January 10 Check in Thursday 7th*****


Good morning ladies..

Ok, I discovered this morning that if nothing else MMA boxing is great for the core. I have DOMS in the middle that I know came from all those uppercuts and hooks. Those combos were awesome!!!! And the final conditioning section was wonderful too. So, today I am going to provide DOMS to my lower body to go with my upper body. I am going to do Pyramid Lower Body today...

NOt too much else going on here...I gotta catch up on my housework today..Ick!!!

Be back later...time to get the kids up and eat breakfast...
Good morning, Kathy, and all! Happy Tuesday, I almost said! Wheeeee! It's Thursday!

Kathy, good for you on the doms.... those upper cuts really do it sometimes... unfortunately, not for me this time! I must have been slacking!!! I'll blame it all on Jai for not being there to help me with my form. ;)

Chris, your post last night was funny -- amazing that the kids forgot the movie! Must be so in the groove of back to school and talking with friends. How was the mexican? I made a good dinner last night just looking at Sunset mag in the dr. office yesterday. It was a grilled sandwich using rye bread, turkey, brie, apple butter and thinly sliced green apple. There was supposed to be arugula on it but our little store doesn't carry it. We started with a salad and then we had those thinly sliced potatoes (no! not real potato chips, but sort of home-made in the oven not deep fried potato chips -- do you know what I mean?). Anyway, it was all good! So tired of the thinking of dinner game.....

Today was sort of a rest day for me so I did Ellen's yogini -- first time. I guess I liked it. I don't know -- sometimes it's hard for me to like that type of workout, you know?

Crazy day.... helping at school, work, bookmobile, piano lessons....
Hey Girls!

I wish it were still Tuesday, Beth!

Kathy: AWESOME deal on the core DOMS. I got more in my upper back/shoulder area from the punching, but all of it is good, right? Enjoy PLB today!! Haven't done that in forEVER.

Oh! Your dinner sounds so good! I do know what those oven potato chips are, maybe I'll do something like that tonight. I have to go to the grocery store tomorrow , this weekend will be our first "no take-out" weekend. I'm just going to get cold cuts and rolls. Should be MUCH cheaper, and i can make it healthier that way too.... Yogini, that sounds fun! Like maybe you should have an olive in it! ..... The movie was great last night. Mexican dinner was good too. Actually very easy. Made chili (that was the hardest) and then Zach had quesadillas w/ chicken & cheese, and the other 2 had nachos , I just melted Velveeta and salsa over. Oh, and I made mini corn muffins..... The movies were very good! Loved both of them!.... The only crappy thing is, I was up late watching The Hangover, and I got hungry again, and got into 1/2 bag of Kisses. Crap. I was doing and feeling so good up until then. Just have to get back into that feeling today.

I've spent WAY too much time looking at dishwashers online. One person says it's great, the other says it sucks. The top rated ones are $1000! WTH? I hope it's top rated if you pay that much money!!

And Greg says, "Let's go this afternoon to get one". I need TIME to look! I hate being rushed! And it's not like a refrigerator,w here you HAVE to get one NOW or your food goes bad. We can deal with washing dishes for a week, right? Grrr!

My workout today. I think I'm going to either do a Jillian one or try out Lalo2! I'll see when I get down there.

I can't go get a dishwasher today, the rest of the tree IS coming down and getting put away today!!! So there!

UGH - I'm so mad at myself. I kept to my "eating better" resolution for oh, about 36 hours. Couldn't find anything to wear this morning cause everything was to tight. :( This is it - I told DH this morning I'm giving up food - done with it! ;) Yea, right. But, I'm starting over today - no junk!!!

Workout today was Jillian's Burn Fat, Boost Metabolism. I wasn't into doing it, but it was on the rotation. Once I started though, it was fine. Tomorrow and the next day are two of hers I haven't done, so that will be good, hopefully.

Chris, sounds like you had a fun movie night! My DH will do the same thing - just want to go out and get something without researching or planning. Don't rush me - then I might see something better later and regret it!

Beth, I'm not crazy about yoga workouts either. Can't say I've ever done one all the way through, so I probably should try sometime. Mmmm, those sandwiches sound great.

Kathy, have fun with PLB!

Today Jameson goes to the hand specialist. Hopefully all he'll need is a cast for a few weeks.

Have a good day all!

LOVED my workout today (though it kicked my butt)... I did LALO (2)! That guy is strong and FIT, and I love the way he breaths, grunts and sweats ;). The workout was better than 1 in that he counts the reps and tells you what to do FIRST. Lalo 1 had bad cueing (but I can overlook that with him). I had to modify a few of the moves, and I *know* my form sucked on some, especially towards the end of the reps. Good to know there's about 8 minutes of stretching at the end.

