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  1. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Wednesday 13th*****

    Hottie, oh, good! Glad it's not what I thought! That's the mom in me - always fearing the worst!! Wow, you must be tired to fall asleep during Cardio Core!
  2. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Wednesday 13th*****

    Oh my goodness, Hottie!! So, you passed out after hitting your head? Hope you are OK - glad you are seeing the doctor.
  3. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Wednesday 13th*****

    Beth, thanks for the recipe - sounds like something DH would like - minus the spinach! ;) Kathy, so Double Wave HiiT is tougher than 40/20? The Disney trip sounds great!! We went when Caitlyn was around three - I'd love to go again, but DH says it's a one-time thing! Caitlyn doesn't remember...
  4. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Wednesday 13th*****

    Chris, I LOL at the vision of you and Jake screaming! Last night at midnight Ian appeared at my bedside asking me to sign his reading sheet. OK - that couldn't wait till the morning??? And, obviously, he should have been asleep long ago! GS Legs is tough! I always think it's over and she starts...
  5. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Tuesday 12th*****

    Hi ladies!! Missed ya all....I'm fine...just busy. Beth, hilarious about the dream!! Oh, I've been there...with the pregnancy test - just a few months ago. I'm 47 and worry that I will be one of the "those" women, too. ;) My mom was born when her mom was about 46, I think. I don't have any...
  6. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Friday 8th*****

    Chris, yes, that's exactly how the TK was, fun like the other one, but music too low. I should try the second one - maybe it'll be better. Jameson's cast is on his dominant hand, his right hand. Which kind of stinks. But, he's adjusting. He takes his high school entrance exam tomorrow morning -...
  7. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Friday 8th*****

    Good morning!! Well, I took a break from Jillian today. My new TurboKick Vol. 4 came in the mail, so I did that. It was fun, but the music wasn't as loud or good on this one, so not as fun as the others. Still good, though. It could be the new DVD player in our room that I used. We got a cheapie...
  8. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Thursday 7th*****

    Good news - Jameson just needed a cast. The dr. said it's a clean break and he'll only need the cast for three weeks. I was worried he might need a pin or something. Hottie, glad you are feeling better today. Getting in a good workout helps. Don't you love that delayed timer on the washing...
  9. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Thursday 7th*****

    UGH - I'm so mad at myself. I kept to my "eating better" resolution for oh, about 36 hours. Couldn't find anything to wear this morning cause everything was to tight. :( This is it - I told DH this morning I'm giving up food - done with it! ;) Yea, right. But, I'm starting over today - no...
  10. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Wednesday 6th*****

    Beth, it's crazy....most of Jameson's friends have Facebook pages, but he's 13. I let him have one about six months ago after he kept asking cause "all my friends have one". I monitor everything he does on there. Ian also has one - he's 12. I just let him put it up a couple months ago. The deal...
  11. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Wednesday 6th*****

    Hi ladies!! Still sticking with Jillian - Shred 1 and 2 today. I was dying by the end of 2. Chris, you are too funny. Going from just a stretch to Imax3!! Just the step sounds like a good compromise. Sounds like a plan for the movie. Hope the kids like it! Avatar is really long for a school...
  12. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Tuesday 5th*****

    Chris, don't the TJ's always make you feel good?? The punching and kicking get out your frustrations, too! I loved that about MMA Boxing. OMG - I'm so excited - I got an email saying the newest TurboKick fan workout was shipped. I signed up for the automatic shipments, I guess they do one every...
  13. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Tuesday 5th*****

    Hi everyone!! Had a fun workout today - TurboKick! I am doing Jillian's rotation, but I don't have her Kickbox DVD yet - so I subbed. I'm feeling sore pretty much everywhere from yesterday's No More Trouble Zones. Hottie, oh, I want to see the Evee video? Where is it? On Facebook? I did...
  14. jojobean

    January 10 Check in Monday 4th*****

    Happy Monday all!! Let's see, what did I do for workouts this weekend? I did Jillian's Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism - I think that was Friday. Tough workout. I know I did MMA Boxing somewhere in there - must have been Saturday. OMG - my triceps were so sore the next day. I liked the workout. I...
  15. jojobean

    January 10 Checkin New Years Day****

    Hi all! Happy New Year!! I'm so pathetic - I didn't last till midnight. Ian woke me up at 11:55 to say Happy New Year. I was just going to take a nap, but never got back up! Jameson stayed over at a friend's - it was weird not having him here, but he had fun. No workout today - I'm still...
  16. jojobean

    December 09 Check in New Year's Eve*******

    Goodbye (and good riddance!!) to 2009 - welcome 2010!! I usually make the same resolutions each year, too. Be more patient with the kids and lose weight!! I did OK yesterday - except those dark-chocolate covered marshmallows mysteriously reappeared!! I only had two, though. Not so bad - I...
  17. jojobean

    December 09 Check in Wednesday 30th*******

    Hi Beth. It sounds like the neurologist would be more of an expert on the MRI, so that sounds like somewhat good news. I know it must be stressful not knowing exactly what's going on. We saw the Chipmunk movie over the weekend. Caitlyn loved the first one and was so excited to see this one. It...
  18. jojobean

    December 09 Check in Wednesday 30th*******

    Hi all! I promise not to be so "verbose" today! ;) My workout today was kind of a mish mosh. I've been reading about great results on VF with Jillian Michaels workouts, so I decided to take the shrink wrap off my copy of 30 Day Shred that I've had, for, oh, probably two years! I did Level 1...
  19. jojobean

    December 09 Check in Tuesday 29th*****

    Beth, I've tried that east coast NYE thing with the kids and they don't buy it! They still want to stay up till our midnight. I hope everything is OK with Larry. Let us know...that sounds kind of scary, but hopefully the doctor is being extra precautious. Was he having any symptoms? I'm...
  20. jojobean

    December 09 Check in Tuesday 29th*****

    Hottie, good job with Step Moves. I haven't done it yet, but I don't think Cathe's cuing is bad in Athletic Step - I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. Oh no, unfortunately Caitlyn hasn't forgotten about the reaction - she doesn't forget anything! It made it worse cause she kept telling me...