upping calories after low calories for years and years.....


has anyone gone from low calories (1200) for a long time and upped them WITHOUT gaining weight? the few times I have tried it I've put on weight. On the other hand, these low calories havent been working for me either and my bingeing is now out of control. I'm considering upping to 1400-1500. What do you think?
Cbelle...I'd say give it a try. For me, personally I do the zig-zag thing with my calories. A few days I stay around 1200 calories then I may go up to 1400 then down to 900. I find that works for me. It's such an individual thing with all of us. I know if I stay too low all the time, my body seems to stay at a standstill.

I have to stay in the lower calorie range to lose body fat no matter how much cardio and weight training I do. But this is so different for everyone.

You did say that you stay around 1200 but that is making you binge out of control, if I read your post correctly? IMO, this means you are not getting enough calories for your body's needs. Maybe you could try zig-zagging your calories, try to keep diet extremely clean and definitely take a daily multivitamin.
>Cbelle...I'd say give it a try. For me, personally I do the
>zig-zag thing with my calories.

I was thinking of this question this morning, for some reason!, and that's what I was going to suggest. Instead of immediately upping your calories to 1600 or whatever, do a day at 1600, then come back down to 1200. Then a day at 1500, then back down to 1200. Maybe decreasig the 1200 calorie days gradually, so your body has time to get used to the higher calorie intake. You may gain weight at first if this lower calorie regime has slowed your metabolism. But make sure to eat several meals and snacks during the day to help increase metabolism (from the thermic effect of food).

1200 is low, but not as low as some (it's what I've always read as being the rock-bottom lowest calorie intake suggested for dieting), so it might not be as much of a problem as if you were on even fewer calories. Though being on it "long-term" may have affected your metabolism.
RE: upping calories after low calories for years and ye...

I think you should stagger your calories ALWAYS throughout the week consisting of high, mid and low days! You need to find YOUR balance of what works for you as far as ranges go though! Doing anything consistently in terms of dieting , exercising or food group ratioing only makes the body more adaptable to it in the long run! End result-plateau/weight gain/ or weightloss!

If its mainly calories you are concerned about for weight gain or loss-no fluff answer- watch your calories in vs your calories burned-end of story!

My advice for the complete package, Keep a food/ workout journal! Learn from it by Cycling your calories,workout programs(varying intensity and duration)and your protein, carb, fat ratios(yep switch them up too)! You will find your groove! Customize it to you needs! And once you do , you will probably have to switch it up again(Our bodies are smart cookies, we have to keep it working for us ,not against us) So get it in writing to see the warning signs to switch up!
Good luck!

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