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  1. J

    STS Tower Update - We're Finished!

    Great!!! Mine isn't coming untili Friday...but I'm in Arizona.
  2. J

    STS Tower Update - We're Finished!

    I know, me too! When I tried to track my order here from Cathe's site with my phone number, i got absolutely yea, I think they are probably still updating their system.
  3. J

    STS Tower Update - We're Finished!

    I ordered April 20, my order number is 43830. I wouldn't panic, e-mail go off into a black void sometimes and their systsem may not completely updated with all the orders sent out yet.
  4. J

    STS Tower Shipping Update

    I got my UPS shipping notice yesterday afternoon-you guys rock, thank you so much for all your hard work!!! :eek:
  5. J

    Tower shipment notice?

    I got mine yesterday afternoon.
  6. J

    YEA!!! Towers arrived!

    I got my shipping notice already--they are ON IT!!!! :eek: Thank you SNM crew!!
  7. J

    few STS questions-Biceps, steps, and what next?

    If there's any way you can afford it, get an actual Step. I used to have that transfirmer thing too and I couldn't believe the difference when I finally invested in a real Step...the tread, the cusion, it really does make big difference when you are jumping on and off it like that. The...
  8. J

    Old Cathe workouts after STS--my 2nd shock!

    This is happening to me as well. I think it's because the whole design of STS is so unique, we can't really compare what were lifting in STS to what we will lift in any other workouts.
  9. J

    Another question for vegetarians

    I have at least 1/4 c. of egg beaters every morning (sometimes 1/2 c. depending on what else I'm eating). I need protein every morning or I'm no good. One of my favorite morning snacks is a tbspn. of organic PB on a slice whole wheat toast. There's also protein bars/shakes and as you already...
  10. J

    What is the saddest movie you've ever seen

    I cry from start to finish every single time I watch The Color Purple.
  11. J

    STS Tower Shipping Date

    WOO HOO!!!!! AWESOME!!!!!!! :eek: I'm not excited or anything. :p
  12. J

    True Blood Season 3: New Theme Song!!!

    It's a great song but these are scenes/characters from the current season, 2. I work for Warner Bros. which owns HBO and they haven't started filming season 3 yet.
  13. J

    WW online

    I did WW online last year for awhile. I forget what my points allotment was...but one day I was curious and added up the calories and yea, it was only 1200! No wonder I was losing weight!! And I did lose some weight but then I stalled out, probably because I wasn't eating enough. I know some...
  14. J

    So Frustrated!!

    Losing weight because you are too stressed to eat is NOT healthy...or permanent. I know because it happened to me when my boyfriend died 10 years ago. I lost about 20 lbs in 6 weeks.....not good and trust me when I tell you--NO FUN. Why would you be jealous of that?? And feel "defeated"? I...
  15. J

    If you've lost weight doing STS...

    I'm a little over 5'3" and I weigh 129-131. I was shooting for 125 but my body seems "set" at 130 so I'll take it. I'm not going to continue to wage war with my body over a few more pounds at this point :cool: I lost 13 lbs doing STS. I tracked everything I ate at thedailyplate, keeping between...
  16. J

    Bar Bell

    I've bought additional plates at my local Play It Again Sports store. Used plates work just as well as new ones! ;)
  17. J

    Will there be a "Low Max 2-ish" w/o?

    I would also love to see a Low Max 2! :eek:
  18. J

    STS ? about double wave loading

    I do that as well. Also, if I can't hit the exact target weight because it's an odd number, I'll round up to the next number I can hit and see if that works for me.
  19. J

    I just started STS and I'm already exhausted! Help!

    Definitely make some weight adjustments. I'm almost through my 2nd round of STS and I've made weight adjustments (some up, some down) to every single workout, I think.
  20. J

    Hey Cathe...what is your favorite step workout?

    How about a Classics Volume 2?? :eek: