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  1. B

    If you have trouble learning Cathe's complex step routines...

    I'm glad y'all liked my idea. Its just so amazing how much EASIER it is to learn the routine doing it slowly. I like complex choreography in general but the speed of Cathe's stepping is just too fast to learn it properly in her newer DVDs. (You know how in Dancing with the Stars they always do...
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    If you have trouble learning Cathe's complex step routines...

    I have had great success learning Low Impact Challenge, Step moves and the 4Day splits by buying a Sony DVD player on amazon- It has a "slow play" feature so you can play the dvd at 60%or 80% speed. Its amazing how quickly...
  3. B

    Any of the new LIS compare to Intensity?

    The first 25 minutes of Athletic Training is done on the step and equals the Intensity Step portion IMHO. You are working on an 8 to 10 inch step however. Afterburn is like the HIIT portion of Intensity-except low impact and harder! Cardio Supersets is a slightly less intense version of...
  4. B

    Different cardio for each mesocycle?

    The day after legs I always rest and do a foam roll and yoga stretch workout. The next day is a low impact kickbox. It helps loosen up my lower body on the 2nd day of DOMS. MMA Kickbox is particularly good for that. (I do the drills low impact.) The day after the upper body workouts I do a step...
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    Gals Premenopausal/A Little Testosterone?

    I tried the testosterone cream prescribed by my gyn but I couldn't tell any difference on it in terms of improving lean body mass or leaning out my menopause belly. Maybe it wasn't a high enough dose. Expensive too, so I gave it up. I actually think it made my hot flashes worse and I got more...
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    Hardcore series rotation-question

    The IMAX 3 step only premix should work. Its about 30 minutes of steady state cardio. Beth
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    4 Day Split

    I just recently finally mastered higher intensity step after owning it for 2 years at least. Once you get it down its fun. I had to play slow motion about 15 times to learn it though. Beth
  8. B

    Recommendation for a good tinted moisturizer?

    I'm using Clinique's cityblock sheer SPF25 which has a non-chemical sunscreen in it since I'm allergic to sunscreen, in case anyone else has that problem. Its a lightly tinted sunscreen which makes my face glow (after its soaked in for about 10 minutes-at first it looks kind of chalky for some...
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    Alternating upper/lower body strength workout

    I'd love a workout that was metabolic, rotating back and forth between one set of upper body and one set of lower body; such as a set of 15 squats, then a set of 15 one arm rows, then a set of 15 deadlifts, then a set of 15 pushups. Etc. The upper body rests while the lower body works and vice...
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    Are you finding "tough moves" easier?

    I can now do the walking planks/pushups series. Before I couldn't even hold the plank! Beth
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    A good add-on after Total Body Trisets Lower Body?

    I do the first part of BodyMax 2-the step combos, and I do them before the leg work. My legs are nice and warm to start the weight work that way. Beth
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    Slide and Glide - hard on knees

    If it helps anybody, I have found the key to not having knee pain with this workout. I keep my weight back on my heels almost completely when using them as a brake, rather than 50/50 on the ball and heel of the foot. As soon as you go into the jack sliding outward, come down on your heel as much...
  13. B

    not able to advance in Turbo Barre

    Sometimes I end up going down to hands and knees to finish out the reps-like in the Firm Volume 1!!! My standing leg just can't take it anymore. Beth
  14. B

    3 days only

    Some other ideas: I would do STS Meso 1 weights. Its designed for 3 days a week, and the workouts use a lot of total body muscles that get your heart rate up, especially in legs which is extremely cardio. But the pushups scattered through the chest workouts are very cardio, as are the pull-ups...
  15. B

    Cardio Supersets Step Portion

    1. The first 20 minute of Athletic Training. 2. Blast only premixes of Imax 3 and LoMax. Thats all I can think of. I hope she does make more step workouts ( or bonus add-ons) that are athletic rather than choreographed in the future. Beth
  16. B

    What is Your Go-To Workout?

    For me its an oldie-Mega Step Blast on VHS!!! Its soooo 80s (although made in the early 90s I think) in its outfits and music. Just a hoot of fun! Beth
  17. B

    My LIC Review.

    I love the bonus step routine added on. By that time I'm getting a little over-choreographed and its great to have another 20 minutes of intensity without working my brain any further! I hope Cathe does more of the "athletic" style step routines, mixed in with choreography. Beth
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    Incorporating the discs with non-LIS workouts

    I'm using them in the Ab Circuits WEigths and Plates workout. They work much better than my old plastic plates! Beth
  19. B

    Think my hip bursitis in back ...

    My hip bursisits is caused by a tight IT band, so I find foam rolling the IT band to be very helpful. I wouldn't foam roll over the tender bursitis area however-start below it. Sometimes you just need to get that steroid shot when nothing else works-I broke down and got one after 1 1/2 years...
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    Hiit/ compared to regular cardio

    I do better with the long steady state cardio in terms of my weight. The way I incorporate HIIT is to start with 30 minutes of steady state cardio, then do the HIIT workout after that for a 1 hour workout. The Intensity DVD is also great for that. For some reason, I do the HIIT workout better...