Xers: Green Beer Is a good thing MONDAY



Good Luck!!

I hope it works...

May there always be work for your hands to do;
May your purse always hold a coin or two;

May the sun always shine on your windowpane;

May a rainbow be certain to follow each rain;

May the hand of a friend always be near you;

May God fill your heart with gladness to cheer you.
Happy Birthday Kim![IMAGE]http://www.emotihost.com/ver1/birthday2/14.gif[/IMAGE]

Congrats on Being X'd Christiane!!!!!!!!!!!
Top o' the mornin' to you!!

Congratulations ChristianeX!!!!!

Happy Birthday Kim, Sister and Sister!!

Jeanette....So glad you got to do the cycling and the golf yesterday, and that you had a nice visit with the daughter and grandchildren.

I'm off to do Imax Extreme. Have a great day!
Hi all,

Happy St. Patty's Day to all, and thanks to Traci for so appropriately reminding me it is today.

I'm off this week and so glad. Today is GS, S,T, &B and I will do it in a rotation similar to a PP, but put delts in somewhere. Then some yoga and that is it. After I finished my workout yesterday, DS came home and asked me to go ride cross country bikes for a little while. I really didn't feel like it because I had worked out pretty hard, but no one will ever go with him, so I said OK. We only rode for an hour, but that was enough to top off the day. My bike handling skills on roots, and mud, and rocks were rusty, but I actually did better than I thought. I was able to pedal up a couple of nasty gravely hills. The upper body strength definitely made a difference there. All in all it was fun! I'll be switching to endurance based workouts here shortly, to help my riding.

I'll be back later with some personals, although I think I caught up with most everyone yesterday.

Yes...Green beer is ALWAYS a good thing!!! Just popping on to say good morning...Sorry I never got back yesterday...but at least I got my workout it....GS CT completed for the week! I was still feeling my shoulders a bit from all of the outdoor work last week and I wasn't able to go as heavy a I would have liked. Gotta scoot...I have a test today and XDH will be back with the Diva around lunchtime. She is off school all week....and I am off the rest of the week after today!!

Congrats on being able to add that X after your name! It is a wonderful accomplishment...especially with all of the travel you do!!! Way to go!!!!

Happy Birthday to you and your sisters! Hope you have a wonderful day!!

I should be back this afternoon. XDH leaves tomorrow, thank goodness...and then DD and I head to Charleston on Wednesday for a much needed dose of relaxation....it will be a mini recovery week for me while I am there, though. I am sure to get some cardio in....but no weights...maybe a day of yoga, though.

All right...wish me luck on my test. I do not feel prepared at all...my head has been all over the place lately! Wonder why...ugh.



To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Today was 4DS Legs & Abs. Golf after work today and will try to get a walk in at work. Think we are in for some good weather. Feeling much better again today so hope I've kicked the cold to the curb or at least moved it along it's way.

Traci, thanks for the Irish blessing! My sister's name is Patti and her birthday is tomorrow. Maybe she was expected on St. Patrick's Day?

Kim, hope you have a wonderful birthday today!!!!

Tracy, the bike riding sounds really fun. Good job on handling that bike. What kind of mtn. bike do you have? Does it have full suspension?

Sandra, how was Imax Extreme? I'm trying to remember which one that's from and what it consists of.

Debra, glad you got GS C&T in already. Hope you do well on your test today. Good, your XDH will be gone very soon. I'm excited for your little vacation coming up. You deserve a rest, you stay so busy.

Gotta go,

Top of the mornin' to all of you Xers!! Looks like there has been a few birthdays this week.

Happy Birthday Kim!! What fun to be born on St. Patty's Day.

Happy belated birthday to Debra and TG!! I hope that they were good ones.

Sandra - Is it really true that you Canadians put a wrapped piece of wedding cake under your pillow???? I was talking with a Calgary girl this weekend and we were comparing strange traditions.

I did not workout at all on my trip and boy am I feeling it. I definately want to start today but have so much to do. I think that I will look up Cathe's rotations to get my body into shape for this summer. I think that the X may be too strenuous for me. Any suggestions out there?

If I can't return today, have a great day everyone!

Hi all,

I'm taking a little break:)I already made DH mad. Let's see, I've been home one morning for just a few hours. It could be a record....

Jeanette - Glad you are feeling better. I think we are in for some good weather too. It's cold today, but supposed to be 70 by Wednesday. I have a full suspension mtn bike. It is several years old, but is fine for what we do. It's a Santa Cruz women's bike. Several years ago there was a bike shop close by and we got to know tht owner and got great deals on bikes. That's not the case anymore and now we have to pay almost retail for DS's parts. It's so expensive.

Lea - I would not do the X it's just too much strain on the lower back. I read again today how stressful lying ab work with the feet on the floor is for the lower back. It really tightens the hip flexors along with step. I think a combination of the two over the years was not good for my back. What are your goals? Cathe has a lot of good rotations.

