January 10 Check in Monday 4th*****


Good morning ladies..

Since I am not going to do the January rotation, I decided to just do my own thing this month..I am going to do Step Moves today...

We are back to normal today. The kids lessons start back today and Lauren has drawing this morning and we have CCD tonight.. Back to busy Monday's...

Gotta get the kids out of bed. It is going to be tough since they have had a week and a half vacation!!

Be back later...
Hi Kathy, and all! Back to the routine, eh? Do your kids fight it at all, Kathy? Good luck!

I did Athletic Step this morning -- loved it! I couldn't get that shuffle shuffle skip skip thing, but other than that I loved it. My hrm said my hr got up to 190..... I don't believe it. I have had it over a year now and I'm wondering if that's a sign that the battery is finally starting to go. I don't know....

It's going to be a long week, I have a feeling!! Waking up early, homework, much more discipline about the way we spend our time! Crackin' that whip!

Happy Monday!

(oh, and if you're wondering why I'm not mentioning my weekend, you must have missed my post from last night..... nothing all that interesting -- it was a fun weekend!)
Morning...I had a bad night. I'm freaking out about work/my degree but I'm trying to be productive about it. Joe is taking the day off today so I'm only going to go in for half the day most likely and then tomorrow is a full on day (it wouldn't have mattered since my stuff didn't get prepped right over the weekend so I don't have that much to do). So, I was planning on Circuit Blast but I really want to give Athletic Step another try. I wonder if I could actually have the energy to do both. But we'll see what I do. The poochie is all confused with me getting up early(ier) today but I think I'll reward her by walking a short walk in the cold with her.

Kathy -- was there even a January rotation? I didn't even see it!
Beth -- I read it -- adopting more kids? My sister's three sometimes is the most effective birth control for me! :) I think I need you to crack my whip...
Beth: Oh boy do they fight it...I just tell them it is get up and do your assignments here or hop on the school bus on do it there. That usually gets them going. But, not without whining and moaning about it. I guess it is normal kid stuff to mumble and grumble about school.

Hottie: Well, in Cathe's post of the shock cardio/STS rotation she said that January's rotation would be meso 1 of that rotation. I am not ready to pick up with STS again. So, I am making up my own thing this month...
Hottie, Cathe said she decided to make the STS strength and shock cardio rotation be the Jan. rotation, so that was it -- basically, meso 1 with shock cardio mixed in. Theoretically I could do it (sort of making it be the first two months of a six month STS thing), but I want to move on!

Yeah, I think these two wild and crazy boys are enough for me/us, but one of my cousins said the only thing she regrets is not having had more kids (she had two daughters who are now adults and she's a grandmother). The other cousin said the only thing she would tell us is to not put off anything, because it's harder to do things at 60.

Gotta wake up the monsters!
Happy Monday all!! Let's see, what did I do for workouts this weekend? I did Jillian's Banish Fat, Boost Metabolism - I think that was Friday. Tough workout. I know I did MMA Boxing somewhere in there - must have been Saturday. OMG - my triceps were so sore the next day. I liked the workout. I decided to start Jillian's advanced rotation that was posted on VF. Today was No More Trouble Zones. I can see how these workouts would be effective. Tomorrow is Kickbox, but I don't have it yet, so I'll probably do a Turbo Kick. :)

I may start the STS strength/cardio rotation next month. Still thinking about it...

Kathy, it's good to hear your kids fight getting back into the routine. ;) Makes me feel like mine are normal! Actually, they weren't too bad this morning. It's good to get back into a routine.

Beth, sounds like a fun weekend! So, thinking about more kids?? ;) JK! DH and I have actually talked about adopting kids - why - I don't know! It's not like we don't have more than we can handle now! But, it's not something we'll do - especially not now that we're getting older! DH actually wanted more kids, but I was done!! Love them to death, but I think one more would have put me over the edge. Are you moving on to Meso 2 next week. Maybe you could start with Cathe's month 2 rotation.

