December 09 Check in Tuesday 29th*****


Good morning ladies..

Today I think I am going to give Athletic Step a try. Anyone try that one yet? I love the step workouts better than those drill workouts..

Not much else going on in our house. Everyone but me has a cold with the yucks. So, we may end up at the doctor's office today or tomorrow...Later we are headed for a quick trip to the library to return stuff and pick up requests. Other than that, we will be healing..

Talk to you later..
Chris: The Circuit Blast did not have alot of weight work. I think that the weights she uses are mainly to keep the heart rate up. She did a few segments with weights and she used the weight ball. Oh and the bands too..The cardio parts were drills like in plyo legs. No step routines...
Good morning Kathy, and all! Sorry to hear you have the sickies at your house, Kathy! Hottie, how are you feeling this morning?

Well, call me crazy, call me an idiot..... I did my STS this morning, but I went lighter with weights and skipped some of the pushup sets. Last night we were sitting in front of our new tv again, and I realized I had horrible posture in the chair I was in. Well, I had sat that way in it the previous night when I went to bed so sore. So, I sat a different way, and I didn't feel so bad, so I decided to go ahead with it. I think I'm still a little tweaked and have to be very careful, but I think I'm ok. I doubt I'll have any real doms with the weights I used though, so who knows if it was "worth it". Oh it was!!! :p
And then, because I could..... I broke out the shock cardio! I decided on MMA kickbox, since I saw people complaining that the intensity wasn't that great. I figured it'd be a good finisher after STS and I had the time. I think I'll take HIIT with me when I'm out of town since those are shorter -- maybe I can get some workouts in -- I know it's going to be tough to work it in. Kathy, I almost did athletic step -- I really like the looks of that one -- but since I did step the other day, decided on kb. The intensity is not there, definitely. At one point she says something about her heart rate getting up and I looked at my monitor and it was 118! But, during the drills it did get up to 149. I'm not complaining -- I think it has its place. I did think it was sort of a ho-hum kb workout though -- I guess kb is just not my favorite thing, so nothing against Cathe.

I have to take Travis to basketball practice today and then I realized -- oh crap! -- I'm leaving town in another day I'd better get busy!! Holey moley. And then the day after we're back I'm back on an early schedule, so I really need to have this house in order before we leave because it's going to be a really harsh reality when we get back. :(
Howdy -- I'm going to try Step Moves today. Had my breakfast and drinking my OJ after downing a bunch of cough suppressant. You know, it's in that stage where it can get in the way of working out but not much else? Very annoying. much for an active recovery week. I've been too afraid to weigh myself...will check in and tell ya'll how I've done after I do some chores first.
yay Shock Cardio Beth! Joe and I previewed some of the MMA stuff together...we were not very kind to the men! That guy in the know what I'm talking about? Joe at one point was, just keep the shot of cathe and lorraine! no one else - and I won't want to look at men on my tv anyway!
Hey Girls!!!

Back from our early AM dentist appt, and groceries (have I told you how I hate to grocery shop with Alex and Jake. It costs me an arm and a leg more than usual..ugh!). And not to mention the sillies they get in the store. So I have to concentrate on what I need to shop for AND nag after the boys to behave. Another UGH!

My sister called and will be here around 3-3:30, so that gives me some extra time...

I contemplated a Hiit, BUT.. Plyo legs is tomorrow, and like last week, I don't want to do 2 high impact workouts back to back like that. So maybe I'll do the MMA Kickbox like you, Beth, and we can compare!

Kathy: I liked athletic step (did it last week, the day you did Step Moves, I think). I know you'll like it. Not as many complicated steps (though there are a few) as in Step Moves.... I'm not so sure I like all these "drill style" workouts either. But mixing them up, I guess they'll be ok. But she not only has the Hiits, but then the drill-style Cardio Core Circuit, and the Circuit one. I do like step workouts best out of all cardio.

Beth: I think I've forgotten..Where are you guys going and how long? Are you going somewhere for New Years? ... Good for YOU for getting in STS and feeling ok!!! I know you'd hate to feel defeated and not get to do it anymore. I bet your posture and maybe even the way you sleep has a lot to do with the soreness. My low back was really bothering me Sunday night while sleeping, yet, after yesterday's heavy back work, it feels great today! Leads me to believe , like you, it may not be the workouts.

