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    OK--here's my strategy this year: Today is Saturday. I waited until yesterday to buy my halloween candy so that it wouldn't be laying around for a week or 2 (then I would eat it and have to buy more, while hating myself for doing it!!) }( I went to buy the good stuff--you know the hershey fun...
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    self tanners

    Hey everyone--I was just wondering if any of you use a self-tanning product. I decided a while back to stop frying myself in a tanning bed--nothing's worth that kind of skin damage to me!!! I tried Fake Bake last night and it actually worked--and looked great!! Does anyone know of a better...
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    Muscle Max - First Pics

    1 word-------WOW!!!!1 I'm so excited!! What a crew, and you all look AMAZING! I'm so glad to see Rhonda back--and I really think that Lorraine gets more beautiful every time I see her!! I love the new facility!! It looks very........intense! Kick butt, ladies!}(
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    High Step Training--Advanced DVD

    thanks for your input. Great, now I'm going to have to buy ANOTHER one!!!!:-)
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    I'm bored w/my step videos. Need advice.

    Maximus, have you tried Cathe's maximum intensity cardio? I didn't know if you included that when you said that you have all of her step videos since only the last portion is step. It's a great workout. Also, step jump and pump has some great cardio portions----step for the first 20-30...
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    High Step Training--Advanced DVD

    Does anyone have this workout and if so, do you like it? I never paid much attention to the most recent group of high step workouts b/c I though they were geared more towards beginners, but I just noticed that this one says advanced. Is it challenging to the conditioned Catheite??x(
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    I'm back and married!!! :-)

    Congrats Dani!! I can't wait to check out your pix!!!:-)
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    O/T "The Grudge"

    RE: O/T I just have to say that I went and saw this movie last night and did not sleep AT ALL!! I'm so tired today that I don't know how I'm gonna get through my Cathe time today!!! (treadmill + L&G to be exact) I love scary movies, but I can't be by myself for at least a week after I see one...
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    good cross training shoe????

    I just bought a pair of Nike Shox Energias and I love them! I've worn shox for awhile now and can never go back to anything else. I needed a new pair and did some research and found out that the energias are specially designed for cross training, including side-to-side movements, etc. They...
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    I just studied this in my ACE manual and I believe that it suggested not to ever wait until you're thirsty to drink water. You're supposed to drink enough to where your urine stays very pale or clear in color--darker urine is a sign of dehydration. Also, be sure to replace the fluids lost...
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    Movies for Halloween..

    RE: HeyC! I'm so glad that futurefitnessdynamo shares my crush!! I just recently went to a theater where they were showing Fright Night on the big screen--and I must admit that "Jerry Dandridge" is the hottest vampire ever!!! Amanda Bearse (Marcy from Married w/Children) drives me a little...
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    Denise Austin must be stopped!

    I just have to ask--what was her suggestion for dropping the back fat in 3 weeks?? Does she have a new video--"Back Fat for Dummies" or "Backfatless in 3"???? Just curious!!!!}(
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    Evening Snack

    I remember reading at that if you snack before bed, it shouldn't be anything high-glycemic, like sweets or starch. I think that they recommended fibrous vegetables, like broccoli or carrots, b/c they will cause your metabolism to stay "UP" during the night. It was...
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    Can a married woman and a single man be just friends?

    I'm married and I have lots of good guy friends. Most of them are friends of mine and my husband's. He doesn't mind at all if I hang out with them alone--which only happens if DH can't go for some reason. But, I think that it's individualized to the person b/c some women have trouble just...
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    Movies for Halloween..

    I LOVE scary movies--so I have to list mine!!! 1)The Exorcist (no question about it!) 2)The Lost Boys (not all that scary, but one of my favs) 3)Fright Night 1 & 2 4)Friday the 13th series 5)Nightmare on Elm Street series 6)Halloween Series 7)Signs (actually scared me) 8)Silver Bullet...
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    The health nut verses the couch potatoe

    I would like to chime in on this as well b/c I am facing the EXACT SAME situation!! DH and I just celebrated our third anniversary less than a month ago and I have to admit that he's definitely looking unhealthy these days. As someone mentioned before--THE BELLY. I get frustrated, too b/c I...
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    A Chili's Crisis of Epic Proportions

    I just wanted to say that I sent them an email and got the exact same response as Kepi, as I'm sure that most of you did too. It must be a standardized response--what a shock!!!
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    A Chili's Crisis of Epic Proportions

    A-Jock: I just want you to know that I'm very disappointed to read your email. I don't go to Chili's all that often, but when I do, the only thing on their menu that I can/will eat are those quesadillas!! A few years ago, one of my former favorite restaurants, Tia's, took the spinach...
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    Hardcore for Christmas!!!

    Guess what???? I couldn't decide whether or not to preorder the hardcore series b/c DH and I have been on a tight budget lately (priorities stink:7 ) My mother was asking me what I wanted for Christmas the other day and I told her about the series------and she ordered it for me!!!!!!! I'm...
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    Ladies.... please read! SCARY!

    I'm glad to hear that A-Jock!!! I've always been really careful when drinking in public but I just wanted to share this with all of the ladies just in case it was for real. Thanks so much for clarifying!!