Xers: Green Beer Is a good thing MONDAY

Good Evening Ladies,

I am so tired today. I'll start my recovery week tomorrow. I waited to go grocery shopping until dh came home. He was sick and nauseated all day. I still made him go shopping with me! I wanted him to familiarize himself with the layout of Whole Foods!

So, I made the Blueberry Buckwheat Pancake recipe from the Clean Eating magazine. Verdict: Edible. That sounds harsh. Really, it wasn't bad. It was different. Eldest dd loved them. Once dh got over the greenish look from the hemp protein, he thought they were good. The agave nectar is a necessity! }(

Since Whole Foods were out of whole wheat pizza dough, I'm going to try to make my own. Send me kneading vibes!!! This week I plan on making the pizza, lasagna rolls with spinach and turkey, turkey meatballs, quinoa dish, and pear/ginger smoothie from the Clean Eating magazine. I'm also going to make Tuscan Bean stew from the Cooks Illustrated magazine and experimenting with blackening some mahi mahi. I tell ya'll with all this planned, clean eating... I'm scaring myself!!!:7 ;) Phil wants to know where his wife is!!!

You all were chatty this weekend!

Traci: Loved your emoticons yesterday. Hope everything is calm and peaceful with you and WB. Did you confirm a new client this weekend?

Tracy: I bet it felt great riding again! I'm going to wait until it warms up a little more my way before I dust off my bike and try out the clipless pedals. Do you have any plans during your week off?

Debra: I'm so sorry your XDH's trip didn't go totally smooth. HUGS!!!!!

Jeanette: About time you're starting to feel better!

Lea: Glad you were able to find a back friendly rotation.

Laurie: We're Cycling Sisters! Although, I wouldn't necessarily say that I had an out of body experience yesterday morning.:7 But, I do have a tendency to forget words and stop midway in a sentence. I think not finding the contoured computer button isn't as bad as it sounds. Did you get the cookie dough baked? The first of many batches of brownies are finally in the oven! I blame Aunt Flo! She's so needy. It's downright draining having her stay! I clicked over to see your aunt holding the baby bear. How adorable! I didn't have the attention span to read the article today. Maybe, later this week I'll read it. It looked to be interesting and educational. In fact, I'll have eldest dd read it and give me a summary. It will be her English for tomorrow. LOLOLOL

Nicole: Glad you had a great time this weekend. Dh's home for the next three days... No, Nicole. I don't know what that means. Did he not get my message?:p }( ;)

Teddygirl: I wore a sage green shirt today. Does that count? How's your car coming along? Did you find a cheaper mechanic?

Sandra: The salmon fillets were a HUGE HIT! Everyone loved the tangy mustard dip!!! I loved how easy they were to prepare and serve! It's a keeper!!! Wow, you're glutes must be pretty toned. What does your bike's saddle look like? I need to get a smaller saddle. Apparently, my saddle is too big and cushiony. This is very important... Can I use two year old wheat flour? What's so bad about it? It's never been opened? Will the flour not rise? Will the freshly baked pizza dough taste stale? Now! Sandra, I hope you're not implying that I use ingredients meant to be smoked instead of eaten!?!?!?!}( Phil asked me why the pancakes were green looking. When I told him it was from the hemp protein, he jokingly asked, "Aren't you supposed to smoke that instead of eat it?":+

Christiane: Glad you had a nice first time experience with Shiva. Personally, she's a bit far out there with her verbal cuing for me. I watched the extra footage. Only helped me to be even more confused! Where are you at now? Where are you going on Wednesday?

Okay, I've got to make the next batch of brownies. Talk more tomorrow.

Sweet Dreams to ALL!
Quick bedtime drive-by post:

Tracy - Yup, I've done the Gauntlet. I used to do the Terminator workouts a lot more back before the Hardcore Series came out. Now I have so much variety I don't find myself reaching for most of my Pre-HC series workouts much anymore. I find it hard to figure out where to put Gauntlet and Viper in my weeks anymore. Maybe when I switch things up to cardio-endurance again.