Weekends are getting busy again. Not that they haven't been, but now soccer has started up. So, that was all of Saturday, pretty much. Poor Jameson got his thumb jammed by the ball. It's kind of swollen and bruised - he said it feels better today. I'm still deciding whether to take him into the doctor - I think it's just a sprain, but I don't know. Could it be dislocated? It's swollen down by the joint.

Our first disaster of 2010 has already happened. I opened the crawl space door to put away the christmas boxes and there was a big puddle and horrible smell. It turns out a sewage pipe is leaking. Lovely. It's a mess. DH is on his way now to get stuff to fix it. This is a day I'd rather be at work!

Oh, and the cottage I wanted to rent? I found it online - emailed the owner and he got back to me. Said it had just been reserved the day before. UGH!! He said if he doesn't get the deposit from the other people in a week, we can have it. I was so bummed. I'm hoping somehow we'll still be able to get it.

Have a good day all!

Chris, hope work wasn't too bad!

Hottie, wow, Athletic Step and Circuit Blast is very ambitious. I think Circuit Blast has a cardio premix - maybe you could just add that on.
Hi Girls!!

Oh wow. I am wiped OUT. Last night was super hard, I was so exhausted at work. And we got slammed with admissions, got 6 of them in like 5 hours. They just kept booking them one after another.... And I know this may sound horrible, but the patients started getting on my nerves. What seemed kind of sweet on Thursday night, now 3 days later, was "old" and almost annoying. It was mostly this one room I had. The lady was super super sweet. She's in her early 60's, a little black woman with metastatic breast cancer. She was diagnosed a few years back. Chose to go the "herbal treatment only" route, NO chemotherapy. So now, of course , the cancer is spread to her spine and bones. She talks of cures. Of God curing her. Of miracles. She sites these miracles of people getting cured of their awful diseases, and has faith that God will cure her too. It's good to have faith and positivity, but by Monday morning, I just had heard enough of miracles. The poor thing really. but enough already! ... And her room mate was a whack-a-do!

the only good thing was that I talked my supervisor OUT of giving me a verbal warning for sick time. She had 5 dates. One had already passed by (Dec 28th 2008) and then my call out in Sept had been for the flu. Starting in October, they made this "rule" that being out with the Flu wouldn't count against you for sick time (they encouraged you call out and not come to work with it). So she said she'd cross it off, and shredded the "verbal" warning! Sweet!

I really want to do a GS , perhaps combined with S&H, rotation. And add in Shock Cardio for cardio. I haven't found ONE that I want to do. I suppose I could follow Cathe's Jan 10 rotation, and just put GS or SH (maybe even 4 DS) in for the STS workouts. Do you think that would work?

This week is going to be cardio. I think I'll go down and do Athletic Step again. I debated on not doing anything, being so wiped out. I did SO much better on Saturday eating. I got hungry/munchy/cravey , but chose only HEALTHY options (even though I ate too much of them). Like oatmeal and Cream of Wheat or fruit. But the scale is still at the "creeped up" stage from Christmas and post Christmas eating, so I want to get something in today.

I'm excited for supper. I'm going to do steaks on the indoor grill thing for the boys, but I'm going to make myself an omelet. For some reason that sounds SOOO good!

Kathy: SO are you going to do a circuit rotation? Make up one on your own? Hope you enjoy SM today. it's funny, the name "Step Moves" makes it sound like one of Cathe's older videos, doestn't i?

Beth: Having a good drive home with not much traffic would make the ENTIRE weekend a hit for me! LOL!. SOunds like things were pretty nice, Family time is always worth it. I love playing games together too. We had fun playing that goofy game Blind Ignorance over Christmas too. ... I think adoption and having more kids is a purely personal choice. I know after we had Alex (our 2nd) we weren't supposed to have anymore kids. But I had this pit in my stomach that was so sad about being "done". I never felt 'done'. And then we got pregnant with Jake. It was a surprise, but I was so happy. And THEN , after Jake, I felt completely fulfilled , and DONE. ... A friend at work, though, adopted a little boy a year ago from Ethiopa. Her experience was amazing. (though very trying and difficult). He is THE cutest , sweetest boy. They also have a biological son who's 4 and Kaleb just turned 2. My friend's parents had also adopted , 2 kids from South America, along with 4 of their own biological children. ... But you really have to "feel" it, I think . It's not easy in SO many ways.