Hottie: Do what you can do for a workout. You know, Active Recovery week CAN be total rest, Cathe says so!!!! And now you have me even more curious about the MMA's, to check out the guys! LOL!

I'm off to try this MMA stuff,... BBL!
Hi ladies!! I feel so out of touch with you all when I don't get a chance to check in! I did read about everyone's Christmases (is that a word??) and it sounds like everyone had a nice holiday. I can't remember what I was going to say to everyone ;), but Chris, OMG - that man with the swollen "parts". Yikes - can't stop thinking about that for some reason!!

Someone asked about worrying about how clean their house is. I've always been paranoid about people coming over and seeing my house a mess. It usually is, but I'm always so embarrassed. It's mostly because my ILs are perfect housekeepers. But, I realized over the weekend that most people are probably like us. I dropped Colin off at a friends and their house had toys and stuff all over - Christmas gifts, just like ours. They were all still in their PJs in the afternoon, just like us! And I certainly didn't think any less of them. If anything, I liked them more. I think the majority of people are like us, I just worry about it too much.

Beth, I hope your shoulder isn't injured again. :( Does it feel like it did before? You have about the same sentiments as me with MMA Kickbox.

Chris, how's that iPod Touch?? I love mine to death. Caitlyn has taken a liking to it, too. She's always asking to use it to play some of the games. I downloaded a Couch to 5K program and last night she was running around the basement with it doing intervals.

Well, my instincts about DH buying me a GPS weren't right. Which is good, cause I ran out of time to get him something. It did feel weird not exchanging gifts, though. Next year I think we will. Christmas was OK - Christmas Eve we went to my SILs. I just felt kind of blah and sad. It hit me at the end of the night - I came home and had a bit of a meltdown. I was really missing my dad and remembering Christmas with him. Also, during the party, Caitlyn had a allergic reaction to a cookie. It was my fault. There were these cookies that looked liked some I made last year and they didn't have any nuts in them. She asked me if they were OK to eat and told her yes. Well, they must have had walnuts in them. A few minutes after she bit it she started crying and her face got real pale and said her throat was itchy. We gave her benadryl right away. DH wanted to use the epi-pen but I didn't want to traumatize her and I didn't think it was necessary. I was panicking a bit, though. I was worried it would turn into something worse. She was OK, but she didn't enjoy the rest of the night too much. Christmas day was quiet - I just made dinner for us and my mom. The kids all liked their gifts - I think! The boys got Rock Band Beatles and Rock Band Lego for XBox. Oh, and Madden 2010 for XBox. They are too funny playing Rock Band.

Hottie, sounds like maybe you are starting to feel better? Hopefully - you've been sick too long! Oh, loved the story about the dinner!! Awesome! And, the vision of watching Joe (even though I don't know him!) do Step Moves is funny! I can't in a million years imagine my DH doing that!

Kathy, hope you don't get the yuckies, too! You are going to love Athletic Step.

Mmmm...workouts...what are those?? JK!! ;) I've fit a few in over the holidays. I actually did Athletic Step Christmas morning and loved it!! I did Jackie Warner's new one - can't remember the name - yesterday morning. My hamstrings are pretty sore for it, so it must have done something. Today was Cardio Core. Yikes!! I did the modifications for most of the core work. I liked it, though.

I'm starting to worry about the teenage years. Jameson went sledding with a friend last night. OK, that's fine. Well, the friend's sister is a freshmen in college and took them. I was a bit apprehensive about that, just because she's a young driver and I don't know her, but I didn't want to seem like a nervous, overprotective mom (I am, but they don't have to know that!). I told Jameson to call me if he would be later than 9:00. He calls around 8:30 to say they are done, are getting something to eat and are going to watch a movie. I tell hiim, that's fine, but don't stay too late since I have to work in the morning and I might have to pick him up. OK, so it's 10:30. He should be calling soon or coming home, right? No. 11:30 comes, I start getting nervous. Finally I call the kid's house, even though it's late. No answer. Huh? Ten minutes later, Jameson calls and says the movie is almost over and he will get a ride from his friend's sister. Well, they weren't at his friend's house. They were all at his friends' sisters' friends house! I don't even know if there were any parents home. I left that to DH to talk with him about. I ask what movie they saw? Hangover! Really?? I don't know if my 13 year old son should be watching that movie, let alone with two 17 year old girls! He really didn't do anything wrong, but we need to talk to him about letting us know where he is and checking in more often. I was sitting the dark living room at 11:30 starting to panic about where he was thinking, OMG, this is only the beginning. We have so many teenage years to go, worrying about them getting home safe! I think DH may need to switch to working days so he's home for this stuff!

