Search results

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    small Xmas gift for personal trainer?

    Gift certificates are the way to go! 1. restaurant 2. movies 3. massage 4. sporting goods store 5. health store(Trader Joes if you have one ;-0 6. nail salon 7. local shopping mall PS honeybunch1, I pm'd you ;-)
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    Lollie The owner of that site still visits here, Liz (gettingthere)! Maybe she or someone else can help you with the ctx rotation you are looking for? If its the order of the workouts you are looking for, here's a few I have on file :-) HTH, if not, I'm sure someone will be happy to...
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    How can I reduce my thigh size?

    Tater! No weight, high rep lunge cycles done daily will help reduce your thighs! If you get a chance, check out a thread we have going about the freestyle training method (lots of great info there) If you have any questions, ask away, a fellow freestyler will help ;-) IMHO, The...
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    anybody got a quick and easy pb fudge recipe

    Hi Shelia, I'm all over a peanut butter thread ;-) Just LOVE it :D Now I'm no baker but I love to experiment and add PB where necessary(which is most of the time ;-) I'm a huge Rachel Ray fan and she made a couple 5 min fudge recipes alil bit back (easy enough right?) they weren't...
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    Endurance rotation using some premixes - Advanced

    L&G Xtreme Hi Ann, This is indeed an amazing rotation! You will get results ;-) Here's the L&G Xtreme outline: Leg and Glutes Xtreme: Leg press on high step Hover squats Rear lunges plie squats Rear lunges plie squats (varied tempo) drop squats on high step explosive plie...
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    Freestyle rotations

    Freestyle FAQ Carole, thanks for the added info, you are really keeping this going for all us freestylers ; -) I went through a few of my files and wanted to post some more freestyle info to share with others! I asked one of the trainers here tons of questions before I took my leap...
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    upping calories after low calories for years and years.....

    RE: upping calories after low calories for years and ye... I think you should stagger your calories ALWAYS throughout the week consisting of high, mid and low days! You need to find YOUR balance of what works for you as far as ranges go though! Doing anything consistently in terms of dieting ...
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    freestyle training

    freestyle thread We have a freestyle thread going! Anyone needing/wanting info ,have requests or want to contribute with your own programs,ideas , or have suggestions , please post here! TIA
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    Freestyle rotations

    RE: freestyle rotations/programs Wow! Thanks Carole for sharing your monthly rotations! This is very helpful for those starting, currently doing,revisiting or simply for those wanting to add in freestyle training for variety at thier leisure! Please everyone , keep the rotations...
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    Just got the freestyle book thanks to those who sugges...

    RE: Just got the freestyle book thanks to those who su... honeybunch, seen you online and wanted you to see this thread request ;-) anxiously awaiting your creativity!TIA
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    Freestyle rotations

    freestyle rotations/programs I'm pasting some freestyle workouts that I had done in the past and saved to my computer ;-) Will post more later as I find them ! Enjoy and thanks again for everyone contributing! Freestyle home gym workout cardio 20 mins 5x except for pure cardipo day(60...
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    Freestyle rotations

    RE: Sounds great count me in! oooh yeah! Keep it going ladies ;-) We'll all be rocking the New Year in FREESTYLE ;-) PS I'm pasting Reba's rotation here in case it gets lost in the pages !
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    Just got the freestyle book thanks to those who sugges...

    RE: Just got the freestyle book thanks to those who su... honeybunch, oooh, you are a personal trainer and a fan of freestyle--woohooo! Show us your talent girl and educate us ;-) Special request: Can you (and any other trainers out there) provide a generalized 6 day freestyle...
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    Endurance Rotation

    Me too! This rotation totally rocks and blasts the fat ;-) Debbie you are a gem! Thanks for providing this rotation for us! PS I sent you an email request to jumpstart our freestyle rotation thread for the new year ;-)
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    Freestyle rotations

    I'm posting a request(from another thread) for all of you to kindly share your favorite freestyle rotations here! I was reading Rose's thread of buying the book and it got me thinking , alot of us have this book or want this book for ourself or a friend! Why not start a freestyle rotations...
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    Just got the freestyle book thanks to those who sugges...

    RE: Just got the freestyle book thanks to those who su... I'm happy to hear you invested in the book, Good for you! I've had the book for a few years and just bought another copy of it for a coworker for a christmas gift! Freestyle is such an effective training method and I'm confident you...
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    freestyle training

    Hi Laura, try doing an advanced search, type freestyle or lowerbodysolution as the subject and /or message(and choose one or all forums to search) There's alot of past information on this method ! I saved the following with the freestyle links author ,hope it helps...
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    Fraxel laser treatment

    Looks promising ;-) Quick question, what did they say about sun exposure after the procedure?
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    Freestyle Training

    Carolyn, Heres another link but this one is for lowerbodysolution (same method)that may be helpful with upperbody selections for you and your clients!
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    Freestyle Training

    I ,personally, would love for Cathe to come out with a Lunge cycle and ab cycle using this method! Pixie, Heres a link to the Freestyle method as well as sample program/diet below that I found on this site, hope its helpful ! SAMPLE...