Fraxel laser treatment


I had a consultation today w/a cosmetic surgeon to have this done. It's a noninvasive laser procedure that reduces or eliminates wrinkles, skin discoloration guys are gonna love this....stretch marks!

Anyway I'm trying to get rid of the smoker's lines around my mouth (I quit 2 years ago but the damage was already done). So I have my first treatment next Wednesday (typically you have 3-5 over 2-3 months). The side effects are some redness, similar to a sunburn, which supposedly disappears within 24 hours, & you can use makeup right after the procedure.

Cost varies--you can get one area done or the whole face. Even body parts--evidently it does miracles for the hands. I got pricing ranging from $450-$1100 per visit. After researching the drs. I found there was no difference in qualifications or experience, the price variations were from town to town (this is a northern NJ thing LOL).

I'll be doing before & after pics that I'll put on my picture trail, but I figured you guys might be interested. :)
Did your Dr. tell you how many sessions you would need to get the best results? Is it painful?(I'm sure much less painful than surgery!)
Please keep up posted Laura!
BTW, I saw your pictures and you really don't look a day over 25!

Carolyn--LMAO! Obviously there are no closeups in my picture trail. :+ He said 5 visits for the best results and yes, it does hurt during the procedure. I'll have a local anesthetic. Then for about an hour after he said it would feel "hot."

Delphine--he said no sun exposure EVER. I unfortunately need some kind of UV exposure for a skin problem, but from here on out it's hats & serious zinc oxide on the face for me.
I just posted on my recent surgery. I had a fat transfer that erased the lines around my lips and the nasiolabial folds. Also plumped my lips. Very interesting. Will this also have an impact on crow's feet?
Yes, the Fraxel is really amazing. Apparently the area around the mouth is the hardest part to erase wrinkles, but it makes crow's feet virtually disappear.

I read your post--man that looks like it must hurt! Congrats though--I'm setting up a savings account for exactly that in 10-15 years.......

Anyway, here's the Fraxel site, they have some great before & after pics:
You know, it doesn't hurt. It's just uncomfortable and unsightly. I read a couple books before--doing my research--and facelifts and eye surgery are not anywhere near as painful as liposuction and tummytucks--at least according to these books: Two Girlfriends Get Real About Cosmetic Surgery and The Smart Woman's Guide to Plastic Surgery.

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