Search results

  1. Becky L

    Order Your 2010 Cathe Calendar

    I too would like to know the size of the pictures. Also, will there be any "inside looks" and info. about the crew or Cathe trivia like years 2007 & 2008, or will it be more like the 2009 with STS (or Shock Cardio) and fitness facts? Thanks! Becky
  2. Becky L

    Tower and the Firm barbell

    I have the Firm barbell and it fits fine on the Tower. I currently have it loaded at 35 pounds. I even use it to store my barbell off the floor when I'm not using it. I'm wondering if the Firm barbells are all the same? I bought my barbell from the Firm back in 1997 or so. I remember way back...
  3. Becky L

    Fluidity Bar?? Anyone

    I've had the Fluidity bar and DVDs for over a year now and without a doubt, it is my number one favorite piece of fitness equipment. And I have tons. (Bosu, treadmill, spinning bike, step, high step, Cathe's Tower, Malibu Pilates Chair, Supreme Pilates etc.) The DVDs are not bad. My favorites...
  4. Becky L

    power tower trouble

    I got my tower yesterday and immediately put it together. I definitely suggest putting it together in the room you want it in, as it won't fit through doorways once together. Anyway, I love it! I already did a few chinups and put my Firm barbell on the clips. It's so great to have...
  5. Becky L

    My Happy News :)

    Oh Gin that is wonderful news! You have been in my thoughts and prayers often. Blessing to you, Becky
  6. Becky L

    CCPP results!

    Carola, your post touched both me and Mike. Thank you so much for your positive energy. :) I will keep your friend Michelle in my prayers. BTW, how in the world did you survive in 98 degrees? I know I would have passed out. You are one strong lady! Christine, those rollers... wow! I'm...
  7. Becky L

    CCPP results!

    Way to go ladies!! It was absolutely gorgeous outside this morning. I too didn't seem to have any energy this morning, but once I got started, the motivation from Jim and Sean kicked in. Doesn't it every time? :) Nan, just like you I tacked on Volume 8 challenge 2. I used the instrumental...
  8. Becky L

    Will there be a "Low Max 2-ish" w/o?

    I "third" the idea. :) Low Max is one of my faves! Becky
  9. Becky L

    CCPP Saturday, 8/29!!!

    I'm in! I love Press Play Saturday! :D Shannon, I'm so sorry for your injury. I'll be thinking of you during the workout. I can't wait to feel everyone's energy out there. You all rock! Time to let the rocket out of the shoot. :p Becky
  10. Becky L

    Anyone else order Physique 57?

    I just received mine today. I was all geared up to do the 57 minute one, but decided (thankfully) to do the 30 minute express one first. Holy cow, it was tough! My legs were shaking and the lactic acid burn in my butt and thighs was burning. I'm now a little afraid of the long one. :eek...
  11. Becky L

    Can someone help me get started w Cardio Coach

    I just had to chime in here and agree with Michele. You might as well get all of them because you are going to LOVE them. :) I've done a few on a spinning bike but for the most part I use them exclusively running outside. But above all... Press Play is the number one best! I have never...
  12. Becky L

    FREE Christi Taylor workouts online

    I'm confused too. They all say "Buy this DVD". And what is the Freedom Broadcasting Network? I tried to Google it but couldn't find any information. Christi Taylor has been around for a long time, at least 20 years I believe. I personally love nearly everything she puts out. If you love...
  13. Becky L

    I broke my band...

    How funny, I broke mine doing the exact exercise too! Becky
  14. Becky L

    Going to first new post

    Ok, so I decided to mess around with it myself and see what I could figure out. So I went to User CP, clicked on Settings & Options, then Edit Options. From there I clicked Thread Display Options, then Thread Display Mode. I clicked "Linear-Newest First" from the drop down list. Ha Ha...
  15. Becky L

    Going to first new post

    So are you all saying it works for you? LOL! :rolleyes: Figures. Is there anyone is doesn't work for? I'm always logged in on Cathe's site, so I don't think it could be that. Weird. Becky
  16. Becky L

    Going to first new post

    I hope this doesn't sound too dumb... I can never go to the first new post when returning to a thread that I'm interested in. I hit the little arrow that says "Go to first new post" but it always sends me to the very first post. I always end up having to go to the last page and then...
  17. Becky L

    So where are YOU located? :)

    Hi Geomom and Lisa. I live in Colorado too! Brighton is about 20 miles north of Denver. Cool. :cool: Becky
  18. Becky L

    CCPP Saturday RESULTS!

    Michele, that drive sounded awful. :( I hope you're doing better by now. It's Monday and I've been thinking about you and sending you extra energy for your workout. :) BTW Gayle, you crack me up! :D :D Becky
  19. Becky L

    CCPP Saturday RESULTS!

    Hi my friends! Way to go all of you! Press Play is just the greatest. I just finished and did it outside too. It was a gorgeous day and I just did my personal best Press Play yet. I used my Nike+ and did 9.5 miles in 1 hour 27 minutes. (Thanks to Carola's bonus suggestion :eek:) I didn't...
  20. Becky L

    CCPP Saturday

    Hey Carola, I think challenge 2 of volume 8 is perfect! I just listened to it and it's very motivating and I love that the challenges are a Level 3 rather than specified sprints or hills (as I love hills more), so it's kind of like "choose your own". Good one! :) Becky