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  1. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 10/11

    Hi Maniacs It's a quiet SAturday around here. Diana Sue, I did Rumble today too! It's a Short one, I don't have the bag so I skipped that part. I haven't done kickBoxing in a while, so then I pulled out Turbo Jam Cardio Party 2 and did 40 minutes of that. Was a fun workout for a Saturday...
  2. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Friday Oct 10

    Good Morning Maniacs! Hi All, I couldn't stand it and weighed myself, I'm 6 pounds down and doing the happy dance while I eat my eggwhite omelet. Calories yesterday were around 900 in, burned over that doing Cathe's LoMax 967 whoooohooo!. I forgot how tough that was! Great interval...
  3. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Thurs Oct 9

    Hi Maniacs. Yesterday, no workout, my legs were super DOMMY and I can't figure out if it was from Monday with Amy's Step PUmp, that I really didn't like, or from ASCII. Either way, there was no way I was working out when I had to manuever to even sit.?? Calories yesterday were 1165, with...
  4. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Tues Oct 7

    Hi Maniacs, Workouts have been: Mon: Amy's Step PUmp...not sure about this weight part, but I did thoroughly dig the step portion! I love Amy's step! 829 Calories in, 549 burned (deficit should be around 1500) 40%fat 40% protein 20% carbs (ikes...Southbeach will do that) Tues: Amy'...
  5. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs - Oct 5th

    Morning Maniacs, Debbie, I'm more in awe over your inner strength than outer today. And that's all I'm gonna say, everyone else has said the rest very well. Welcome shana banana! Great workouts everyone! Yesterday was our 3rd Anniversery and I'm safely up 10-15 pounds from our...
  6. amberwaves

    Hardcore Hottie Fitness Maniacs of the Universe Oct 2, 2008

    Hi Maniac Ladies! I'm in Ft. Lauderdale on business, what a su*ky gym they have here. It's still 80 some degrees though, very nice. I decided to get my out of town appointments done since I had two full weeks blocked out. This thread sure is getting a lot of attention! It all makes sense...
  7. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties for 10/1

    Hi Maniacs Just stopping by quickly, my trial was dismissed last Friday, that's right after 200 hours of billable time over the last few weeks...UGGGH! Debbie- Char- Teddygirl- WTH? I'm kinda laughing at the previous we haven't seen Debbie's workouts? LOL, I wish I had the time...
  8. amberwaves

    Monday Maniac Thread for 9/22 First day of Fall

    Suz...nope not played a bit, soo busy with work. I'm pretty sure it's Linda, anyway she plays piano too! Char, you run too?? you are amazing. That hike should be fun, I can never get my DH to do anything involving aerobic exercise..he will lift weights every day, but refuses to do anything...
  9. amberwaves

    Monday Maniac Thread for 9/22 First day of Fall

    Diane Sue- My high heart rate is 182...which is probably too high for a 42 year old and the median HR it logs it 155. I don't get out of breath though, so it must be ok! yes I am really loving Amy's III, so much so that it has gotton me really motivated to get it down this week. I swear the...
  10. amberwaves

    Monday Maniac Thread for 9/22 First day of Fall

    Good morning all! I'MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM back! I have had 3 days of Amy's ASCIII and am soo loving it I will probably do it again tonight. yesterday I finally made it to the fourth segment! Burned 730 calories yesterday, 650 the day before. Tonight is also going to be all pump extreme...
  11. amberwaves

    HArdcore Checkin Wednesday 9/17/08

    Hi Maniacs! Not much time these days but I did manage to work out every day this week: Mon: elliptical and stairmaster Tuesday: Amy's all pump extreme premix lower body This morning: Elliptical and Stairmaster-30minutes Foot is still hurting a little which is why the cardio is soo...
  12. amberwaves

    Ovarian Cancer

    Lori, Prayers to your cousin. I lost my mother to the battle 7 years ago, it was a long fight. My mother didn't have ovaries or a uterus for 5 years prior to her diagnosis. Figure that one out? As far as the gyn refuses to run CA-125's on me and I would consider us...
  13. amberwaves

    iPOD Users w/CC's

    Another option Hi Ladies, I had this problem too...would crack DH up when he was in my car and Sean's voice would come on right after Led Zeppelin! The fix is: If you right click on a song or CC section in your Music, Itunes library, it will give you a menu and on the top is "Get Info"...
  14. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Hottie Maniacs for 9/13

    Char, didn't mean to freak you out! but the ER has meds that may ease it, it's the vomiting part that is concerning because you see that when something screws with the spinal fluid or vascular system to the brain. Typically it's better when you lie flat though. Rest may work alone. Sorry...
  15. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Hottie Maniacs for 9/13

    Hi Maniacs! I took three days off to baby the foot, will try the elliptical here in a moment. Char, I have heard of that, my fear would be a spinal fluid leak, but gentle traction should not have caused it. Does lying flat ease the migraine? If it doesn't ease should really go to...
  16. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties

    Hurtin hardcore maniacs.. Heather...welcome! I have a stress fracture in my foot two and am now about 3 weeks out! You have to stop blaming yourself for your injury. Sh*T happens. I burned the heels it happened in, curse at the steps where it happened daily, but I don't blame myself. you...
  17. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniac Hotties

    Hi Maniacs I'm buried alive with work...may have to hire DD to come in and transcribe for me. Last night I did steady state on the elliptical with cardio coach 1, skipping to the cool down after 22 minutes. Foot is hurting and I think I need to take a break today. Char, can't believe...
  18. amberwaves

    Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Monday Sept 8

    Hi Maniacs Hi hardcores Today I did the freaking boring for 20 minutes, I didn't want to push it today with a cardiocoach, but I'm going to have to soon out pure boredom. I then jumped on the stairmaster and it hurt my foot, so that was it! 325 calories. I just hate...
  19. amberwaves

    Hardcore Hottie Maniacs for 9/4

    Hi Maniacs, Dr. Hottie said I have stress fracture, once I can wear a shoe, no impact for about 6-12 weeks. Looks like I'm not running the Komen this year, not doing Amy's ASCIII for awhile and likely will be stuck on my elliptical and stairmaster for a couple months. Hopefully that will...