Debra - Good luck on the test! Glad you are surviving and have something fun to look forward to.

Back to work. I'm going to Costco shortly since we have no food.

Tracy - Thanks for the info. My main goal is to tone back up. Not a lot of cardio as I still kind of have to take it easy, but am getting so much better. So probably more weight work. My jeans are really getting hard to pull upx( . I think that I might have found a rotation that has the pyramids one week and slow and heavy the next. That actually sounds good.
Morning Xers, (Or should I say Top 'O The Morning)

Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 2/Day2
Workout: Bodymax2 (not happening) / 2m Run / BBC Total Body (later today)

I didn't feel very well this morning when walking the dog. Had that out of body experience while walking. Felt like I could use a little more time in bed. So I didn't work out this morning, and decided to take a few Tylenol and lay in bed for a while. It did help, and then woke up with a visit from AF. x(

Now nobody laugh at me, but yesterday I was all ready to post. Got to the computer and couldn't tell how to turn the dang thing on. x( DH was not home, and the DD's where busy playing with their cousin. I didn't want three girls laughing at me because I couldn't find the beautifully contured on button. I asked DH to show me where the dang thing was this morning. No way would I have known that was the button. x( He told me not to feel bad, it took him a min to find it too. x( Ok I sat there for more than a min, and still nada! Guess the PMS monster was out in full force. Oh well I did manage to get my closet and drawers cleaned out, and now I have a couple of large bags of clothes for the Salvation Army. :D

DD's First Communion went well, and we all had breakfast at a resturant nearby.

Traci, Loved the Irish wish you sent out the morning. How appropriate for our Irish Xer. :D No green beer for me tonight, have dance class for youngest, and I still want to get my workout done. :) I also have some cookie dough that I need to make too. Green beer and working out just don't mix very well. :D Unless I want green on the floor of my workout room. I did manage to get to the grocery store on Saturday. I was going to make some oatmeal raisin cookies just before I went, but found all my brown sugar to be hard as a rock. :7 So that forced me to get my butt to the store. Good thing I had my list already prepared. The store was not as busy as it would have been if I had gone earlier.

Tracy, Sounds like you had a good ride on the bike. I have never attempted rides like those. How many times do you fall before you get the hang of the bike hitting roots and rocks... How does the upper body feel? I can see that you are doing a GS upper so it must be feeling ok. ;-)

Sandra, Oh ya have a great time with that Imax Extreme. I think I have done that thing once. :D No I'm not going to put the P90X workouts in, if I like how this rotation goes, I might think of putting P90X into a rotation like this. Just curious how your body felt after incorporating them into the Feb08 rotation. Don't feel alone about the snow, we are suppose to be getting a mix today. And then some snow tomorrow. Oh will the joy never end. :7 My youngest had her First Communion, and my oldest had her Confirmation in October. Our church is a church that former Catholics would feel comfortable in. My MIL told me yesterday that if they lived closer, she would love to be part of our church. :7 Feel pulled in two directions on that one. Love that lady, but sometimes she makes me crazy. :7

Debra, Glad the party went well for the Diva. My youngest turns 11 on Wednesday. I will be making frog cupcakes for her class. Hope your test goes well for you today. You had a busy weekend, and some added stress. A mini vacation sounds wonderful.

Jeanette, Have a great time with you golf tonight. Glad that cold has been kicked to the curb. :D

Lea, So what teams did you get to see during spring training? Glad you all had a great time.

Kim, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! How cool to be a part of triplets. Feel sorry for you Mom though, can't even imagine what her body went through. ;-) One at a time was enough for me. :)

Nicole, Hope you had a good time with your DM, and cousin. When was she coming back to good old WI. Hope it's not today, because we are getting some nasty weather later today. x(

Christiane, Congrats on finishing the X. Good idea to take care of that back before starting with the + workouts. Sounds like your DD is with a director that she likes. Good for her.

Well I have to be getting to my Monday morning meeting. x( We have decided to head to my partents for Easter. We will be leaving either Friday or Saturday. Depends on what time oldest DD's track meet is on Friday.

Have a great day!


Getting ready to workout and wanted to say hey:)

Happy Birthday Kim!!:+:+:+:+:+:+

Tracy, I guess it's going to be a long week:p

Traci, Thanks for the Irish poem:)

Sandra, Have fun with Imax Extreme}(

Laurie, Stay warm in the nasty weather;( My cousin is here until Sunday:7

Debra, It's almost over:D

Lea, Enjoy yoga as always:)

Christiane, Congrats again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Latrese, Hope you had a nice weekend:)

Jeanette, Have fun and don't freeze to death on the golf course:p

See you in a bit,


Feel the burn!!!
Good Morning!

Kim: Happy Birthday to you and your sisters!!!