Gosh I am rambling (procrastinating my workout perhaps???)

Hottie: Hope you get in a good workout today! Evee must love when you don't go into work early!

: Jillian's workouts ARE tough! Sounds like a good plan for a rotation though. Poor Jamesons thumb! I think if it was broken it wouldn't feel better and it would be mis aligned too. ... Hope it works out for that cottage!! *fingers crossed*! But if not, maybe there is something better waiting for you guys. ... Yes, we have our first 2010 "disaster" too. Not as bad as yours, maybe. Our dishwasher is shot. gotta sink $500 into a new one. Crap. And i'm feeling a little panicky about my last bonus paycheck a few weeks away.... :eek:

I better move, and also set the fire under Greg's butt too to start Zach's papers.

back to the "routine". Not sure how I'm feeling about it... yet. The boys had totally escalated as the week went on. Yesteryday was NOT a good day with the sitter (Zach was FRESH!) and then they got so physically obnoxious together.

Oh, another 2010 distaster here, our main computer downstairs crashed. Greg is working on THAT today. (But I had wished he had worked on taking down christmas decorations. they are still up :eek:)

BBL!!!!! :eek:
Chris, I definitely think you could sub in GS or whatever for it -- go for it!

I'll bet you are so glad those three long nights are behind you -- sorry that last night was bad with the "miracle" patient and everything.

Joanne, big bummer about the sewage -- nice day to be at work, indeed! So you're doing a mostly Jillian rotation? Good luck with the cottage -- if it doesn't happen, you should just put it in your brain that for whatever reason it wasn't meant to be.

quickie... back to work for me....
DID Athletic Step! YAY! it was tough, my body wasn't so happy with me, HR got up there easily. But I'm ready for the showers and to cook some supper!... Hey, I got that darned shuffle into a skip across the step MUCH better the 2nd time around. I didn't feel so twisted!

thanks, Beth. I think it could work too doing GS and S&H or maybe even PS. Cool!!!!

::yawn:: I'm so sleepy...

I ended up doing the same workout as yesterday. At first, Athletic Step started out great but somewhere in there I really started to fatigue. Like, my legs were shaking and I couldn't just put the energy in. I took minimal breaks to sort of catch my breath but I really just didn't not have the energy. I pushed it through...those lunges I almost slipped off the step because I was so tired! I like that third combo a lot. I did that SM finished combo to make me feel better at the end! I have all the moves down for sure now. I really am a bit upset they didn't combine the two discs...it's a nice add one if you wanted to push your workout to a little closer to an hour. But maybe in the future they will...

I'd like to do something later today...maybe I'll pull out Travel Fit and see what that's like.

Joanne -- I hope you get the cottage! I didn't realize people plan their vacations so ahead of time. You keep on making me day dream about going to Milan for Carnival...it's in a couple weeks! Ugh sewage pipes! Makes me think about when the very fancy apartment building we used to live in had one break above our apartment the day after Xmas. It flooded so much that when I took video of our balcony it looked like we were in a (smelly) hurricane. The big house problem we have right now is involving our thermostat. It's located in the one place in our house that has an air leak and it's not very accurate so it keeps on pumping heat longer than it should and our gas bill is skyrocketing for it. I keep on trying to figure out fixes but I think the easiest thing is to buy a new one with a new sensor.

Chris -- oh wow what a stressful time at work! since we work in aging research we get a lot of people asking us about diets and raw stuff and they get really mad at us when we won't support them completely and then cites us all this anecdotal stuff and we sit there and we're like, "um, that's anecdotal and not scientific. good for them but..." I have a sharp tongue with them after a while -- I don't think I could be patient like you with people talking about that all weekend. I'm having computer issues too but its mostly Microsoft's fault. I'll beat them yet! You just reminded me that I should probably put away our paltry Xmas decorations as well...might as well get to it...

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