Debra - Sigh. I'm sorry he's been such an a$$. Take care, and have fun with CBL tomorrow. Don't apologize for your "me" post. We've all been there.

Wendy - My, you've made me resolve to use the Clean Eating magazine tomorrow to build my shopping list. Those recipes sound yummy! I have a great whole wheat pizza crust recipe, if you're interested. I can send it to you tomorrow? About the flour: whole wheat flour goes rancid within a few months. It would last longer if it hasn't been opened, but I think 2 years is probably stretching it. It develops a noticeably stale flavour. To make dough you actually want a high-protein flour, as that rises better. I recommend you get a bonafide *whole wheat bread* flour. They're usually made from hard winter wheats. That's a good thing.

Kim - What a great day you had! Only ever been alone for a few hours your whole life??? Does one of your sisters live with you? Who's with you all the time? You do know that seeing yourself in the mirror doesn't count as another person, right?

ChristianeX - How did you like your first day as an X grad? Shiva's wonderful, once you become familiar with the sequence and flow of her moves.

Well, that wasn't so quick! Time to go!
Hi Ladies,
Had a busy day of meetings and such. Keeps me from getting much needed stuff done. Hope to make some great strides tomorrow. Also get my hair cut and colored. Always enjoy that... Golfing was fun with Father Tony today. We both golfed horribly. Oh well, can only get better.

Tracy, a record for making DH mad? Hope all is well now. Santa Cruz makes good bikes. Someday I may upgrade from my entry level Gary Fisher. My skills aren't too good on the trails. My neighbor is buying a Trek Pilot road bike and should get it this week. Ooooh, a new riding partner! I'll be riding this Thursday out with the Garage Boys doing "the old man's ride". Not sure I'll be able to hang too long as my cardio is still not up to par. A cold sure does a number on your breathing.

Lea, hope you had a good time at spring training. Are you a baseball fan? Pyramids and S&H are great workouts. I'd steer away from the X if I were you. I don't have a back problem but I can see how so many of those workouts could aggravate an existing condition. Core Syn for one. Superman, banana, superman,...

Laurie, hope you are feeling better now and don't come down with a lousy cold. It's no fun, as your DD knows. Hope she is feeling better now. I hate it when my brown sugar is hard. I have a little thing that you're supposed to put in with the brown sugar that softens it. Haven't tried it yet. Hope you have a great time at your parents for Easter. Think I should probably help plan something for all of us. It's been a while since we've all gotten together for a family event.

Nicole, nice that your DH can do car repairs. Mine can too, stuff like putting brakes on, changing water pumps, etc. Saves lots of $$$. Is your hair short now like on your Meez?

Latrese, Ted's birthday sounded like a dream... Cardio Kicks is $45??? Wow, oh wow! That one I don't have.

Sandra, okay, Imax Extreme is on the Terminator DVD. I own that DVD! I think I've done the Viper and Gauntlet more than IE. I did like 4DS Legs. It's actually the 2nd time I've done it. Next time I will go heavier. The core work was good afterwards too. Don't think I'd done that one and some of the moves really made me burn. You will be proud of me, I repeated the band work where you sit on the high step. What an animal I am! No butt soreness from the new bike? Must be some great shorts. They really are cute.

Christiane, I love my Shiva DVD. Quite the production, it's beautiful. I can't do so much of it either. Okay, during golf today, I hit a few for you. There were only a few good ones, but they were yours. The rest were worm burners. But straight. What a difficult game. I'm hoping to take a few lessons this year. Lord knows they are needed. Glad you enjoyed your heavenly massage. I love those.

Debra, so sorry about the stress you've been feeling. He's almost gone, thank goodness. I'm sure your grades are so high that this test won't have much effect on it overall. Hope you have the best time in Charleston.

Wendy, hope you had a good weekend. We missed you. You are just cooking up a storm. I wish I could cook it and not try to eat all of it. Hope Phil doesn't get a full blown cold/flu.

Kim, hope your birthday was just fabulous today. How were the Osmonds?

Time for bed,


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