Okay, I'll do Kenpo tomorrow along with XStretch. I just finished Butts and Gutts minus the core work and bonus legs and stability ball workouts. I didn't use the barbell for the standing leg portion. Instead, I grabbed two 35 pound weights for dead lifts. WTHeck! I'm losing it! After a round of 70 pounds, I quickly fished out my 20 pound dumbbells from under the couch. Needless to say, I'm feeling a little shaky. Drinking my pear/ginger smoothie.
Ginger/Pear Smoothie Verdict: Drinkable. The taste is good. The texture is nasty with little bits of pear and ginger floating around green liquid. It's much better made with ice.
You know with this clean eating, I haven't lost any weight. Yeah, it could have been the banana chocolate chip muffins and brownies.:7 I'm taking the P90X nutrition plan along with me this weekend. Maybe, there will be something in there that will tempt me. I'll consider upping my protein intake and lowering my carbs. Maybe, we'll see.
Traci: I'm trying not to look at my legs. I say you should stop looking at yours too!!! Let us focus on the positives in our life... like the retreat!!!!

We love you for your mind, not your legs!!! You know, I really like that shade of green outfits on the blog. It goes perfectly with the set colors and lighting. I think Cathe made a good choice. The green pops without blinding. I have yet to try the paper plates on the floor for lunges. I wasn't and am not fond of them in P90X either. Isn't it something how we get used to faster internet connections. I hate using my Blackberry to surf the net. Half the time only part of the page is displayed. Very aggravating to the point that it's not even worth it. Did you work those glutes and calves during your beach walk? Remember, you've gotta work for it... Cathe is rubbing off on me.;-)
Tracy: LOL on your DS licking the plate to avoid eating another slice of cake. It's amazing how much influence we have as mothers. My kids interest in health has dramatically increased since I started working out. And, they've jumped on the ban fast food bandwagon too. Last week when I let the girls get Happy Meals at McDonalds, eldest dd had the runs. Her body must have gotten used to eating real foods. So, she's banned Happy Meals.

You know, I thought those shoes would kill my feet too until I tried them on. I think the platform makes them look worse than they actually are. I was wearing shorter heels when we went shopping, and the shoes I bought felt better than the shorter heels! Anyhow, I had to get them when I saw dh's eyes light up when I tried them on.}( He's so easy!:7 I'm sorry to hear your FIL isn't doing well. Is your dh taking on less responsibility for his care these days?
Lea: It's so nice seeing you back at it again! I haven't gone through a rotation of S&H yet. Maybe one day. Have an awesome time at Seaworld! My boys loved going to the one in Ohio when they were younger.
Jeanette: We'll be feeling the firewalker DOMS together this weekend! I had to take a minibreak before I could do the bonus round. OUCHIE! I about died the other day when I read what the Captain wears while bike riding. OMW, he and the Skipper would get along just fine!!! In fact, one of the reasons I skipped out on power heated yoga last night was dh had a couple of beers at lunch with the guys. OMW! The week earlier, his pores were oozing alcohol during class. After I yelled at him for it, he admitted he had one too many last week. He's soooo bad!!!! I would love to go biking with you ladies, but my bike is sooo slow compared to a road bike. I'd have to work to my limit to keep up with ya'lls cruising speed. However, if you decide to retreat in Philly/Jersey, I could rent a road bike! In fact, if we ever do decide to meet up for a Cathe class retreat, we could all rent bikes from the local bike shop. That would be so fun!!! The heels are not too bad! In fact, I'll bring them along for you to play with on the retreat. ;-)
Debra: We would never try hiding from you! I am so happy for you! You just relax and have a grand ole time! Again, have a cocktail for me!!! Is CBL missing you already?
Kim: Nice to see you pop in! Whoo Hooo! The end is so close at hand! Have you decided what you will do with your time until STS is released? Yes, that is my understanding of twins too. But, I've always wondered if there is a connection between identical twins that science has yet to figure out. There are a few members of the local twins club with a history of identical twins having identical twins. It could be a random thing too. I've heard in-vitro doctors say that whenever they see a fertilized egg split in one of their patients, they say the egg looked to have a thinner wall. Maybe, it's Super Sperm

:7... Geez, that's exactly what dh would like to think! I remember being a hormonal MESS when I apparently got pregnant with the twins. I'm wondering if that has anything to do with the split. LOL
Sandra: What about the STS Watercooler? Is everyone on our check-in planning on doing the STS workouts? We could talk about them until we actually push play. Yes, I'll be all thumbs this weekend. I'll try to read as much as possible. I still haven't shopped for Easter baskets and plastic eggs. So, I'll be pretty busy this weekend. The babysitter had a turkey meatball sub last night. She liked it too. Amazing since that girl lives on processed foods. Yes, let me know how the orange glaze works with the salmon. I plan on making your wheat pizza dough next week. We have leftovers to take care of tonight.
Nicole: Believe it or not, the trim work took longer than the walls. Then again, we have wood paned windows. It was such a pain in the butt painting those!! But, it will be all worth it when it's done.
Laurie: Oh, does your dd not want to gain weight? Or does she want to avoid processed foods? A little icing won't hurt... according to me. :7 You're probably already at your parents house. Hope you are having a wonderful time!!! Oooo, did you see the wheat cracker recipe on OD? Looks like I may invest in a pasta maker. I can't wait till I mention that one to Phil. He's still wondering what I plan on doing with the 2 year old wheat flour in the pantry. Um... throwing it away and buying new flour. Ha-Ha
Well ladies, looks like I best tackle cleaning the kitchen.
Happy Easter to Everyone!!!
Ballistic Hugs to ALL!