Hey Maniacs! Just finished up
Full Squeeze adding on the
Pretzel and windmill butt thingys. The upper body in this one aggravates my upper back and neck. Might skip it next time and do more lower body with this one. Also, the abs in this one are killer for me, I have to take short rests

. I like this DVD but looks like I'll have to customize it a little to fit my needs. We did some bike riding over the weekend. Ride was a 17 miler with fun rolling hills and tons of big flat-ish rocks. I love getting beat up riding over rocks.
Suz- Rob was a baby robin that dh and I rescued. We kept putting him back in the nest and he kept getting kicked out and bees and ants started crawling all over him. He was just a few days hatched and still healthy so, we decided to take care of him.. We fed and took care of him for about 5 weeks and then set him free. He stayed around for about 3 weeks and then he started getting bullied by other birds and just disappeared one day.

The thing we learned about rescueing a wild bird, is that you can't teach them defensive skills and they need a family of birds to protect and teach them all that. Hopefully, he found some birds to hang with and he survived. He was pretty dependent on us and the last day we saw him, he came right in the house (which he did several times prior) and stood on the kitchen counter while dh cut up his berries. I knew that was not a good sign for a survival skill, although it was so cute. Also, he had no fear of dogs (another not-a-good-sign) and always landed on Carma's back. He loved Carma and she kind of thought he was her baby or something, lol.
Debbie- Congrats on passing the test! Great workout too!
Char- Have fun hiking! Are your leaves turning colors yet? Ours are getting really pretty up in the mountains.
Linda- Nice workout! What rotation is next for you?
Diane Sue- Nice workout! You are making me want CC #8 too! I still haven't done Push Play and I've had it forever!
Amber- We changed our minds and thought Rob was a boy again, lol. I think Suz gets a high HR too. My highest is about 174.
Ashumate- That hike sounds brutal! Nothing worse than getting blisters, darnit. Good thing you ran into someone with duct tape! Looks like you need to go boot shopping.
Pebblesus- Nice workout and great job on the DB rows!
Well, it's time to hit the shower and then eat.

Dh and I are still off work. Back tomorrow though. Later...