Christiane-X: Whoooo Hoooo!!!! Congratulations!!! No one ever said it was going to be easy! But, you and dh seemed to breeze through it despite all your travels!!!

Debra: One more day!!! Hang in there! Thanks for explaining what's up.

Everyone: Happy St. Patrick's Day!!!

BBL for more personals. Gotta go to Whole Foods and make brownies for tomorrow's Bible Club.

Ballistic Hugs to ALL!
Hi Everyone

Happy Patrick’s Day (are ya’ll sporting green today)?;)

Weekend was FABOULUS:p:p I ended up calling off Friday EEK, which was also Ted’s BD

Friday ended up being one of them days you do whatever you are feeling like doing :D :9 we stayed in bed watched movies ordered food and drank wines.

This morning I did Cardio Kicks, OMG fun..fun..fun… I have too order it on DVD. I mentioned before I have CK on VHS and for what ever the reason, it will not rewind. Hopefully I can find it cheaper than Cathe asking price $45.99. Other than that, not too much else going on with me. Kim Happy Birthday :) :)

Fri: unplanned rest day
Sat: KPC
Sun: CC#6 + GS legs Ooh la la la feeling it reeaaall gooood :7
Hello. Back again and ready for a loooong nap. The workout went swell, but I'm feeling the upper body work from yesterday. And my calves are sore from GS Legs on Saturday. Curiously, I didn't get any saddle soreness from Saturday's ride. I have too much personal padding I suppose!!!

Jeanette....Imax Extreme is on the Intensity Series Terminator DVD. It's a combo of Imax2 and CW cardio & compound weights. I think it runs about 70 or 75 mins: CW w/u, CW combo 1 & compound weights; Imax2 intervals #2&3 (incl. all step, blast & recovery segments); CW combo 2 & compound weights; Imax2 intervals #4&5; CW combo #3 & compound weights; Imax2 intervals #6&7; CW combo #4 & compound weights; Imax2 intervals #8&9; Imax2 cool down & stretch. I haven't done it in a dog's age, but it's my most frequently used Terminator workout. So, what did you think of 4DS Legs??? That's your first time using that workout, isn't it?

Traci....Thank you for the lovely Irish wishes. I tip my glass of Guiness to you.

Tracy....A week off! It must be spring break for your school? The off-road riding yesterday sounds like a lot of fun. I love those mountain bikes, because they're so springy. They look like fun. I hesitate to give you any suggestions for loosening up your hips for kickboxing, because of your back problem. Maybe those workouts that Christiane found would be helpful?

Debra....Boy, you seem to have a lot of tests in that class. Bon Voyage and good riddance to XDH!! You're going to have a really nice week with the Diva, I'm sure. Enjoy!!

Lea....Oh how great to see you're feeling up to some more intensity. Years ago, before the GS series ever existed, I saw great results by doing the SH series during the week, and the Pyramids on the weekend. I'm sure the rotation you found will be excellent. You were talking to someone from Calgary? Did you meet her on your trip? I personally don't know anyone who has put the cake under the pillow, although what you say rings a slight bell in the back of my brain. I suppose the answer to your question is: sure! Some do! :)

Laurie....What?? No BM2 today? LOL! Oh my, it sounds like you were smart to go back to bed. That crazy AF always stirs up trouble! You said not to laugh, but I had to chuckle aloud about your button-hunt yesterday. My older DD had a terrible time finding the button on our Dell tower. The toddler, who had just turned 1 at the time, toddled right over and turned it on for her. And of course, since she'd discovered this lovely button, she spent the next 3 weeks frequently toddling over and pressing it. A MIL who drives you crazy? Say it isn't so! ;) I'm going to post this message before checking out your links. Otherwise, I might lose it all. Anything that involves someone holding a bear sounds intriguing enough to be watched!

Nicole....Have a good workout! Your Meez suddenly has short hair. Do tell!

Wendy....Welcome back! I guess you can't use your favourite brownie recipe for the Bible Club, can you? ;)

Teddygirl....I'm not even out of my pj's yet, so no, I'm not wearing green. All of you childless couples who get to spend uninterrupted hours doing grown up things make me so jealous. What a great weekend you had.

Hi all,

GS Sh, T, B done and boy was that a struggle. Doing multiple sets in a row is quite a switch from the X. I'm just about ready for some endurance and maintenance weight work for a while. More and more, I've had difficulty maintaining the mental strength and focus to give it my all. I may do something with those + workouts.

Sandra- Do you ever do the Gauntlet? It is a great circuit workout. I haven't done IMAX Extreme for a while, but that's a good fat burner too. No saddle soreness? I guess the shorts were worth it! I'm doing all of the yoga type stretches, it's just not getting it good enough. I guess I'll just keep reading to see if I can find anything else. I strained either the piriformis or one of side glute muscles and that's not helping either.