OK, need to go do some work!!

Hey, nice to hear from you, Joanne! I have been wondering how Christmas was for you -- I'm sure it was tough this year. Poor Caitlyn and the cookie -- that must have been scary -- I'm glad it all worked out ok.

On the house mess -- Larry is always convinced people are more relaxed at our house because it is not "magazine-perfect" (ha! far, far from it). And, I do think there's a little something to it. People do seem to have a good time when they come to our house. But, like I said, there are some people who it's embarrassing for me to have here. Sad, but true. I mean, really, does it matter that much?

My shoulder (and surrounding areas) feels sort of like before, but not as intense.

The teenage years! I'm not as close as you are and I'm already worried about them -- I can understand you being totally paranoid, and yes, it doesn't sound like it was the evening you agreed to let him have! Such a loss of control we have in these years!!

Chris, your grocery store scene is exactly like what I have when the kids are on break -- I hate it, too. And, it turns out, they don't like it either (big surprise) which is probably why they are so badly behaved! I'm going to go with Dylan while Travis is at practice -- much more manageable with only one. Glad you "found" some extra time for today! Enjoy the time with your sister, etc.!

We are headed to southern CA just for the extended weekend because my niece is getting married on Saturday. It's all very strange (the wedding plans -- they're getting married at my mom's house by my sister (her aunt, not her mom) and then we're all headed over to a chinese restaurant afterward -- there is nothing traditional about this wedding!) and Larry is wanting me to find an airplane ticket for him so he doesn't have to be there as long. Anyway, I did get a hotel room, so we'll be in a hotel for NYE -- hopefully it won't be noisy, but the good news is, if I want to, I can actually watch the ball drop!

Chris, did you do the kb? What did you think? I think it was a good plan to not do high impact two days in a row. The older I get the more cognizant of that stuff I am and I think it helps.

Ok, need to leave for practice soon.....
Quickie Post , because i should be cleaning (LOL!!!!!!!!)

I did do MMA: KB. It was ok. You know the first thing I REALLY liked was the music! I know you guys don't always hear it, but it's one of the first things I notice. I'm strange! LOL!. but the weird thing about the music is, it made me want to move MORE., like lets kick this UP! When they WEREN'T moving, I was! .. But it wasn't too bad for a LIGHT day of cardio. I was thinking it would be longer cardio, too, since it's 51 minutes, but it was also Core and stretching. I think that's what made it feel even lighter. I could NOT get the last combination "knee knee double-kick turn, turn knee". WTF? LOL!!!

The guys just seem out of place to me. They're HUGE, and Lorainne and Cathe are these tiny teeny girls. Maybe if there were 3 girls in the front and those 2 in the back? It was a bit awkward looking to me.

I love Cathe's enthusiasm though. She makes me smile, always, in her workouts!

But sometimes, she seemed to be hyping it up when it wasn't that intense to begin with, right?

Joanne: Been wondering about your Christmas too. I can only imagine how hard it was. Gosh, I have hard time at times during the holiday, and my dad died 20 years ago. ((hugs)). How did your mom do, considering? Holy cow on Caitlyn's reaction. It sounds like something I would do , don't beat yourself up. We just want our kids to be "normal". I always feel sorry for Zach and let him eat 'crap' on special occasions and his blood sugar goes all funky!! .... And yes, I'll never get the image of that patient's infected "balls" out of my head either. I do believe he had to go to surgery to get an "incision and drainage" (sorry, Beth!!!!)

Thanks to both of you for sharing your views on cleaning house for company. I guess I wouldn't be so "anal" about it, if my sister weren't! But actually, last time we were at her house, it had dust, etc. Not as spotless as usual. And it made me feel better! LOL!. Once she came over and there was cat scratching post stuff ALL over, and our vacuum was broken at the time. I was kind of embarassed then. I'll just vacuum and tidy up. Not be crazy/anal. (Plus I'm spending time typing here, and NOT cleanign! LOL!).

