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  1. story1267

    Starting STS and Loooking for buddies??? Pls join us

    Hi everyone! Taking an unintentional rest day due to a scheduling snafu and really poor sleep last night so I thought I'd pop in here and add my perspective to Nathalie's. And yes, I am SO boarding the XTrain! It looks like a blast! I'm doing the 6+ month STS rotation. I've never done...
  2. story1267

    Starting STS and Loooking for buddies??? Pls join us

    I just started Meso 2 this week. Struggling to keep on target with the does get interesting! :eek: But this is the longest I've kept with any rotation so I'm feeling pretty proud. And strong! One thing I love to do is go back to the "Master Check-In" and read along since...
  3. story1267

    For those using green drinks/powdered veggies/fruits, which brand would you reco

    I use Amazing Grass Chocolate Green Superfood. It tastes ridiculously good. Like it can't possibly be good FOR you. Chocolate Green SuperFood - 30 servings | Amazing Grass - Organic Green SuperFoods
  4. story1267

    Healthy Butter isn't butter per se...but I really like Earth Balance "natural buttery spread". It's vegan, and I think they even have an organic version. No terrifying chemical names. And...most tastes good!
  5. story1267

    I'm still here!

    Huge hugs to both of you, Pam and Clare. I've been there too, and felt that feeling that leaving would pull every blood vessel and nerve from my body....slowly. But I had to leave...and I did. When you know in your heart that the hard thing is the best thing you can take comfort in that...
  6. story1267


    I workout on a wood floor but I don't think you'd have any issue at all slipping on carpet. The bottoms are made out of this material that has little micro slashes in it. They aren't slippery to begin with and the micro slashes would help with grippiness. Have you been to their website...
  7. story1267


    I do! I have a pair of KSOs and I use them for all of my workouts - weights, step, all those "she's trying to kill me" high intensity workouts. I LOVE them. I have wonky knees and I find I have less knee pain than when I used to wear standard shoes...I think the padding and the structure...
  8. story1267

    Prayers for Kitty

    I will pray for a quick recovery for your sweetie. The Kitty Kollective - 5 here - including 2 super-lovey former barn cats - also send their best wishes.
  9. story1267

    Need New High Impact Aerobic Shoes!

    I wear my Vibram 5 fingers for all my workouts - STS, step, crazy HiiT name it. I love them and don't see myself ever returning to traditional shoes. Of course, every body is different and YMMV. But....I like them because they do encourage the use and strengthening of all the...
  10. story1267

    Turbo Tower/STS Push Pull Tower

    Regarding tubing... I have the tubes with handles to sub for a pullup bar in STS. The tubes come with a little sleeve. Attached to the sleeve is a small object sewn into the sleeve. So...what you do is place the object on the inside of the door ib the hinge side with the tubing on the...
  11. story1267

    I'm Bored With Food

    If you're gadget-y you might consider a small splurge on a new kitchen gadget. Thinking of how to use it might spark some creativity. I love me some kitchen gadgets and just got a pressure cooker. I've never, ever used one but wanted to give it a try.
  12. story1267

    Deal of the Day?

    Thanks to you both for your replies. I think I will save my pennies for Cathe's vest and use the 15% off. I've seen a few vests in my roaming - and I include Marshall's and TJMaxx - but never Cathe's. The ones I do see all look really bulky and just weird. Thanks again! Suzanne
  13. story1267

    Deal of the Day?

    Speaking of deals of the day..... ....I hate to start a whole new thread since this is related to Deals of the Day..... Does equipment ever appear? I'd love a weighted vest but every time I've checked DoD it's been for DVD's and never equipment. I don't know if they ever do equipment so I...
  14. story1267

    Giving Blood and Exercising

    Elsie, that sounds like a great idea. I donated last week and was also told to wait 24 hours. I think your plan is a good one. I think I'd wait to do anything super intense for maybe 3 days. Moderate intensity should be fine. My person also recommended to start really hydrating a full...
  15. story1267

    Recovery week set

    +1 on the foam roller. I think someone else asked for the same thing a while back.... I think that given the pure torture that foam rollers can we all KNOW the kind of hurt that Cathe can produce......match made in heaven! Or somewhere! :eek: When you say you...
  16. story1267

    Cardio Question

    I'm in Meso 1 of STS myself and what I've learned so far is to plan a day OFF after legs...LOL! Holy smokes the DOMS are serious business! I also get a good cardio factor on leg days so there's that. I'd say, do any cardio you feel like, but I personally wouldn't max out the effort. I'd...
  17. story1267

    Do i need STS???

    One little tip if you haven't purchased a barbell yet... Take it from me because I love to use my barbell but it causes frustration that could have been avoided if I had known then what I know now.... Consider the space you are using for your workouts. Consider how strong you are and just...
  18. story1267

    Vintage Cathe

    This is terrific! I especially enjoy that gentleman in the back....bless him he is just hoppin and boppin right along. :D
  19. story1267


    Hi may be all set with your program but I wanted to stop in for anyone else who may be wondering..... I decided to invest $9.95 and see if Tom Venuto's program was worth the monthly fee. My review? Meh. It isn't intuitive to use, there's no mobile app portion, and I don't see...
  20. story1267


    I thought I'd weigh in here since I have used the nutrition program...and I think the silence from other Cathletes is telling. I paid for a trial period and found the program just frustrating. The "grades" are good on one hand but I find the depth of detail adds to my own OCD issues and it...