Laurie - Sorry you are feeling puny today. I sort of felt out of body when I was sick. My body had no ability to maintain my temperature and it just felt like I was hot/ cold/ hot/ cold whenever I went into a different temperature zone.

Lea - Glad you found an appropriate rotation. I love the pyramids and got great results.

Just wanted to pop in and say hi again!

DH is home for the next 3 days and you know what that means:p He is off test driving my car which he just put a new radiator in.

GS BS&B was good this morning. I used the same weight as Cathe the whole workout and I felt like a champ when I was done:7 I think the X has helped with that:)

DH is back home. Gotta get something done.


Feel the burn!!!
Happy St- Patty's day!!!:+ :+ :+
Today was Yoga and I did Sheva's Beginner's Flow. It was my first time visiting with Shiva and I must say I like it. Although there's quite a few things that well let's just say I don't think I'll ever get there...x(
It is still pretty cold here in MI. When I came back Thursday it was almost 60F and then dropped to the 30's. They are calling for a mix of snow, sleet and freezing rain for tonight and tomorrow. YUK!!! It's a good thing I am leaving Wednesday. Hopefully it will be over by then.
I also had a massage....Heaven!!!!

TraciX~~ Cute little Friendship Wish. II have some Irish on my mother's side of the family. But I can't say we celebrate...;-)

Traci~~ A great w/o you had planned for today and it seems you had a great one yesterday too. What a nice mommy you are to accompany DS on his bike ride. For him these a re moments he will cherish forever, trust me.;-)

Kim~~ HAPPY B-DAY TOU YOU AND YOUR SISTERS.:+ :p :+ :p :+ :p

Debra~~ Good luck on your test.

Jeanette~~ I am glad you are feeling much better. Have a lovely time at golf and would you pelase hit a few for me?;-)

Lea~~ Well it seems that your back is going better. Isn't it a vicious cycle though? You think you have it under control and then without any warning it sneaks back on you. Make sure you listen to your body...but I am sure you know that...;-)

Teddygirl~~ CC#6 and GS legs... that should be a great leg burnerx(

Nicole, Wendy, Sandra, Laurie, Carol~~ Greetings to you all. :D :+ :D
Sorry...I am just not going to be able to get to personals today. XDH and I had a mini blow out...and I really need to just veg out and not think about anything for a while.

I did get GS BSB completed today. I am finding, like Sandra, that it is definitely tougher to do these weight workouts back to back because of the recruitment of other muscles....but I felt pretty good about the pounds I used today.

I did not, however, feel good about my test today. I just didn't feel prepared...and I know that it showed...ugh. I will be glad when 12 noon hits tomorrow...That will mean that XDH is on a plane and headed to a country that is far, far away!! Hopefully I will have my head on straight again once he is out of the country.

I am doing yard work with CBL tomorrow and then DD and I head down to Charleston to visit with BFF for a few days....Don't worry, though, I will have my lap top with me, so I should be able to check in some.

I apologize, again, for such a self-centered post...but I just can't think straight right now....I should be back to my regular jovial self next week! Thanks for all the support and kind words of encouragement.


To be a part of this Dance even for a moment is an unfathomably huge gift---Eoin Finn

Thanks for all the great birthday wishes. I've took today as a rest day and had lots of treats so I'm actually looking forward to YogaX tomorrow. My mom gave me some $ for my birthday and I'm thinking of ordering the topper for the high step and the slanted risers. I've always just use the long end of the bench for the high step because it's so expensive to have it ship to Canada. Is it worth the cost??

Sandra we are identical triplets (at least that's what my mom insists she was told) and I know that's pretty rare. I did see that story about the triplets born out West, my mom is following the story pretty close. I took a birthday pic of the 3 of us yesterday so will try and fiqure out how to post it sometime. The papers forgot about us 30 yrs ;) Thank goodness with fertility drugs around now I don't think multiples are news anymore unless you have more than 6. We're just old triplets. I do have trouble ever being alone, and really except for a few days home sick as an adult I have spent very few hours alone ever in my whole life.

Christiane- CONGRATS on completing the X. I'm about a week and a half behind you. Good luck to your dd. Would she like to live in NY?

Jeanette- My goodness this has been quite the cold for you. Hopefully you are rid of it soon.

Debra How did the test go?? The minivacation sounds just like what you need.

Lea I've never heard anyone put the piece of wedding cake under their pillow is it for good luck?? Glad that you had a good trip.

Laurie - Not laughing at you but that is a very cute story about the computer. :7 Yes, I found out quickly that I couldn't complain about being a mom to my mom she could always top my complaint about how much she had to do. Triplets before disposable diapers or plastic bottles, etc.

Traci Thanks for the beautiful Irish blessing! What a nice way to start off the day.

Tracy That bike ride with your ds sounds like fun. It's nice to have things that you enjoy doing together.


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