Wow, Joanne, that story about Jameson is a toughie. I know I had a HARD time letting Zach get one of those air-soft guns and going out with his buddies with it. I still hate it. ... I would have been crazy pissed with the time mess up though. Does Jameson have a cell phone? Or is he the one that lost it/washed it, etc? ...

Athletic Step IS a blast! I want to do that one again, before I forget.

Sounds like kind of an adventurous wedding, Beth. but weird to be out for New Years for that. Will your boys stay up for the ball? You're leaving when, NY's Eve or tomorrrow?

I better get my ass moving. The procrastinator in me is horrible!!!
Ok, at work...alone again. Yesterday my boss actually came in at 11 not 2 so I was floored (which was fine because I left him all alone a little after 2p). I'm here for most of the rest of the day unless I get super lucky but I doubt it. I did Step Moves -- I had to take breaks so I could move that little bit of mucus around so I could breathe easier. My HR went up there but I didn't think it was that intense other than all that contorting I have to do. I got 90-95% on the real first try. I like it a lot -- the time flew by even with my breaks but I wonder if I may get bored with the repetition once i have the routine down. That last one with the spins...for someone who can feel dizzy I actually did it all with my eyes closed and just listening to Cathe's to anyone who says her cueing is off, nope, its just harder choreography because I did it without looking at her. I can do the claps on the reverse but not on the run around! So klutzy! But I really like it...if i feel 100% better tomorrow I'm thinking about one of the circuit workouts. But I'm prepared for the lonely day today -- I brought my DS and my new Zelda game...and oh a ton of planning. :)

Chris -- did I ever tell you that the first fight Joe and I ever had was in the supermarket? Over prices and coupons...what did you think of the MMA guys? I know this is awful but when we saw one of them we were like, teeth from NJ! It's funny how the look is so familiar but not now that I live with the beautiful people in SoCal. But karma will get us I'm sure for our comments. But it was just divine hearing Joe says, I don't know why guys would want to watch other guys on their TV. It's all about the hot women!

Joanne -- wow, that was scary about the Caitlyn but I hope she's totally forgotten about it by now. My parents had such a tight leash around us that I don't think I was really allowed to go over friends' houses until I was like 16-17 and by then everyone knew not to fool around with me I guess! That said, I think it's probably good to have those times earlier than being completely clueless like I was in college right? Ok, that isn't helping right?!? Forget what i say! Ugh -- Madden. I don't know why i can't watch that video game but I have to say, that game does not help my marriage at all. AT ALL.

Kathy -- how was Athletic Step?

Beth -- I'm glad the shoulder is doing better! I don't know if Joe and I ever stay up at NYE to see the ball drop. It usually comes and goes now. And this year we have to set up to make sure no one blocks our drive way since we live so close to the Rose Bowl and the parade isn't far from us. It's not down our street but apparently despite that we're a pretty nice hike from the bowl, people park in driveways and stuff so they can take their kids. We don't even have bleachers set up near us but ::shrug:: but I guess we have to take some precautions.

Off to futz at the bench!
Hottie, good job with Step Moves. I haven't done it yet, but I don't think Cathe's cuing is bad in Athletic Step - I'm not sure what all the fuss is about. Oh no, unfortunately Caitlyn hasn't forgotten about the reaction - she doesn't forget anything! It made it worse cause she kept telling me it was my fault cause I let her eat it. I forgot to mention she went to a friend's birthday party on Sunday. They had a plate of cookies out. They seemed like just chocolate chip and sugar cookies. I let her have one of the sugar cookies - I made sure it wasn't near any other cookie in case the cc ones had walnuts. Well, she was fine until they way home, then she start moaning and saying she was going to throw up. There's not much worse than trying to get home in the snow and ice before your child throws up in the car! I thought about pulling over, but it was so cold and nasty out, I was hoping we would make it home. We did, but she was really sick a couple times, then fell asleep for a few hours and was fine. She had a similar reaction one time when she had something with hazelnuts, so I'm wondering if she had another allergic reaction. The cookie could have been mixed with the same beaters as something with nuts in it. So, our new rule is NO cookies or sweets at all that are homemade from someone else's house!! Anyway...I digress. So, how does Madden hurt your marriage. Do you play and beat Joe or does he play too much?? Colin is funny - he had the 09 version and would get crazy scores, like 110-0. I broke down and let him buy Call of Duty - Modern Warfare 2 with his Christmas money. We've told them no violent games, but they play it all the time at friends' houses and I doubt that it will make them want to go out and shoot people. The guy at the video store didn't make me feel any better about it when Colin bought it and he told him "you know this is rated Mature, if your mother wasn't here (looks at me with dissapproving look), I wouldn't sell this to you."

