I've been doing the Daily Plate for a little over a week now (lost 3 lbs!!!!) and I am really liking it. I was logging everything I eat, but now that I can watch the calorie totals it helps tremendously. 1 Easter jelly bean doesn't make a difference, but 1 14 times sure does!!!!! I know its the little nibblies and munchies that are killing me, so this is really helping me keep it in check. I purposely made room on Sat for my Sat evening wine and horror movie with DH. When I put in my wine, it gave me a negative 1 protein for each glass. We split a bottle, so if you go by serving size, it comes to about 3 servings each. I'm still fine on the protein intake, if not high for what they want (which seems low, btw) but I am just curious as to why. What is the wine doing to the protein? Does the alcohol eat it up? I also put in beer and champagne, but they didn't change anything. I tried red wine, and it gave me 0 protein (no surprise) and white which added about .15. We were drinking a Spanish Rose, so I just went with a generic Rose table wine, bc the one we were drinking wasn't in there. But bc the other alcohol didn't change the protein, I am perplexed. Whisky, rum, and vodka aren't giving me negative numbers, either. Seems only the Rose wine is stealing my protein.