Suggestions on reaching my goal

I'm so bummed. Lately, I just keep working but do not get anywhere. My body fat won't budge and my legs look the exact same. I'd really like to lose about 4% body fat and finally be at my goal. I love Cathe and do HITT or Boot Camp or something of that nature about 3 times a week and lift weights 3 times a week. Does anyone have any suggestions? I think I would have to practically starve myself to lower my body fat and get jiggle free thighs. This all sounds dramatic, I know, but I've been working to lose weight for 4 years. 30 pounds lighter now, I am so close to my goal. Any tips will be greatly appreciated. :)
Switch out 1-2 of those hiit workouts for LSB or long slow boring, at least 1 hour at 75% of your max heart rate. I know its not entertaining, but I swear that kind of work produces results. Also, you could try switching out one day of weights for a yoga workout. By the way, these are just ideas, please don't take my advice if it doesn't work for you at all. Running works great on thighs, you can do it outside, at a park, at a school track or on a treadmill.

So that kind of rotation would look like this:

Day 1: LSB 60 min. your choice, I like running, walking, cycling, steady state step (not any of the Imaxes.)
Day 2: Whole body weights
Day 3: HIIT or boot camp
Day 4: Yoga (Shiva Rae, Bryan Kest, or Rodney Yee) 30-45 min. practice
Day 5: LSB 60 min.
Day 6: Whole body weights
Day 7: Rest

Suggested diet modifications:
Taper your carbs throughout the day.
Focus on whole foods. For some reason those protein shakes make me put on weight and don't take it off.

I hope that helps,

I had really good results with STS lifting as heavy as I could to failure for each exercise. I personally do not get good results from total body lighter weight workouts. Something about the really heavy weights triggered something metabolically in me. (I am 54 years old, by the way.)
Also I agree with adding a long cardio workout of 60 min but I would aim for 80% of your max heart rate. You want to be huffing and puffing throughout the whole thing, but able to keep going without a break. Sometimes adding a riser to your step will do the trick to bump up your heart rate another 10-15 beats per minute.

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