Joanne: I think we're made of the same feathers! I ate great this week , up until last night too. But it's just ONE little screw up. We'll do even better the rest of the week! But I feel your frustration. I really do. ... I get so mixed up with Jillian's workouts. I was reading the backs of them (I think I have 3 or 4) and they all sound the same. cardio and strength circuits , about 6 minutes each. Are they all the same or similiar in form?

Good luck to Jameson today! Hope he gets a cool cast (if he gets one!)

*waves* to Hottie!!!
Chris, you need Hottie to help you with that dishwasher shopping! I would say don't rush into it -- it's not so urgent, as you say, like a frig. I looked up how much mine costs, because I love it, but it's even more insanely expensive than you mention. It was there when we bought the house. What I love about it is that it has three layers -- one very thing one on top for silverware and thing things like lids. It holds so much stuff! I absolutely love it, but I never would have paid that much for a dishwasher!! Yowza! Good luck!!

Oh yeah, and I laughed so hard at your olive with yogini comment!!!

Joanne, good luck with the thumb issue -- yikes. Oh, and back to fb.... I think many of us (in our larger age bracket I mean) are on fb because of either monitoring our own kids or having friends who were doing that, and they got us to join. It like one big lurkfest, except we found out it could be fun, too! I'm just not ready for my kids to be there yet! I know it's coming. Travis is on email all the time now, it seems like. Oh yeah, they won their first game! Apparently it is likely to be their only win of the season. Travis was bummed to hear that, but I wanted to set expectations after the big win....

Glad to know Lalo 2 is good -- I haven't even previewed yet!
Hi ladies..

Just finished up with pyramid lower body
and I can feel that DOMS will be abundant tomorrow!
Oh I feel more human today. Yesterday, I was just...cranky, depressed, didn't get anything done. I'm bleeding more today but it's almost better, you know? Cramps haven't set in yet. I didn't do a workout at all yesterday, just moped around being really depressed. Just wanted to go home and go under the covers. But my friend from college came and waited for us in Pasadena and we had sushi with him at our fav sushi restaurant and then he hung out at our house and with Evee. Today, Joe had suggested for me to do IM2 to pull me out of my mood if I had the energy. I had my bra on and everything but then at the last second I wanted to give Athletic Step another try. It was MUCH better...for one, my HR stayed up instead of dropping like a rock. I took less breaks, could do more, though near the end, I was on autopilot. I think it's going to be one of my favorite workouts. I cooled down by walking Evee for ten minutes and then did the stretch. I pushed some laundry in the machine with a delayed timer so it'll be ready to go in the dryer when I come home. I have so much housework to do its scary. After i'm done writing here I'm going to have to make a list of everything. But i'm so happy I got a good burn in! I wonder if its because I waited today to do the workout or if my body has shifted from the hormones. My plan of shifting my day 5 minutes earlier each day isn't working this week (I wake up just can't move around)...but I'm still going to keep on trying.

Chris -- Lalo2 looked really good on the previews! You know, I saw somewhere that sears is having their friends and family event this weekend so you can get 20% off on Kenmore appliances if you wait until the weekend. Maybe that'll get Greg to hold off a bit. I understand wanting to get those thing taken care of but I'm like you -- I don't want to be rushed! (especially when it costs a lot!)

Joanne -- I'm so with you on eating. Do you know what I had for lunch yesterday? I freaking burger from Carl's Jr (it's hardee's I think in the midwest). But I really needed the iron so I justified it. ;) I'm actually trying really hard not to weight or measure myself this week. I'm hoping for a nice surprise on Sunday...it's not going to happen, but I'm hoping. I wish I could like Jillian. I tried to streaming her workouts from netflix and I just couldn't deal with her. Maybe she's better in the other workouts.


I finally now know why I Ellen Barret's voice bugs me so much!! Once, when I was waiting I think at some dentist's office -- they had fox news on and she was there promoting her astrology shtuff called Zodiaction. i'm sorry if I bug anyone, but people who tell me our interests/strengths/weaknesses/love/hates/whatever are based on your sign drive me crazy. (and it was on Fox News!) So yeah, now I know why it bugs me when I hear her talk. Took a while to figure it out (someone showed me a youtube clip)!

Beth -- When I previewed the yogini workout I sorta wanted to get it! If its on sale, maybe I'll pick it up next. I found my photoshop stuff yesterday so now I have to find my office stuff and I'll think I'll be ready to do the clean install of windows 7. I don't get windows though -- sometimes when I've done a clean install, they haven't broken my partitions and then one time they killed everything and I lost so much work because of that. Not making that mistake again!

