Movies for Halloween..



I am sure we did this last year and every year before that BUT.....
what do you all have as far as favorite movies/shows to watch during this time of year?
A few off the top of my head....
1. The Exorcist -- this movie scares the hell out of me even now..
2. The Shining
3. Twilight Zone...the movie and the original TV show
4. Young Frankenstein
5. The Outer Limits --another strange TV show
6. The X-Files reruns
7. Close Encounters

These are just a few.....I am not into gore as you can see but I am sure I missed quite a few. Please share with us your faves....
T. :)
My favorites this year are
1- The Exorcists
2- Amytiville Horror
3- Nightmare on Elm Street
4- Scariest places on earth
5- MTV's Fear.....Before they cancelled :(
Fun Thread!!

1. The Excorcist
2. The Changeling
3. Carrie
4. Silence Of The Lambs
5. Friday The 13th The Series

I can go on and on!!

For me it most definitely was THE RING!! That freaky movie kept me awake for an entire week; kept thinking she was going to come out of the tv any minute!! Kathy:D
LOL- That is hilarious. I saw the movie, too. I made my DH lay in the bed with me until I fell asleep for a week! Everytime I see the tv getting fussy, I freak out. Not too much now that the movie is disappearing from my head. I would not watch it again! NO WAY. That movie in my opinion is up there with the Exorcist!
My faves are already listed but they are definitely worth watching if you haven't seen them yet.

Alien & Aliens - who knew silence could be so disturbing!
The Changelling - such a good (no gore) scary movie!
I haven't seen this one in year but it really got me when I watched it years ago -The Reincarnation of Audrey Rose - Mommy! Daddy! Mommy! Daddy! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot! Hot!, ewwwwww, still gets me.

Take Care
Yeah, we did this last year, but I don't mind it again, it's fun!

1. Exorcist (I stayed up all night long when I was 12 after I saw this movie I was soo scared!)
2. The Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2003 version (this movie distrubed me big time when they showed what is supposed to be actual police footage of the real event)
3. 13 Ghosts (There's something about the unseen that is not ok with me!)

Those are my top 3 scariest movies that I can think of right now. But I do Love Aliens!!

I'm a big scary movie fan. I watch at least 1 scary movie daily.

1) Gothica. This is the first movie that has really scared me in a long time.
2) The Halloween series. The newest one is really good. It is not real scary, but is just a pretty good movie.
3) The Omen series.
4) The Nightmare on Elm Street series.
5) The Scream Trilogy.
6) I Know What You Did Last Summer and I Still Know What You Did Last Summer.
7) The Alien Series.

And I know there are many many more. AMC will be showing scary movies starting this Sunday, I think, for like 10 days. They are beginning with The Omen series. My t.v. will probably stay on this station 24 hours a day.
This might sound stupid but the last movie that made me tense when I heard certain clicks was "Signs". I think its b/c everything is left to your imagination. You don't really see whats happening. I wasn't scared at all until that night I heard the clicks from something outside. Then I realized it got me. I can't wait to see "The Village". Its hard for me to get scared b/c I know its all fake.
Alien and Aliens use to scare me when I was little. Now I realize its the music that makes it tense.
>For me it most definitely was THE RING!! That freaky movie
>kept me awake for an entire week; kept thinking she was going
>to come out of the tv any minute!! Kathy:D

The Ring was VERY scary!! I won't ever watch that again because of it's freakiness LOL!!!

I LOVE scary movies--so I have to list mine!!!
1)The Exorcist (no question about it!)
2)The Lost Boys (not all that scary, but one of my favs)
3)Fright Night 1 & 2
4)Friday the 13th series
5)Nightmare on Elm Street series
6)Halloween Series
7)Signs (actually scared me)
8)Silver Bullet
10)Interview w/A Vampire (not really scary either, but great movie)
I can't wait to go see The Grudge on Friday night!!! It's supposed to be scaaaaarrrrrryyyyyy!
the Ring and Ringu (the original Japanese movie)
House on Haunted Hill
13 Ghosts (anything by dark castle productions just rocks!)
Resident Evil (not necessarily scary...but halloween is sometimes about the gore factor)
Blade and Blade 2 (gotta love the vampires! stephen dorph is an awesome bad guy!)

and uh, yeah, i'm sure i have a lot more, but those sprang to my mind first.
I just got myself a copy of Sleepy Hollow (the Tim Burton version starring Johnny Depp) to watch this year and in the years to come. It's not really scary but it sure puts me in a "Halloween mood"! :)
I like the classics (Halloween, The Exorcist, the Alien movies, A Nightmare on Elm Street, etc.), but a recent movie that scared the bejiggers out of me was "The Ring." That herky-jerky dead girl coming out of the well, then out the T.V. at the end gave me goosebumps up my back to the top of my head.

Another good creepy movie is "Freaks," which stars actual circus freaks (pardon the lack of political correctness!).

Also, one of the three episodes of the 1970's movie "Trilogy of Terror" with Karen Black. The one with the doll that comes to life and carries around a knife, going "dugga dugga dugga dugga dugga" in a creepy voice trying to cut her under the bathroom door. Something about dolls coming to life is very scary to me.
Ashley mentioned a GREAT one - especially for you ladies who would like to see a hot villain - Fright Night. Chris Sarandon (Susan Sarandon's old husband) plays the vampire (he's the police chief in Chucky and the prince in Princess Bride) and he is so HOT! Sometimes I rewind and rewind certain scenes just to watch him (like in the dance club and when he's seducing the women) - give it a view and enjoy!!

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