the bad news is: today was a regular old boring Friday (nothing great happened, either).

I just discovered a new flavour sensation: plain, fat free yogurt and lime-sherbert. Surprisingly yummy.

Debra....I've ridden my new bike, but only indoors, on the trainer in the basement. It's still too cold for my tastes to go riding outdoors. No more news on my thesis yet, except that it's gone traveling for a week. The supervisor took it to the east coast with him. It hasn't sent me a postcard yet, so I'm a bit ticked off at it right now. We'll see if I give it any more love and attention when it returns!!! So, you are going to hire someone to clean? That's my girl!!! Reading about all your food preps and what not for the retreat next week is making me so sad to miss out! Maybe I'll pick up a frozen hors d'ouevre (sp?) platter this week and pig out on Thursday. It's spring break for the kids around here. Do you think it'll be a problem if I throw back a bottle of wine to myself and pass out on the couch one afternoon? Which afternoon do you have that scheduled in?

Nicole....You bought Hip Hop Abs?? How do you like it? His kids workouts are fun.

Traci....You're so funny, even with a migraine. Thanks for the chuckle. Yes, most of my writing is BS, what of it? Hmmmm? I hope you're still in some kind of Vicadin coma, while your brain sorts itself out. And *take the suppositories*!!! So what if they go in the wrong end? If they keep you from feeling this bad, then what's a little discomfort? Haven't you ever used a tampon? Or treated a yeast infection? How different can it be?

Tracy....What do you think of the new pull up device Cathe's got? I'm thinking you'll be satisfied to stick with your bar? Oh, I completely missed your post yesterday about doing Amy's new hi/lo workout. How did you like it? How does it compare to the Challenge Series workouts? I'm still waiting on mine; hopefully I'll have them by the end of next week.

Lea..."oops"???? That's your post? What did you do? Toot?

Laurie....By my calculation, you're currently in the throes of some personal retail therapy. Is the credit card smoking yet? Have you indulged in a double-chocolate mocha latte with a white chocolate blueberry scone from Starbucks yet? You know, I just realized that you're one of the few of us (the only one of us??) who never complains about food, quantity eaten (or not eaten), or anything of the sort. What gives? Are you actually (gasp!) comfortable with your nutritional profile???

Jeanette....What a great hill climb you did last night!!! How are your legs today? When is the Half-Ironman, anyway? Nope, no outdoor riding for me yet. Tomorrow morning I'll be doing CC#3 on the bike, I think. I haven't ordered the jersey's yet. I'm waiting for this round of credit card bills to get paid before loading them up again. DH's birthday is in early May, so I'll probably order in the next week or two. If I receive them too far ahead of his birthday, I won't be patient enough to wait to give it to him! And of course, he might notice my pretty sunflowers when I wear my jersey 24/7 for three weeks straight. My former list was with a spin-off group of people who were fans of Jennifer Saunders and Dawn French ("Absolutely Fabulous"; "French & Saunders" - BBC shows). The small spin off group of us shared the same sense of humour, so we started a private list. We chatted daily for at least 3 years, I think. They were fun. Very international, too. A unifying aspect of our group was to send each other chocolate that we could only find in our own countries. I've had chocolate from all over the wooooorld. We called ourselves LaVidaCocoa :)

Is anyone here tempted to get the new pull up bar from Cathe? I was surprised to see it's going to retail at less than $100. That means it'll be $99.99, right? I wonder how much the shipping and brokerage charges will be. I'll admit I'm tempted, because of the dual use for the bench presses.

Have a great evening,

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