Old Cathe workouts after STS--my 2nd shock!


I'm starting my first week after completing the 6 month STS rotation. I pulled out the CTX series to "ease" myself back into a new rotation. I thought it was going to be a walk in the park after finishing STS. I was started the chest workout with the same weights I used the last time I did it, which would have been at least 6 mths ago, and I thought i would try and see how easy it would be and about how much i'd need to add to make it a challenge. After all, this was just 30 pounds, and I just got done on Meso 3 bench pressing 70!

Fooled myself--i barely finished as is, and my arms are trembling typing this message. I'm actually very pleased with this, because I know I made gains with STS, but now I know that I have more "shock" coming my way when I get back to the old Cathe weight workouts! I was actually worried they'd all be too easy for me now, but they will be fresh and new and a shock to my muscles again.

Anyone else experience the same, or have you had to increase your weights you had noted for old Cathe workouts?
me too!

I did BM2 after a 3.5 month rotation, thinking no way would I do the whole thing with 5's and 15's. I started out heavier with everything, and ended up right back at 5's and 15's, and it was hard! I'm in a 6-month STS rotation now, and am looking forward to all the other videos to see just how hard they still are. :)
I did BM2 after a 3.5 month rotation, thinking no way would I do the whole thing with 5's and 15's. I started out heavier with everything, and ended up right back at 5's and 15's, and it was hard! I'm in a 6-month STS rotation now, and am looking forward to all the other videos to see just how hard they still are. :)

Nice to see I'm not the only one:) I did some older DVDs thinking "easy!" NOT! At first I was upset, but seeing these replies, I'm not. Thanks eveyone!
Same experience here - the gym styles were killer! Especially after the longer rest periods I was used to in STS. It seems in gym styles that the rest is even shorter than in Meso1. I was super sore after these and saw results again after a plateau for while using them. STS is great for making the old - new again!
This is happening to me as well. I think it's because the whole design of STS is so unique, we can't really compare what were lifting in STS to what we will lift in any other workouts.

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