Morning Xers, (Or should I say Top 'O The Morning)
Rotation: Cathe Feb08/Week 2/Day2
Workout: Bodymax2 (not happening) / 2m Run / BBC Total Body (later today)
I didn't feel very well this morning when walking the dog. Had that out of body experience while walking. Felt like I could use a little more time in bed. So I didn't work out this morning, and decided to take a few Tylenol and lay in bed for a while. It did help, and then woke up with a visit from AF. x(
Now nobody laugh at me, but yesterday I was all ready to post. Got to the computer and couldn't tell how to turn the dang thing on. x( DH was not home, and the DD's where busy playing with their cousin. I didn't want three girls laughing at me because I couldn't find the beautifully contured on button. I asked DH to show me where the dang thing was this morning. No way would I have known that was the button. x( He told me not to feel bad, it took him a min to find it too. x( Ok I sat there for more than a min, and still nada! Guess the PMS monster was out in full force. Oh well I did manage to get my closet and drawers cleaned out, and now I have a couple of large bags of clothes for the Salvation Army.
DD's First Communion went well, and we all had breakfast at a resturant nearby.
Traci, Loved the Irish wish you sent out the morning. How appropriate for our Irish Xer.

No green beer for me tonight, have dance class for youngest, and I still want to get my workout done.

I also have some cookie dough that I need to make too. Green beer and working out just don't mix very well.

Unless I want green on the floor of my workout room. I did manage to get to the grocery store on Saturday. I was going to make some oatmeal raisin cookies just before I went, but found all my brown sugar to be hard as a rock. :7 So that forced me to get my butt to the store. Good thing I had my list already prepared. The store was not as busy as it would have been if I had gone earlier.
Tracy, Sounds like you had a good ride on the bike. I have never attempted rides like those. How many times do you fall before you get the hang of the bike hitting roots and rocks... How does the upper body feel? I can see that you are doing a GS upper so it must be feeling ok. ;-)
Sandra, Oh ya have a great time with that Imax Extreme. I think I have done that thing once.

No I'm not going to put the P90X workouts in, if I like how this rotation goes, I might think of putting P90X into a rotation like this. Just curious how your body felt after incorporating them into the Feb08 rotation. Don't feel alone about the snow, we are suppose to be getting a mix today. And then some snow tomorrow. Oh will the joy never end. :7 My youngest had her First Communion, and my oldest had her Confirmation in October. Our church is a church that former Catholics would feel comfortable in. My MIL told me yesterday that if they lived closer, she would love to be part of our church. :7 Feel pulled in two directions on that one. Love that lady, but sometimes she makes me crazy. :7
Debra, Glad the party went well for the Diva. My youngest turns 11 on Wednesday. I will be making frog cupcakes for her class. Hope your test goes well for you today. You had a busy weekend, and some added stress. A mini vacation sounds wonderful.
Jeanette, Have a great time with you golf tonight. Glad that cold has been kicked to the curb.
Lea, So what teams did you get to see during spring training? Glad you all had a great time.
Kim, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! How cool to be a part of triplets. Feel sorry for you Mom though, can't even imagine what her body went through. ;-) One at a time was enough for me.
Nicole, Hope you had a good time with your DM, and cousin. When was she coming back to good old WI. Hope it's not today, because we are getting some nasty weather later today. x(
Christiane, Congrats on finishing the X. Good idea to take care of that back before starting with the + workouts. Sounds like your DD is with a director that she likes. Good for her.
Well I have to be getting to my Monday morning meeting. x( We have decided to head to my partents for Easter. We will be leaving either Friday or Saturday. Depends on what time oldest DD's track meet is on Friday.
Have a great day!