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  1. marnapril

    Foods you wish you'd never tried

    cool ranch doritos.
  2. marnapril

    shin splints

    yes definitely the shoes. in addition to doing proper warmups and stretching (and giving the body adequate time to adjust to running especially if sedentary) you really need real running shoes, which have shock absorbsion and proper support. especially if this person is overweight. your feet and...
  3. marnapril

    Foods you wish you'd never tried

    great thread! see's chocolate truffles. my downfall.
  4. marnapril

    Early Morning Exercisers!!

    it gets easier. give your body time to adjust. make sure you are staying hydrated throughout the day. i find when i am getting tired in the afternoons it's usually because i need water. also, you may need to go to bed earlier. i LOVE my early morning runs and workouts, we are kicking butt while...
  5. marnapril

    I accidentally killed a baby bunny gardening today

    sorry this happened govtgirl.. make a donation to world wildlife fund! (sorry, i'm a professional fundraiser, i can't help but remind folks that donating to charity is one of the most selfless and helpful things you can do)
  6. marnapril

    Very interesting article on folic acid

    foods fortified with folic acid have also been linked to increase in colo-rectal cancer.. Dr. Kim has been writing about this since 2007:
  7. marnapril

    Airlines to charge obese customers extra

    OMG!!! she actually asked your mom to get her burger out for her?? :(
  8. marnapril

    looking for calorie count site

    i also like because i can sync it with an app on my phone..
  9. marnapril

    Brazilian Bikini Workout

    i can't imagine it can come close to plyo legs lol
  10. marnapril

    Feeling Guilty

    one day out of a lifetime is not going to ruin your fitness! heck, a few days out of a lifetime won't ruin your fitness. besides, life is too short not to eat chocolate. and at least the ice cream was WW ;-)
  11. marnapril

    Alcohol and protein?

    sounds like a bug in the program. why would red be 0 and white be +.15 but rose is negative? unless it's related to the sugar (carbs) content -- does rose have higher sugar content that others?
  12. marnapril

    Humor me about cardio...please

    the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn during resting state. it takes more calories to support muscle than fat. plus muscles are sexy :)
  13. marnapril


    hahaha funny and true.
  14. marnapril


    this is ME! i am a runner too, and i run about 5 days/week and do STS 3 days/week. some days i run twice, once before work and once during lunch with a coworker. i workout a lot. i eat 1800 calories a day and log everything. my body will not go below 125 lbs and i fluctuate between 125-133. it's...
  15. marnapril

    Need some Catheite input here, please!

    do you have a job? a life? lol j/k i think it's obvious that you should not go below 1800 calories and could probably benefit from 2000. especially with so much cardio. it's not that hard to understand: your body needs calories to move, think, breathe, walk, replenish blood cells, grow...
  16. marnapril

    STS legs question

    wow your schedule IS impressive! i run 4-5 days/week so doing STS legs twice a week would kill me i think lol.. my hard working legs love the rest when i do upper body!
  17. marnapril

    Bubble Butt

    lol bubble butt :) squats, lunges, dead lifts, leg presses.
  18. marnapril

    Lean legs for the summer

    it may just be your genetics. i'm a runner and weightlifter (heavy weights) and my legs/thigs are big and musclar. i only weigh 125 lbs and i'm thin except for my big muscular legs. it's just the way i am. look at cathe's crew on her videos.. everyone is fit and in amazing shape but they all...
  19. marnapril

    food/eating and work environment

    i just want to mention that today, right around the corner from my cubicle, is sliced baguettes with salami and cheeses and hershey's miniatures, leftover from a meeting this morning. my willpower is being tested big time!
  20. marnapril

    STS legs question

    out of curiousity, why are you doing legs twice a week? are you also doing cardio? (bumping!)