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    X-Train is absolutely Brilliant!

    Fantastic Post!!!! I agree. Job well done. Thanks for XTRAIN
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    Stacy, Just a thought. I am a 5 day'er also. I take Cathe's 6 day rotations and start from the beginning and do them in order. This way I don't have to leave a workout out. Hope this makes sense. I saw this suggestion on the forum one day. Good luck, Sherry
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    Need Advise from Cathlete's HELP!!

    Janie, I just took a look at the site your porvided. I am close to doing something similar now. I need to make some modifications to my current eating habits but I think I can do this. Wow, sounds like you are doing great with your workouts! Keep up the good work and have fun (I know...
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    Need Advise from Cathlete's HELP!!

    Janie, Thank you...I have saved the Paleodiet site in my favorites. Will review it tonight. Glad to hear you have had great results and I'm equally glad it as helped you get off Meds for your GERD! I agree with Janis (trying to find the right formula is tricky). I am out here everyday...
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    Push up challenge

    Count me in...sounds like fun!
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    Need Advise from Cathlete's HELP!!

    Thank you Janis, Yes I was vague, sorry. You have provided me with a lot of helpful information. I am going to purchase ..Burn the fat feed the Muscle. Thanks. This is why I am frustrated: We don't eat pre packaged foods. This is what we eat... Fruit, veggies, chicken, beans...
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    Need Advise from Cathlete's HELP!!

    OK HERE GOES......DH & I workout 5 days a week...have been doing a mix of Cathe's DVDs. Have not measured in a long time (big mistake!) Thought we had been working out pretty hard and eating clean (Not hard enough or clean enough). We are in our late 40's and in pretty good shape (so I...
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    Pyramid Total Body w/dumbbells

    Last week I pulled Pyramid Lower/Upper body off the shelf, (1st time). DH and I loved it!!!! What a GREAT way to exhaust the different muscle groups. None stop and fast moving! Would love and updated total body version. FUN!!!! Thanks, Sherry
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    More HiiTs!!!

    Yes more Hiit workouts!!!! Yes, please with time options, Hi & Low. I agree with Cathe fan london. Love Drill Max and Gym Style. Would love a Total Body Gym Style and Drill Max 2.
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    Rotations 2009-2011

    THANKS!!!! This is great and very helpful! Sherry
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    Has anyone heard of Juice Plus+ ?

    Thanks for your comments. I'm not going to purchase any Juice Plus. Hopefully she will be successful in her new venture. My grandmother always says (93 years of age, and on NO meds) "YOU ARE WHAT YOU EAT"!!!!! A rule to go by.....always!! Thanks Sherry
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    Has anyone heard of Juice Plus+ ?

    A friend of mine has become a rep for this stuff. I am a firm believer in.... you get your vitamins from the foods that you eat. I am a fan of juicing but not a fan of buying prebottled juice. (we have a Jack Lalanne's juicer.. and love it) Has anyone heard or tried this stuff? I...
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    I'll be here to answer your questions...

    Hello Cathe, Looking forward to the new workouts. DH and I workout 5 days a week and we both love TB & circuit workouts (let me just say...Cathe's TB & circuit workouts only). We have both enjoyed Athletic training & Afterburn. We only have an hour at a time to devote to our workouts...
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    Two New Incinerators Coming Soon

    EXCITED!!!!!!!!! I ordered about 20secs after I got my newsletter. WOW!!! COULD NOT GET TO MY CREDIT CARD FAST ENOUGH. Thanks...looking forward to the workouts.
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    Feb 2012 Rotation

    Thanks, Love your rotations.
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    KEURIG Question?

    After reading all the talk and love for this machine...I have decided I WANT ONE!!!! But I have a dumb question? Which is the best oz size for the k cup? 6, 8, 9 10 oz. I found a Keurig Classic (must be older model, could not find on their site) at my local grocery store. It only has two...
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    Who else loves their Keurig?

    favorite oz size? 6, 8 or 10 I am going to purchase a Keurig...everybody loving it makes me want one. I noticed that you have options of oz size. What is the best oz size for the k cups? I found a Keurig Classic at Kroger but only 2 cup sizes 6 & 8. Help please.
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    would love a updated Leg Blast rotation

    Thanks Carmen829 Printed it. Will give it a try. Have a nice day.
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    would love a updated Leg Blast rotation

    I have just about all of Cathe's workouts. Would love a Leg Blast rotation using LIS & STS. Any suggestions? LOVE ALL OF THE LIS WORKOUTS!!!:D Butt & gutt is one of my favs. Thanks
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    Bosch Mixer for bread making

    THANKS NKHANSEN1 I appreciate the input. I am going to purchase the Universal Bosch. Looking forward to making my own bread.:) I love kitchen gadgets.....You may already have one of these if not take a look on line. Electric Pressure cooker. LOVE MINE!!! Use it 1-2 times a week...