Chris, I wonder if the KB would be better with weighted gloves? I had the same feelings as you about it. I do kind of like the music in the workouts I've done so far. I know a lot of people don't seem to like it. My mom seemed OK during Christmas. She did come with us to my SIL and I could tell at first that she felt awkward, but eventually she seemed to relax and have a nice time. My SILs are anal about cleaning, so I know how you feel! Jameson does have a cell phone, but I told him not to take it since he would be sledding and I didn't want it to get lost/crushed. Bad idea!! I figured it would be pretty easy for him to have access to a phone. We need to be more clear about expectations - this is all new to us! I didn't give him too much of a hard time about this, but next time he'll know what's expected of him and better conform! ;) He took my "call by 9:00" a bit too literal. That doesn't mean don't call again till almost 11:30. And, don't stay "too late" means closer to 10:00 than 12:00 am! Oh well, live and learn. I'm a bit PO'ed about the movie though - if there were parents around, those kids shouldn't have been allowed to watch that movie.

Beth, no, actually, in the grand scheme of life ;), a clean house doesn't really matter that much! If it's so bad that it's stressing me out, then I try to clean up. It's really not that bad, just normal four-kid clutter, but it can get out of hand. Sounds like a nice, casual wedding! That's funny about Larry wanting a separate plane ticket. NYE should be fun in the hotel.

I have to get some work done, but not motivated!!

Joanne -- UGH, Madden. UGH. UGH UGH UGH. It's long I warn you... I don't think he touches that game anymore because of the baggage that comes with it. I'm sure that if I *wanted* to play the game, I'd kick hiss arse. I intentionally don't play certain games because I can't deal with him being mopey about that kind of stuff. So, Madden was one of the few games that we didn't share together...usually, games are social between us. A lot of games we take turns with playing but usually we are pretty content just watching the other play -- as opposed to going to another room and doing other stuff. For whatever reason, I can't seem to do that with Madden. It gave me a headache, it annoyed the crap out of me, and I just didn't want to deal with Joe's (unwarranted) cursing at times. It's weird because I like football so much.

Anyway, he was playing it a lot and I was swamped at work and I was teaching at the time too and he was on his "I'm not going to bother to do the easiest things to help with the house" bend as well and well I was just stressed out of my mind. But as we are now learning that Joe may have ADD (I hope to god that this may be a diagnosis that might help and not a freaking excuse for him), he gets addicted very easily. Joe, it's 930, you should end the game. Joe, it's 1030, how about coming to bed? Joe, it's 11, I have to go to bed, we need to get up early to get to work early (I was teaching extra early then too). So, he wouldn't stop until I don't know when because I was sleeping and then he is super cranky and mean when he doesn't sleep enough but HE was the reason why he wasn't getting sleep. It was just something I was dealing with on a daily basis...I was patient but I also said how it was bothering me -- I'd even go as far to say, just play another video game so I can work right next to you, but he wouldn't do that. It was bad...just got so addicted, ignored me completely, I was stressing out, just too much crap. He ended up putting down the game when he realized what had happened when I miscarried that term. (We hadn't planned on having a kid, I'm sure it was the BC that triggered it, but it was painful, and I totally didn't take care of myself the right way after that. Actually, it was a couple months after that that I came onto the Cathe Nation.) I would love to get him the new Madden game but until he learns to control that addictive nature of his, i'm disincline...sometimes, i swear though, I mommy him more than I'm his wife!

