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  1. B

    Progress towards levitation pose

    I rest my hands on 2 yoga blocks, set on the taller side so about 6 inches high. Also I have found that its a lot easier if you lose even 5 pounds. I can do them easily when I'm 130 but they are tough when I weigh 135! Interesting. I think that is why they are so easy for Cathe. I'm sure she...
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    STS/LIS Combined Rotation

    Holy Moly Batman! I'm going to have to eat my wheaties for this one! Looks UNBELIEVABLE. Beth
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    My Cardio Superset Review

    Thaks for that review. I'm not sure I would even attempt gliding on paper plates. I'm really glad I pre-ordered and got the discs for free. Beth
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    Slide & Glide

    If you go shallower in the lunges I don't think its a problem to do legs the next day. I wasn't really sore-just a little stiff in the inner thighs. However, I would NOT advise trying to this workout the day AFTER you do legs! Beth
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    Slide & Glide

    Wow, I just did this workout today and my legs are shaking! Its amazing how the disc creates a balance challenge that causes you to work like every muscle in your body, and 360 degree leg muscles. It starts out easy, and then you get into the (non)-jumping jacks, burpees and mountain climbers...
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    Just received DVD's and gliding discs!!!

    I got mine in Phoenix at 11am Monday-via the free shipping USPS. Wow, I'm only ordering USPS from now on! Beats UPS from the East Coast by a longgggg shot. Beth
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    Slide & Glide

    So glad to hear they work on carpet! I just got mine today and will be trying them out tomorrow! Beth
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    Anybody Have a Washing Machine Recommendation?

    I just bought a Sears Kenmore HE top loader for $399 on a great sale price. I had the repairmen out to make sure it was balanced properly because the lid seemed to slant forward. Anyway, the balance was fine, but I used the opportunity to ask him about these HE washers in general. He said all...
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    Can't wait to hear about the gliding discs...

    I'm especially interested in how they work on carpet. Hopefully someone ordered 1 day shipping and will give us a review soon! Beth
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    New Fitness by Cathe Product: Step Shox

    Mine don't slip at all, in fact, they seem to make the step/risers more stable. I can definietly tell a difference in the height-I was breathing harder with them in. And here's a bonus-I tried them with just the 4 inch step alone, putting them between the step and my carpet. They added a little...
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    Suggestions on reaching my goal

    I had really good results with STS lifting as heavy as I could to failure for each exercise. I personally do not get good results from total body lighter weight workouts. Something about the really heavy weights triggered something metabolically in me. (I am 54 years old, by the way.) Also I...
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    New Fitness by Cathe Product: Step Shox

    Thanks for that review! I have them ordered on but they are back-ordered with no firm delivery date. Sigh..... Beth
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    New Fitness by Cathe Product: Step Shox

    The closeup pix on amazon shows them to be a very thin rubber liner that goes on the riser. I don't think it would affect the height too much, but it might help stabilize the riser above and below it-keep them from sliding around. I hope we get some reviews soon from the people who have ordered...
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    Recomended over the counter face exfoliator

    Mary Kay's microdermabrasion system is the best I've found. Better than Clinicque. Beth
  15. B

    Metabolic Weight Training question

    I asked Cathe this question about 6 months ago. Still waiting for a response! From her description, I think some of her DVDs might be: High Step Training Advanced, High Step Challenge, and Drillmax. But I don't know for sure.
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    Heavy Weight Whole Body Suggestions

    I can go really heavy on Push Pull, because she uses opposing muscle groups which gives a good time for recovery of the body part. I also love that is uses the ball and it has a feel similar to STS in that regard. In other words, you are working a lot of stabilizer muscles in addition to the...
  17. B

    Fibromyalgia Flare!!!! Please advice my fellow Cathletes!

    Getting into water is very therapeutic for me. Since I moved to Phoenix I can now swim year round, also get in the hot tub in winter, and it has made a HUGE difference in my fibro symptoms. Also I eliminated gluten from my diet and have noticed further improvement. I can now workout 5 days a...
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    Choreography dvd

    Its 4DS for sure. You can master it, but if you don't do it once a week it all goes away. Versus other Cathe step DVDs which I haven't done in months that I can just play and do without any trouble keeping up with the choreography. I think Step Moves is 2nd hardest, but its a distant 2nd. I...
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    Intensity vs. IMax 3

    You have to get a bit creative but everything hi impact can be modified. Of course, it will lose some of the heart rate factor doing so. After doing Intensity for several weeks, I did IMAX 3 last week just to see how it compared. I was shocked that I could get through the entire workout without...
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    Why gaining weight!!

    The usual reason people gain weight is that they are eating more calories than they are burning off. You are eating every 2 hours-thats quite often. You may be eating more calories than you realize. And just because you are eating "good" food instead of processed you still are eating, well...