Kathy -- I wanna do MMA next! Ok, well, tomorrow I may do Circuit Blast again if I have time since our schedule is going to be messed up. I need to work on my core so i'll keep that in mind for MMA.

Ok, off to snarf some food and then try to get back on track!
Good news - Jameson just needed a cast. The dr. said it's a clean break and he'll only need the cast for three weeks. I was worried he might need a pin or something.

Hottie, glad you are feeling better today. Getting in a good workout helps. Don't you love that delayed timer on the washing machine? ;) We got a new one a couple years and it has that feature. At first, I was like, what the heck would you use that for? But it really comes in handy. If the kids are taking showers, I set it to start in an hour so they don't have cold showers. A lot of people don't like Jillian's personality in her workouts. She doesn't bother me - I just wish she would pull up her pants a bit!

Chris, yes, you need to get Hottie's help with the dishwasher shopping!! We have a Bosch, I think it's called. Probably had it at least 10 years, no problems at all. I did Lalo (can't type that without smiling :) about a month ago. I really liked that he counted more and cued better, but I can't really remember the workout! I do remember his grunting, though, and it was a bit unnerving! It seems all of Jillian's workouts are set up the same way with circuits. The only one without weights so far is BFBM, which is still circuits, but all cardio. In the Shreds, she does three minutes of strength, two of cardio and one of abs. Most of the weight work is compound moves. NMTZ is circuits, but with weights, but it gets your heart rate up, too.

Beth, congrats on Travis' first win! Who knows, they may surprise everyone and win many more! Ian has his first game next week - I'm a bit nervous. They divided last year's team into two teams this year cause there are more kids. Well, all the good players are on the other team, which doesn't seem fair or balanced, but whatever. Even Ian says he'll be the star on his team cause no one is very good on his team. And, poor Ian, love him to death, but he's not an athlete! He did improve tremendously last year, though. So it should be interesting. Our first game is against our other team. I guess we'll find out how balanced the teams are. ;)
Just a quickie -- Beth, I almost had to change my pants as you described that dishwasher! (yes, I know that was TMI) I saw one of those in a showroom and fell in love. So cool. Only to be beaten by a central vacuuming system in a house (which my sister HAS in her awesome place but doesn't know how to use it. No respect for the vacuums!)
The tree is NAKED! YAY!! Everything in the boxes, now it's Greg's job to lug it up to the attic! It took up my whole day. But... it suddenly hit me. I'm also doing laundry, doing dishes, picking up, talking w/ insurance company on the phone while I'm doing it. Greg, on the other hand, is JUST DOING the computer. Where is the fairness in that??? :mad:

Help me Hottie, FIND ME A DISHWASHER! (24 in Built in good quality, under $600 WITH installation and removal of the old one)...

Beth: I would have never pegged myself as a FB person. I don't know what got me into it in the first place, but I'm sooooo addicted!! But it's FUN, so there. My 10 and 8 yr old's have no clue about it yet though. Zach does instant messaging more than FB (which is probably worse, since I can't monitor it as easy). ... Ahhhrg!... Crappy thing is we can't shop on weekends for appliances. Need more ideas! ... I want YOUR dishwasher!

Joanne: Oh I've heard Bosch is good too. But expensive. ... Good to hear Jameson's thumb *just* needs the cast. Is it a big cast? Hope it's not his dominant hand? ... Thanks for explaining Jillians workouts. I know I've done the BFBM one before. ...

I've had this window open forEVER .. need to post and finish supper...
Chris -- I will certainly keep on eye out for you! I saw on the 3rd they had some insane Kenmore deal so it may pop up again! but you should ask Greg what the deadline is...:) So, I tried to make a list of the things that I need to do Chris and I looked at Joe's list and I was like, how is it fair that I'm stuck with all of this!?!? The thing is, in my house, I'm doing the computer too! Eeek!!

Beth -- WOHOO to winning games! He must feel great!

FB is so weird. I think I use twitter more but it's been great reconnecting with friends. I've seen so many friends in the recent weeks because they can so easily contact me and set something up when they go through LA. I like putting up pictures of Evee too. when i get depressed when things don't work at lab I look at her pictures up on FB -- how sad is that?!?!

Joanne -- oh that's good that it's only a cast. See, it'll teach him to go to the doctor faster! Don't worry about it! I love our HE laundry pair (except it's location -- the hookups are in the kitchen) -- I got the whole set after rebates and tax for $775! (and it's a gas dryer!) I don't know all the features yet though...I have to clean out the dryer vent thing though I think because it's constantly needing more time than necessary. Oh, just one more thing to do!!!

I only have one more thing to do at work and then I have to brave BCS traffic + regular rush hour. Living near the Rose Bowl is NOT cool sometimes!

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