As for Call of Duty -- it can be a bloody game. The thing is-- as graphics get more real, it gets more mature, you know? When Doom was this pixelated nonsense, it was still very violent but not nearly as realistic. I'm playing Assassin's Creed II with Joe right now and for us, its like, "hello there, I have come here to KILL YOU" and we just laugh at how needlessly gory it can be. But the ramp up of graphics from the previous game is pretty huge and was like, wow...that blood spatter...that was...ew...realistic...but ew. It's a GREAT game -- good interface, huge world, good physics...but for a teenager? Playing it myself, I'd at least wait until 15 or 16 depending on the kid. The thing is, people don't always put this together, the average gamer is 30+ now and that's who the studios are targeting -- not teenagers anymore. I think people think game and they think kid and it's just not the case anymore. But that said, video games are like movies. Some people let their kids watch older movies younger because they know their kid can take it. Same thing with games. Ok, I'll get off my soap box about gaming soon -- I promise. I don't see how you're supposed to not buy certain games if their friends have it. As long as your kid isn't a sociopath or on that path, it's not going to turn him to killer...but some kids, I'm sure it doesn't help. But frankly -- I don't even understand why so many guys go for the bloody games. Some of the best games I've played have no blood, but I guess I like to play more strategy games anyway. I find CoD or Halo and that stuff boring...I pick up on the controls too fast and it just isn't that challenging. There used to be this game played a lot of when I was in college called Counterstrike, and one time the boys asked me to fill in for on the computer players while he was at class, and I did and I was promptly kicked out of the group because I was so good at sniping their lazy butts. Ahh...if I could only get paid ranting about my video games... boss yet and it's noon. I'm betting on 2 now.
We're back, one kid less...... Dylan scored a playdate. :)

Chris, I didn't get that last combo, either, and even on the second one my knee never went up when it was supposed to. I have read that if you wear weighted gloves the intensity is up there as Joanne mentioned -- there's just not way I was going to do that to my shoulder today, but you should try it sometime. The guys were sort of unbalanced in it -- they made Cathe look so small!

We're leaving early on Thursday, so we'll get there for dinner and some sort of games night at my mom's house. I don't know if the boys will stay up til midnight or not -- I was hoping I might find an east coast ball drop for all of our sakes. :D Larry has trouble dealing with all of my family together for very long, hence the airline ticket. I have not spent much time trying to look. Truth be told, he is going to a neurologist appt. this afternoon after having an MRI that was somehow not entirely normal. I think they are not telling us something because when the neurologist's office called, the message said his dr. wanted him to have an appt. before the end of the year and he also wants Larry to have another MRI in three months. So, if there's nothing wrong, why the urgency (I didn't even tell Larry about that part) and why the repeat MRI? We're trying not to freak -- actually, I'm just in denial at the moment. Anyway, depending on what happens today, who knows, maybe he shouldn't even go. I dunno!

Oh, the Rose parade, Hottie! I sometimes forget you're right there. My cousin lives right on Sierra Madre Blvd. in Sierra Madre, and one year I spent the night with them so we could go to the parade -- it was fun, but I think once is enough. :) That must have been 20 or 25 years ago!! Holy cow how did I get so old?!

Games! Travis wanted that assasin's creed! I drew the line there. I did cave and get him that other one.... what is it? I can't even remember now. It's the third in some series. Retribution..... that's it. I suppose I am a bad mom for letting him play it, but it was another issue of him playing it at his friend's house. It's hard when the friends have older siblings!

Ok, I'd better go get something done.... I think the chickens have not been fed yet today!!
Beth, I've tried that east coast NYE thing with the kids and they don't buy it! They still want to stay up till our midnight. I hope everything is OK with Larry. Let us know...that sounds kind of scary, but hopefully the doctor is being extra precautious. Was he having any symptoms?

I'm still not feeling great about letting Colin get that game. But, it's not like he's never played it..and...he hasn't turned into a raving psychopath yet! ;)

Hottie, yea, it sounds like you have good reason to avoid the Madden game! I know the boys can play it forever and it's maddening try to get them to quit to do something they need to do. My DH got crazy addicted to this stupid PC game - Pop and Drop. OMG - he would play for hours (8 wasn't unheard of) and get really upset if someone interrupted him or made him mess up. I was about to stage an intervention ;), but the computer it was on died and we didn't put it back on there. So, I know what you mean.

OK...didn't get much done today...but did catch up with you guys :) and that's important, right??

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